Write a personal business code of ethics

Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge. You can work on a Touchstone anytime, but you must pass this unit’s assessments before you submit it. Once you’ve submitted a Touchstone, it will be graded and counted toward your final course score.

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Touchstone 4: Write a Personal Code of Ethics

OVERVIEW: In this assignment, you will write a personal code of ethics. In the code of ethics, you will state your professional goals and the ethics that guide you. This should be about 1-2 pages and at least 300-400 words..My personal is become a part of leadership in quality improvement with my current employer

ASSIGNMENT: Perhaps you’ve heard the quote, “If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything.” Your personal code of ethics is your own statement of what you stand for, establishing a set of principles that guide your decision making and behavior. It serves as a moral compass, helping you navigate challenging situations with integrity and purpose. Including a personal code of ethics in a job application package can demonstrate to potential employers a candidate’s commitment to ethical conduct and values alignment.

This assignment can help you during interviews and throughout your professional career, as you are more likely to make ethical decisions that align with your personal values, and it can help prepare you for interview responses.

It stands as a written document of what you believe in, what you are willing to devote your time and energy to, and what you value. In times of conflict and confusion, it can serve as a Touchstone for you to review, grounding you in your own personal code of ethics.

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Your personal code of ethics will include:

A personal ethical statement naming three values.

At least 3-4 sentences of support for each value statement.

At least 3-4 sentences aligning each value with your professional goals.

At least three references to academically appropriate articles with appropriate and correct APA citations and references.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review this tutorial for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert:

Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines.

For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review

Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI


  • A. Directions
  • Step 1: Prep Your Paper
  • 1. Identify three personal values, reflecting on your beliefs about what is most important in life to you. You want to answer this question to yourself: “What kind of world do I want to live in?” Describing how you want the world to be can lead you to what actions are required to attain it, and what values motivate those actions. Consider what principles guide your decision making and what you prioritize above all else. These will be the main ideas of your paper.
  • 2. Once you have a clear understanding of your values, compose a personal ethical statement. This will become the thesis statement for your paper. For example, if you believe in honesty, integrity, and compassion, you might write, “I value honesty and always strive to speak the truth, act with integrity, and show compassion to others.”

Step 2: Draft Your Paper

1. Write an introduction to your paper that includes the ethical statement you prepared in Step 1. The introduction should engage readers with a compelling hook and communicate the purpose of the statement. For example, if you are seeking a job in finance, you might engage readers with a vision of yourself in five years, working for an investment company that specializes in impact investing.

2. Write 3-4 sentences for each value you described in your ethical statement. Explain why the value is important to you. Be specific and use examples to support your position. You may also use academically appropriate articles to support your positions. (Academically appropriate usually means appearing in a peer-reviewed journal; you may also use non-peer-reviewed articles written by authorities and published in industry standard publications like The Wall Street Journal or The Economist.) For example, if you value honesty, you could cite a study that shows that trust in interpersonal relationships improves worker satisfaction and increases productivity. Use these sources to provide evidence and examples of how your value is important and beneficial. Make sure to properly cite your sources according to the APA citation style, usually with the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication in parentheses.


Studies show that organizations with lack of trust are less efficient and less profitable (Columbo & Fletcher, 2020).

3. After describing a value, write an additional 3-4 sentences about how your goals align with that value. As above, you may want to use sources for additional information or support. For example, if you value environmental sustainability, you may have a goal to work for a company with eco-friendly practices. You might cite a study that lists the financial companies with the best environmental ratings and name the top three as the ones where you most want to obtain a position.

4. Write a conclusion to your paper that summarizes your main ideas and ends the paper. In this paragraph, you might describe how your goals and values will help build the world you want to live in.

5. Finally, add the references to the articles you cited in the paper. Be sure to use APA format, usually in the format shown below. Make sure any URLs are correct and do not contain any unnecessary code.


Columbo, F. & Fletcher, J. (2020, March 5). The perils of dishonesty in business. Levinson Institute of Economics.


