WVU Cristiano Ronaldo Discussion

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Speech of Tribute – Major Speech 2
For your second major speech you are to prepare and deliver a speech of tribute. A
speech of tribute publicly acknowledges the special characteristics and/or the major or long-term
accomplishments of an individual. Tribute speeches often honor far-reaching and highly
symbolic accomplishments, such as educational or professional accomplishments. Tribute
speeches also honor admirable qualities or characteristics about a person. For your speech, you
need to do the following:
❑ Choose a person that you admire, and conduct research to find out about their life, their
accomplishments, their qualities, etc.
❑ The goal of this assignment is to look outside of yourself and think about a person whom you
admire and who has influenced your life in a significant way. Therefore, this person
➢ Yourself
➢ A dog, cat, or other non-human being
➢ A character from a movie, a book, social media, etc.
❑ The person you choose can be living or deceased.
❑ The person you choose can also be someone you know or someone you do not know.
➢ Someone you know: a relative, a friend, a coach, a teacher, a spiritual leader, etc.
➢ Someone you do not know: a famous writer, a famous musician, a political
leader, a professional athlete, etc.
❑ You will need to identify several qualities and/or accomplishments of the person and explain
why it is you admire these things in this person, and how this person has influenced your life.
❑ Make sure your speech is well organized.
❑ Follow the speech outline template to help you organize your speech.
❑ Your main ideas should highlight the qualities and/or accomplishments of the person.
❑ Your supporting material should contain examples and information that serve to show how
this person exemplifies these qualities, or how they attained their accomplishments, as well as
why you admire them for these things.
❑ Cite sources where appropriate
❑ Your speech should be 5-6 minutes long.
❑ Speeches should be video recorded, uploaded to YouTube, and then submitted via
❑ Links to videos of speeches will be due on Blackboard by Wednesday, February 2 at noon.
❑ Speech Outlines will also be due on Wednesday, February 2 at noon.

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