University of New Hampshire MATLAB Digital Image Processing Project

Looking forward to a patient and informative instructor using MATLAB for digital image processing. This is an assignment for beginners, so it doesn’t have any difficulty. The only test is how to use your own description to teach students who are using MATLAB for image analysis for the first time. There is one more extra task, “Please describe each of the three MATLAB procedures, which includes a text description and program code for experiments.” Please note! Make notes to explain the words that require “learn how to use…” in the assignment when you use these words for coding!!!

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Short Course on Digital image processing, summer 2018
Home Work 1
Use the MATLAB help menu to obtain documentation on ‘imadjust’,
‘imresize’ and ‘imcomplement’ functions to do this home work
Use the ‘help’ icon in MATLAB to learn how to use all other functions used
in this home work
1. Download two ultrasound images and two mammogram images from the ‘imaging
modalities’ provided in Lecture 1 slides . Once you download them use the MATLAB
function “imread” to read them into the matrices ‘im1,im2,im3,im4’ in MATLAB
e.g. im1 = imread(‘mamo.jpg’)
2. Use the ‘size’ MATLAB function to determine the size of your image. Both types of
images are black and white and two dimensional not three dimensional like color
images e.g. s = size(im1)
3. Learn how to use imadjust(f,[low_in,high_in],[low_out,high_out],gamma) to modify ultrasound
images from the web, use values of 0.45 and 2.2 for gamma and compare the resulting images
4. Use imadjust(f,[0,1],[1,0]) to invert a mammogram image and examine the result.
Or use imcomplement(f)
1. Learn how to use the Matlab function ‘mat2gray’ to scale image values to [0,1]
2. Learn how to use ‘im2uint8’ to convert the image to [0,255]
3. Take an aribitrary image from the web and convert it [0,1] and use
G = c*log(1+double(f)) 0

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