Step 3: Review and Revise Your Paper

Review your personal code of ethics to make sure it reflects your values and your professional goals, and that each point receives complete support and resources correctly referenced. The way these points are introduced and organized is up to you, but your paper should be at least 300-400 words, including:

An introduction that includes your ethical statement, which names three values that are important to you.

3-4 sentences describing why the first value is important to you.

3-4 sentences describing how your professional goals align with this value.

3-4 sentences describing why the second value is important to you.

3-4 sentences describing how your professional goals align with this value.

3-4 sentences describing why the third value is important to you.

3-4 sentences describing how your professional goals align with this value.

A conclusion recapping your main points.

Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

? Did you identify at least three values, each supported by 3-4 sentences of evidence and/or examples?
? Did you include an additional 3-4 sentences aligning the value with your professional goals?
? Did you include a compelling introduction and a conclusion?
? Did you provide at least three correct APA citations to support your work, and references at the end?
? Is your Touchstone at least 300-400 words long, and 1–2 pages?
? Did you review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the goals of the assignment?
? Did you review your Touchstone to ensure no grammar errors exist? You may also want to use any grammar check tools you have available.

B. Rubric

AdvancedProficientAcceptableNeeds ImprovementNonperformance


There are three values clearly identified with at least 3-4 sentences about each. (25%)At least three values are clearly identified and described with at least 3-4 sentences about each.At least three values are identified and described with at least 3-4 sentences about each.At least three values are identified with at least 2-4 sentences about each; some descriptions may be short and lack detail.Two or three values are identified with at least 1-4 sentences about each; one value is missing or hard to find, or some descriptions have fewer than 3 sentences, or both.At least two values are not identified or so little work is done that no credit can be given.

Professional Goals

Each value described is followed by 3-4 sentences aligning the value with professional goals. (25%)

Each value is followed by 3-4 sentences that identifies one or more professional goals and has a meaningful alignment with the value named.Each value is followed by 3-4 sentences that identifies one or more professional goals and has alignment with the value named.Each value is followed by 3-4 sentences that identifies one or more professional goals, but one or more may lack an alignment with the value identified.Two or three values are followed by 1-4 sentences that identify professional goals, but one value is not followed by the related goals, or some explanations are fewer than 3 sentences, or both.No sentences describing professional goals are present or so little work is done that no credit can be given.

Support, Examples, and Evidence

Main ideas are supported with evidence and examples, including external sources and concepts and terms from the tutorials. (30%)

The touchstone clearly and eloquently explains the main ideas with evidence and examples. Support integrates concepts and terms from the tutorials.The touchstone explains the main ideas with evidence and examples.The touchstone provides some explanation of the main ideas with evidence and/or examples. One or two ideas may be unclear or not well supported.The touchstone provides limited explanation of the main ideas with minimal or no evidence and/or examples.So little support is provided that no credit can be given.

APA References

References are given to appropriate sources in APA format. (10%)

There are at least 3 sources used to support the statement. All materials are academically appropriate and properly cited. The references are listed at the end in appropriate format.2 sources are used to support the statement. Materials are mostly academically appropriate. There may be a few errors in citation; at least one source is not academically appropriate. The references are listed at the end in appropriate format but may have a few errors.1 source is used to support the statement. Materials are not academically appropriate. References are provided but are not in APA format or have many errors and inconsistencies.No sources are used to support the statement, or materials are not academically appropriate and are not properly cited. References are not provided or are insufficient.No references are present or so little work is done that no credit can be given.


Submission follows conventions for standard written English and meets requirements. (10%)

There are almost no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization; all length and formatting requirements are met.There are minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that do not impede readability; length and formatting requirements are nearly met.There are frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that somewhat impede readability; length and formatting requirements are nearly met.There are consistent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that significantly impede readability; length and formatting requirements are not met.Submission does not meet the minimum threshold for points to be awarded.

