Program Description:
For this project, you will write a Java program that demonstrates exception handling. Your program will accept from the user ten numbers and place them in an array. The numbers in the array will be added together and the result displayed to the user. The program will compare the values for the first two elements in the array (only) and determine which number is larger and report that information on screen. Then divide the larger number by the smaller number and report the result of that calculation. The program must use exception handling to avoid division by zero errors or out of range errors, then present a friendly error message to the user. The program must then repeat (loop), prompting the user for new data entry. When the user enters 9999, the program must terminate on the next loop cycle, and this must be indicated in the program text (“Enter 9999 to exit.”)
Project Steps:
- Create a new project named “ExceptionHandler.” (Custom classes are not needed.)
- Write code to accept numbers entered by the user.
- Use error handling to ensure that only numbers are accepted.
- Write code to add all values in the array together and display the result to the user.
- Write code to compare the first two values in the array and report the results
- Write code to divide the larger number by the smaller number from the above comparison
- Use error handling to ensure that the program doesn’t crash if it attempts to divide a number by zero.
- Prompt the user for another set of ten numbers.
- If the user entered 9999 during data entry in the last loop cycle, terminate the program.
- Use exception handling to manage out of range exceptions (only numbers are entered)
- Use exception handling to manage division by zero exceptions (as noted)
- Use exception handling to manage by default any errors that don’t fall into the above categories.
- Using Catch blocks, display the cause of any exceptions to the user.
- Output instructions to the screen so that the user will know how to operate the program and what to expect.
- Use code comments to annotate your code, indicating what each line of code does as well as how it works.
- Make sure the program runs correctly before submission. (Your instructor is here to help!)
- Create an activity diagram that illustrates how your program works. Your diagram must include all the data items in your program.
- Formal UML is not required but may be used if preferred. (You may use any software for this, but it must be submitted in Microsoft Word.)
- ZIP your project folder and submit that and your Word document (containing the activity diagram) to the portal for grading.
This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided (see attachment).
Common Rubric Criteria for ITSD 322
Expectations: Student work at the undergraduate level is expected to focus on a broad overview of an academic discipline, along with—where appropriate— basic theoretical frameworks of professional practices and familiarity with discipline‐specific tools and their application. Blooms taxonomy levels only apply for IT content criteria.
Version 6.0 – October 20
DNS = Did Not Submit N/A = Not Applicable to Assignment
IT Content Criteria
IT Content Criteria
Exemplary (5)
Accomplished (4)
Proficient (3)
Partially Proficient (2)
Unacceptable (1)
Blooms Taxonomy Level
Software Analysis and Development
Programming Fundamentals for Development
Demonstrates complete understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design, problem solving, fundamental data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and event-driven programming. A comprehensive understanding of concepts and principles is shown by application of design and analysis concepts, methodologies and tools. The program works and meets all of the specifications exceptionally well. The code is remarkably well organized, modular, efficient and readable with appropriate comments.
Demonstrates sound understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design, problem solving, fundamental data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and event-driven programming. A thorough understanding of concepts and principles is shown by application of design and analysis concepts, methodologies and tools. The program works and meets all of the specifications. The code is effectively well organized, modular, efficient and readable with appropriate comments.
Demonstrates adequate understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design, problem solving, fundamental data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and event-driven programming. An adequate understanding of concepts and principles is shown by application of design and analysis concepts, methodologies and tools. The program works but only meets requirements, not all specifications. The code is adequately readable but not well commented, somewhat repetitive or unnecessarily long.
Demonstrates a superficial understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design, problem solving, fundamental data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and event-driven programming. Student does not demonstrate an adequate understanding of the principles of design and analysis. The program does not execute correctly and does not produce the required output, but it minimally meets some of the requirements. The code is difficult to read, repetitive, insufficiently commented, or unnecessarily long.
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design, problem solving, fundamental data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and event-driven programming. The program does not execute correctly and does not produce the required output, nor does it meet a satisfactory number of requirements. The code is difficult to read, repetitive, insufficiently commented, or unnecessarily long.
