The United Nations

First, visit the UN’s website:

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Now, discuss some or all of the following:

– What issues or themes immediately captured your attention while reviewing the UN’s website?

– Do you believe that the United Nations is still a “relevant” and influential international organization in our world today? Why, or why not? Presented another way, is the UN’s role in our world increasing, or is it diminished?

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– What aspects of U.N. governance do you think should be changed or revised, and why?

– So far, has the U.N. Security Council responded appropriately to Iran and/or North Korea’s nuclear programs?

– Should the U.S. always have the support of the U.N. Security Council before taking military action against another nation? Provide a rationale for your answer.

– Should the United Nations take an increased role in enforcing and protecting Human Rights throughout the world (as was the case in Libya)? Or, would such action constitute a violation of a nation’s sovereignty?

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