Touchstone 4: Write a Personal Code of
OVERVIEW: In this assignment, you will write a personal code of ethics. In the
code of ethics, you will state your professional goals and the ethics that guide
you. This should be about 1-2 pages and at least 300-400 words..
My professional is to advance to leadership on the Quality team for MDPCP
ASSIGNMENT: Perhaps you’ve heard the quote, “If you don’t know what you
stand for, you’ll fall for anything.” Your personal code of ethics is your own
statement of what you stand for, establishing a set of principles that guide your
decision making and behavior. It serves as a moral compass, helping you
navigate challenging situations with integrity and purpose. Including a personal
code of ethics in a job application package can demonstrate to potential
employers a candidate’s commitment to ethical conduct and values alignment.
This assignment can help you during interviews and throughout your professional
career, as you are more likely to make ethical decisions that align with your
personal values, and it can help prepare you for interview responses.
It stands as a written document of what you believe in, what you are willing to
devote your time and energy to, and what you value. In times of conflict and
confusion, it can serve as a Touchstone for you to review, grounding you in your
own personal code of ethics.
Your personal code of ethics will include:
• A personal ethical statement naming three values.
• At least 3-4 sentences of support for each value statement.
• At least 3-4 sentences aligning each value with your professional
• At least three references to academically appropriate articles with
appropriate and correct APA citations and references.
In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly
written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a
Plagiarism Detected alert. Review this tutorial for more about plagiarism and the
Plagiarism Detected alert: Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines. For
guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and
Appropriate Use of AI.
A. Directions
Step 1: Prep Your Paper
1. Identify three personal values, reflecting on your beliefs about what is most
important in life to you. You want to answer this question to yourself: “What kind
of world do I want to live in?” Describing how you want the world to be can lead
you to what actions are required to attain it, and what values motivate those
actions. Consider what principles guide your decision making and what you
prioritize above all else. These will be the main ideas of your paper.
2. Once you have a clear understanding of your values, compose a personal
ethical statement. This will become the thesis statement for your paper. For
example, if you believe in honesty, integrity, and compassion, you might write, “I value
honesty and always strive to speak the truth, act with integrity, and show compassion
to others.”
Step 2: Draft Your Paper
1. Write an introduction to your paper that includes the ethical statement you
prepared in Step 1. The introduction should engage readers with a compelling
hook and communicate the purpose of the statement. For example, if you are
seeking a job in finance, you might engage readers with a vision of yourself in five
years, working for an investment company that specializes in impact investing.
2. Write 3-4 sentences for each value you described in your ethical statement.
Explain why the value is important to you. Be specific and use examples to
support your position. You may also use academically appropriate articles to
support your positions. (Academically appropriate usually means appearing in a
peer-reviewed journal; you may also use non-peer-reviewed articles written by
authorities and published in industry standard publications like The Wall Street
Journal or The Economist.) For example, if you value honesty, you could cite a study
that shows that trust in interpersonal relationships improves worker satisfaction and
increases productivity. Use these sources to provide evidence and examples of
how your value is important and beneficial. Make sure to properly cite your
sources according to the APA citation style, usually with the last name(s) of the
author(s) and the year of publication in parentheses.
Studies show that organizations with lack of trust are less efficient and
less profitable (Columbo & Fletcher, 2020).
3. After describing a value, write an additional 3-4 sentences about how your
goals align with that value. As above, you may want to use sources for additional
information or support. For example, if you value environmental sustainability, you
may have a goal to work for a company with eco-friendly practices. You might cite a
study that lists the financial companies with the best environmental ratings and name
the top three as the ones where you most want to obtain a position.
4. Write a conclusion to your paper that summarizes your main ideas and ends
the paper. In this paragraph, you might describe how your goals and values will
help build the world you want to live in.
5. Finally, add the references to the articles you cited in the paper. Be sure to use
APA format, usually in the format shown below. Make sure any URLs are correct