Common Assessment – Bachelor of Science – Information Technology
IT Content Criteria
Exemplary (5)
Accomplished (4)
Proficient (3)
Partially Proficient (2)
Unacceptable (1)
Blooms Taxonomy Level
Software Analysis and Development
Programming Fundamentals for Research
Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design and problem solving by delivering detailed explanations regarding the terms and concepts. Explanations involve differentiating and distinguishing between concepts such as data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and events.
Demonstrates thorough understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design and problem solving by delivering detailed explanations regarding the terms and concepts. Explanations involve differentiating and distinguishing between concepts such as data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and events.
Demonstrates adequate understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design and problem solving by delivering detailed explanations regarding the terms and concepts. Explanations involve comprehension of concepts such as data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and events.
Demonstrates a superficial understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design and problem solving. Explanations involve only the necessary identification or definitions of concepts such as data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles and events.
Does not demonstrate an acceptable understanding of programming concepts and principles such as algorithm design and problem solving. Unable to identify or define concepts such as data structures, programming constructs, object- oriented principles or events.
IT Content Criteria
Exemplary (5)
Accomplished (4)
Proficient (3)
Partially Proficient (2)
Unacceptable (1)
Blooms Taxonomy Level
Software Analysis and Development
Integrative Programming & Technologies
Demonstrates complete understanding of System integration and software architecture concepts and principles such as Software Security Practices, Scripting Techniques, Inter- systems communications, and programming languages. A comprehensive understanding of concepts and principles is shown by planning, applying and controlling the process of system integration concepts and methodologies, including testing each software components and combining them into a well integrated product. The system integration process is exceptionally demonstrated, very easy to identify and follow, and meets all of the specifications exceptionally well. The software architecture and integration process is flexible and remarkably efficient and well organized.
Demonstrates sound understanding of System integration and software architecture concepts and principles such as Software Security Practices, Scripting Techniques, Inter- systems communications, and programming languages. A thorough understanding of concepts and principles is shown by planning, applying and controlling the process of system integration concepts, and methodologies including testing each software components and combining them into an effectively integrated product. The system integration process is meticulously demonstrated, easy to identify and follow, and meets all of the specifications well. The software architecture and integration process is flexible and effectively efficient and well organized.
Demonstrates adequate understanding of System integration and software architecture concepts and principles such as Software Security Practices, Scripting Techniques, Inter-systems communications, and programming languages. An adequate understanding of concepts and principles is shown by planning, applying and controlling the process of system integration concepts and methodologies, including testing each software components and combining them into an effectively integrated product. The system integration process is sufficiently demonstrated, fairly easy to identify and follow, and satisfactorily meets all of the specifications. The software architecture and integration process is objectively flexible and effectively efficient and organized.
Demonstrates a superficial understanding of system integration and software architecture concepts and principles such as software security practices, scripting techniques, inter-systems communications, and programming languages. Student does not demonstrate an adequate understanding of concepts and principles through planning, applying and controlling the process of system integration concepts and methodologies including testing each software components and combining them into a fairly integrated product. The system integration process is insufficiently demonstrated, difficult to identify and follow, and minimally meets some of the requirements. The software architecture and integration process is neither flexible and efficient, nor is it organized.
Does not demonstrate an acceptable understanding of System integration and software architecture concepts and principles such as software security practices, scripting techniques, inter-systems communications, and programming languages. Student does not demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles through planning, applying and controlling the process of system integration concepts and methodologies, including testing each software components and combining them into an acceptably integrated product. The system integration process is not demonstrated, very difficult to identify and follow, and does not meet a satisfactory number of requirements, is neither flexible and efficient, nor is it organized.
General Education Criteria
General Education
Exemplary (5)
Accomplished (4)
Proficient (3)
Partially Proficient (2)
Unacceptable (1)
Create documents and/or deliver presentations in standard academic English that reflect mature, well-considered ideas, arguments, and information using appropriate media, methods, subjects, and technology.
Demonstrates language use that clearly and effectively communicates mature, well-considered ideas, arguments, and information.
Organization is clear.
Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable).
Audience, style, tone, and perspective are consistent and appropriate to assignment.
No errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Documents or presentations use appropriate media, methods, subjects, and technology.
Demonstrates language use that communicates mature, well-considered ideas, arguments, and information, with minor errors.
Organization is apparent and mostly clear.
Presentation and delivery are mostly confident and persuasive (where applicable).
