Tri County Technical College Solving word problems in Math Problems Paper

Need two topic write ups done for Algebra 101 class, have the topics and the requirements for the class just got bombarded at work today and will not be able to get to them before the deadline. Procrastination due to hospitalization issues this week, no excuse but still. Topics: Translating a sentence into a a multi step inequality or Union and intersection of intervals or Writing a compound inequality given a graph on the number line

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Terri Franks
September 1, 2019
Topic Write Up for Week 2
Linear Equations and inequalities
I researched these sources, ALEKS explanation and
To solve, take one thing at the time. Begin by subtracting 10 from each side. This leaves us with 3x and 3. Next step would be to divide both sides by -3 which would leave our answer as x=1. When solving,
always remember it is important to not forget to reverse the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing
with negative numbers.
A taxi charges a $1.75 flat rate in addition to $0.65 per mile. Katie has no more than $10 to spend on a

Write an inequality that represents Katie’s situation.

How many miles can Katie travel without exceeding her budget? Justify your answer.

Step 1: Highlight the important information in this problem.
Note: No more than are key words that note that this problem must be written as an inequality.
Step 2: Identify your variable. What don’t you know? The question verifies that you don’t know
the number of miles Katie can travel.
Let m = the number of miles
Step 3: Write the inequality.
0.65m + 1.75 < 10 Step 4 : Solve the inequality. • • • • 0.65m + 1.75 < 10 0.65m + 1.75 – 1.75 < 10- 1.75 Subtract 1.75 from both sides 0.65m < 8.25 0.65 0.65 Divide by 0.65 M < 12.69 Since this is a real life problem and taxi’s usually don’t charge by the mile, we can say that Katie can travel 12 miles or less before reaching her limit of $10. Topic Write Up Rubric Criteria Topic Sources Explanation Example Connections Math Vocabulary Grammar Novice Levels of Achievement Competent Proficient Points Earn = 0 Topic can NOT be found in the ALEKS pie. Points Earn = 1 Topic is similar to a topic in ALEKS but not exactly. Points Earn = 2 Topic can be found in the ALEKS pie. Points Earn = 0 No sources cited. Points Earn = 1 One source cited. Points Earn = 2 At least 2 sources cited. Points Earn = 0 Explanation was incorrect or missing. Points Earn = 3 Explanation was NOT clear, NOT concise or PARTIALLY correct. Points Earn = 5 Explanation was clear, concise and correct. Points Earn = 0 There was no example Points Earn = 1 Example was incorrect or missing steps. Points Earn = 2 Example was written correctly and all steps were listed. Points Earn = 0 No connection was stated. Points Earn = 1 Student stated a connection but does NOT clearly explained how this topic is used in the real world applications. Points Earn = 2 Student clearly explained how this topic is used in the real world applications. Points Earn = 1 Most Math vocabulary was used correctly. Layman's term are used instead of proper Math vocabulary. Points Earn = 2 ALL Math vocabulary was used correctly. Layman's term are used together with proper Math vocabulary. Points Earn = 1 Between 5 and 10 spelling and grammar mistakes. Points Earn = 2 Less than 5 spelling and grammar mistakes. Points Earn = 0 Math vocabulary was NOT used correctly. Points Earn = 0 More than 10 spelling and grammar mistakes. Topic Write Ups How does this affect my grade? Topic Write Up is a ongoing project that you should be working on all semester. It is worth 10% of your overall grade. Purpose The purposes of Topic Write Ups are to: o learn how to research topics in math and build a list of reliable websites that offer extra support - Sometimes the teacher, textbook or learning software will not explain topics in a way that you will understand and you will need to find outside sources that will help you understand. Topic write ups are your way to practice your research skills before you need to use them. Carefully citing your sources will help you get back to them, if you need them in the future. o dig deeper into a topic that you are struggling with - When you come across a difficult topic instead of giving up, you need to spend more time with that topic; looking at it from different perspectives. You need to read all you can about that topic from textbooks and websites then watch as many different videos about the topic. Topic write ups help you bring together all that research into a nice one page summary of the topic that you can study when getting ready for a test or knowledge check. o learn how to write about math - Being able to communicate in writing is very important to all aspects of your life, including math. Topic write ups give you the opportunity to practice your writing skills. Even though this is math class, proper English punctuation and grammar are still important and expected. You also need to use proper math vocabulary. o make sure you understand a topic - The best way to test if you truly understand a topic is to explain it to someone else. Topic write ups give you opportunity to practice explaining topics to others and will let you see if you truly understand the topic. o help you see the connections in math - Math is a very interrelated subject. New topics will sometime build on old topics. When you learn something new, you will remember it better if you connect it to something you already know. Directions There will be one topic write up due each week we have class. Step 1: Pick a topic from your ALEKS pie. I suggest a topic you are having trouble understanding, so the extra research will help you. Step 2: Research the topic with at least two different resources. Possible resources are ALEKS explanation, your textbook, websites, videos from YouTube & other sites, or a person you trust to get help from. Step 3: Write your Topic Write Up. This can be done by hand or typed up. You are encouraged to get creative here. Pictures and examples are recommended in your write ups but you still must explain in words how to do the topic. I suggest using this rubric to know exactly what you will be graded on. Step 4: Submit your Topic Write Up to the appropriate Blackboard assignment link. Assignment links are in the week by week folders. If you need help in submitting an assignment, please see the learning assistants in Oconee Hall 319 or check out the "Blackboard Orientation" link, or watch this video. Step 5: Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each week we have class. Assignment links are in the week by week folders.

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