and do not contain any unnecessary code.
Columbo, F. & Fletcher, J. (2020, March 5). The perils of dishonesty in
business. Levinson Institute of Economics. http://levinsoninst.org/perils-ofdishonesty.html
Step 3: Review and Revise Your Paper
Review your personal code of ethics to make sure it reflects your values and your
professional goals, and that each point receives complete support and resources
correctly referenced. The way these points are introduced and organized is up to
you, but your paper should be at least 300-400 words, including:
1. An introduction that includes your ethical statement, which names three
values that are important to you.
2. 3-4 sentences describing why the first value is important to you.
3. 3-4 sentences describing how your professional goals align with this
4. 3-4 sentences describing why the second value is important to you.
5. 3-4 sentences describing how your professional goals align with this
6. 3-4 sentences describing why the third value is important to you.
7. 3-4 sentences describing how your professional goals align with this
8. A conclusion recapping your main points.
Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your
Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
❒ Did you identify at least three values, each supported by 3-4 sentences of
evidence and/or examples?
❒ Did you include an additional 3-4 sentences aligning the value with your
professional goals?
❒ Did you include a compelling introduction and a conclusion?
❒ Did you provide at least three correct APA citations to support your work, and
references at the end?
❒ Is your Touchstone at least 300-400 words long, and 1–2 pages?
❒ Did you review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the goals of the
❒ Did you review your Touchstone to ensure no grammar errors exist? You may
also want to use any grammar check tools you have available.
B. Rubric
There are three values
clearly identified with at
least 3-4 sentences about
each. (25%)
Professional Goals
Each value described is
followed by 3-4
sentences aligning the
value with professional
goals. (25%)
Support, Examples,
and Evidence
Main ideas are supported
with evidence and
examples, including
external sources and
concepts and terms from
the tutorials. (30%)
APA References
References are given to
appropriate sources in
APA format. (10%)
Submission follows
conventions for standard
written English and
meets requirements.
C. Requirements
At least three values are
clearly identified and
described with at least 3-4
sentences about each.
At least three values are identified
and described with at least 3-4
sentences about each.
At least three values are
identified with at least 2-4
sentences about each; som
descriptions may be short
lack detail.
Each value is followed by 3-4
sentences that identifies one
or more professional goals
and has a meaningful
alignment with the value
Each value is followed by 3-4
sentences that identifies one or
more professional goals and has
alignment with the value named.
Each value is followed by 3
sentences that identifies on
or more professional goals
one or more may lack an
alignment with the value
The touchstone clearly and
eloquently explains the main
ideas with evidence and
examples. Support integrates
concepts and terms from the
The touchstone explains the main
ideas with evidence and examples.
The touchstone provides so
explanation of the main ide
with evidence and/or
examples. One or two ideas
may be unclear or not well
There are at least 3 sources
used to support the
statement. All materials are
academically appropriate
and properly cited. The
references are listed at the
end in appropriate format.
2 sources are used to support the
statement. Materials are mostly
academically appropriate. There
may be a few errors in citation; at
least one source is not academically
appropriate. The references are
listed at the end in appropriate
format but may have a few errors.
1 source is used to support
statement. Materials are no
academically appropriate.
References are provided bu
are not in APA format or ha
many errors and
There are almost no errors
in grammar, punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization;
all length and formatting
requirements are met.
There are minor errors in grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and
capitalization that do not impede
readability; length and formatting
requirements are nearly met.
There are frequent errors i
grammar, punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization
that somewhat impede
readability; length and
formatting requirements a
nearly met.
The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:

Use a readable 11- or 12-point font and 1-inch margins.
Composition is double-spaced and uses indented paragraphs with no
additional lines of space between paragraphs.
References are single-spaced with a hanging indent and listed
alphabetically by the first letter of the entry.
Composition must be original and written for this assignment, and all
writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Submission must include your name and the date.
Include all of the assignment components in a single .doc or .docx file.

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