Audience, style, tone, and perspective are mostly consistent and appropriate to assignment.
Minor errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Documents or presentations use mostly appropriate media, methods, subjects, and technology.
Demonstrates language use that generally communicates mature, well-considered ideas, arguments, and information, it sometimes impedes meaning.
Organization is lacking and sometimes unclear.
Presentation and delivery are developing, with some lack of confidence and persuasion (where applicable).
Audience, style, tone, and perspective are sometimes inconsistent or inappropriate to assignment.
Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure sometimes distract meaning or presentation.
Documents or presentations mostly use appropriate media, methods, subjects, and technology.
Demonstrates language use that often impedes the communication of mature, well-considered ideas, arguments, and information.
Organization is inadequate, confusing, and distracting.
Presentation and delivery are inadequate, lacking confidence and persuasion (where applicable).
Audience, style, tone and perspective are often inconsistent and inappropriate to assignment.
Frequent errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure often distract from meaning or presentation.
Documents and/or presentations often use inappropriate media, methods, subjects, and technology.
Demonstrates language use that does not clearly and effectively communicate mature, well-considered ideas, arguments, and information.
Organization is not apparent.
Presentation and delivery are unacceptable with little or no confidence and persuasion (where applicable).
Audience, style, tone, and perspective are inconsistent and inappropriate to assignment.
Frequent errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure often distract from meaning or presentation.
Documents or presentations use inappropriate media, methods, subjects, or technology.
General Education Criteria
Exemplary (5)
Accomplished (4)
Proficient (3)
Partially Proficient (2)
Unacceptable (1)
CRITICAL THINKING Synthesize different ideas, beliefs, perspectives, and approaches in the process of arriving at conclusions or solutions (includes ethical reasoning and awareness of cultural diversity).
Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary ability to integrate different ideas, beliefs, perspectives and approaches in the process of arriving at conclusions or solutions as required by the assignment (includes issues related to ethical questions)
Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary ability to proactively seek and incorporate multiple and diverse perspectives when working with one’s own and other cultures (as applicable).
Demonstrates clear ability to integrate different ideas, beliefs, perspectives and approaches in the process of arriving at conclusions or solutions as required by the assignment (includes issues related to ethical questions).
Demonstrates clear ability to seek and incorporate multiple and diverse perspectives when working with one’s own and other cultures (as applicable).
Demonstrates adequate or proficient ability to integrate, different ideas, beliefs, perspectives and approaches in the process of arriving at conclusions or solutions as required by the assignment (includes issues related to ethical questions).
Demonstrates adequate ability to seek (when instructed), and incorporate multiple and diverse perspectives when working with one’s own and other cultures (as applicable).
Demonstrates inadequate or partially proficient ability to integrate, different ideas, thoughts, perspectives and approaches in the process of arriving at conclusions or solutions as required by the assignment (includes issues related to ethical questions).
Demonstrates partially proficient ability to incorporate multiple and diverse perspectives when working with one’s own and other cultures (as applicable).
Demonstrates limited ability to integrate different ideas, thoughts, perspectives and approaches in the process of arriving at conclusions or solutions as required by the assignment (includes issues related to ethical questions).
Demonstrates limited ability to incorporate multiple and diverse perspectives when working with one’s own and other cultures (as applicable).
Apply a methodical research approach to gather evidence to assess problems, situations, and events.
Demonstrates a methodical research approach in gathering an outstanding selection of high-quality, credible, and relevant sources. Uses sources to develop sound evidence
Synthesizes evidence effectively to assess problems, situations, and events as required by the assignment.
Demonstrates a methodical research approach and clear ability for comprehensive selection and use of credible, relevant sources to develop evidence gathered through
Uses evidence to assess problems, situations, and events as required by the assignment.
Demonstrates a systematic research approach to adequately select and use credible or relevant sources to develop evidence
Uses evidence sufficiently to assess problems, situations, and events as required by the assignment.
Demonstrates an unreliable research approach and inadequate selection and use of sources to develop evidence
Misuses evidence to assess problems, situations, and events as required by the assignment
Demonstrates an illogical research approach and inadequate selection and use of sources to develop evidence
Fails to use evidence to effectively or appropriately assess problems, situations, and events as required by the assignment.