Written Assignment

Company Overview –  The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.

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Conduct an Internet search for an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or give them a competitive advantage.  Once you have chosen an organization, this will be the organization you use throughout the course. 

Write a one-page organizational overview using APA (6th Edition) format.  The organizational overview should include:

A brief history


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The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  There should be at least one scholarly source listed on the reference page.  Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.  Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.  The body of the paper should be 1 page in length.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.

Cloud Computingorganization

Running head: [Shortened Title up to 50 Characters] 1

[Shortened Title up to 50 Characters] 4

[Title of Paper]

[Student Name]



[Instructor Name]


[The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format. Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery.]

Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.]

[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]

[The body of your paper uses a half-inch first line indent and is double-spaced. APA style provides for up to five heading levels, shown in the paragraphs that follow. Note that the word Introduction should not be used as an initial heading, as it’s assumed that your paper begins with an introduction.]

[Heading 1]

[The first two heading levels get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.]

[Heading 2]1

[To add a table of contents (TOC), apply the appropriate heading style to just the heading text at the start of a paragraph and it will show up in your TOC. To do this, select the text for your heading. Then, on the Home tab, in the Styles gallery, click the style you need.]

[Heading 3].

[Include a period at the end of a run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their own headings, where appropriate.]

[Heading 4].

[When using headings, don’t skip levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new paragraph for the subheading and its text.] (Last Name, Year)

[Heading 5].

[Like all sections of your paper, references start on their own page. The references page that follows is created using the Citations & Bibliography feature, available on the References tab. This feature includes a style option that formats your references for APA 6th Edition. You can also use this feature to add in-text citations that are linked to your source, such as those shown at the end of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. To customize a citation, right-click it and then click Edit Citation.] (Last Name, Year)

Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From – To.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.

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