Strategic Plan Presentation

Strategic Planning

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Imagine the following: Now that you have completed your review of the Stevens District Hospital Strategic-Planning Scenario in previous weeks’ assignments, you have been asked to give a presentation to the hospital’s governing board. This board is comprised of the hospital’s president, 4 business leaders from the community, and 3 medical staff leaders.

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Use components from your previous weeks’ assignments for this assignment and
update them with faculty feedback you received.

Assignment Directions

Create a 12- to 16-slide presentation, including detailed speaker notes, for the hospital’s governing board in which you summarize your analysis and goals created. In your presentation:

· Provide an overview of the market.

· State the mission statement and vision statement for Stevens District Hospital.

· Provide the SWOT analysis.

· Summarize the strategic goals created for Stevens District Hospital, including the rationale for the goals.

· Describe itemized resources that may be needed.

· Explain how the strategic plan provides focus and direction for Stevens District Hospital.

Cite references to support your presentation.

Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.


Stevens District Hospital Case Study

Chantal Taylor

Amy Shoales

HCS 499




To be deeply committed to our communities, we enhance population health and well-



Deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter.

Reason for selection of above mission and vision statements

The mission and vision statement are relevant to the hospital and dependent on the

SWOT analysis of the hospital. Take, for instance, the mission statement. The mission statement

goes beyond just providing high-quality healthcare. The mission recognizes the community that

the hospital serves. As a mission statement, this shows that the hospital embraces not just health

but also the culture of those it serves. By focusing on the community, it is identified that the

hospital manages the health issues of the immediate community while respecting their cultural

beliefs and norms.

The vision statement helps to break the perception that the hospital only works for people

from the immediate community. The vision statement identifies that the hospital is committed to

offering exertional medical services in every case of an encounter with anyone who comes for

treatment. This vision statement shows that one is optional to be from the immediate community

to get the highest quality health services. Provided someone has settled for Stevens District

Hospital to get medical attention, they are assured of the highest medical services.

Strengths of the mission statement

The mission statement is strong because it represents a strong corporate social

responsibility. The mission statement identifies Stevens District Hospital as an institution

focused on working to benefit the immediate environment and the immediate community. The

Amy Shoales
Good rationale, nice work showing an understanding of Stevens in this discussion.


second strength of the mission statement is its establishment of loyalty among members of the

immediate community. Since the mission statement recognizes the immediate community as a

very important stakeholder of the hospital, it becomes easy for Stevens District Hospital to

establish and enjoy loyalty from people around. This is good for a business case because it would

increase the hospital’s traffic and revenue.

Strengths of a vision statement

The vision statement sounds good to attract donors for the hospital (Marten & Sullivan,

2020). Since the government does not fund Stevens District Hospital, it would be hard to operate

without donors. The vision statement shows how the hospital is concerned with everyone who

visits them for medical attention. Donors would use this as a good approach to public health, and

they would contribute towards financing the hospital’s operations.

Weakness of mission statement

The mission statement needs to be stronger because it does not specify the quality of

health that the hospital focuses on. According to how the mission statement is depicted, it can be

used to mean that Stevens District Hospital is only interested in attracting a high number of

patients. This could imply that the hospital has a short-term plan of delivering quality healthcare

but rather attracts many patients. This can be interpreted as a business-oriented mission

statement. Being a business-oriented mission statement, it can be interpreted as a mission

statement meant to earn Stevens District Hospital the most revenue in the long run.

Weakness of vision statement

Just like the mission statement, the vision statement also has a fair share of weaknesses.

One of these weaknesses is its general nature. The vision statement needs to be more specific and

specific. It is difficult to know the exact medical meaning of an exceptional term used in the

Amy Shoales
Nice discussion of the strengths of the selected statements.


vision statement. Exceptional is needed in the healthcare setup. People want to know what

quality to accept for different diseases and illnesses.

Alignment of mission and vision statement to a strategic plan

The mission statement helps to increase the HCAHPS quality ratings of the hospital

(Herrin, Mockaitis & Hines, 2018). With high-quality ratings, the hospital will attract a high number

of patients and even earn enough revenue to finance its operations like any other hospital

competing. The mission statement also helps to create the aspect of inclusivity for the medical

service that the hospital offers. Thus, regardless of their demographic characteristics, everyone is

in a better position to receive the best medical services. The vision statement aligns with the

strategic plan of getting funding from the government. Since the hospital does not get any of the

states of the federal government, the vision plan is ideal for attracting funding from the

government. This would make the hospital more stable and competitive in healthcare delivery

(Akinleye, McNutt, Lazariu & McLaughlin, 2019).

Amy Shoales
No mention of strategic plans and mow the mission and vision relate to the plan.
Why should mission and vision statements be created prior to the strategic plan? How do the mission and vision statements drive/direct the strategic plan?

Amy Shoales
What are the weaknesses of the statements you did not choose for Stevens?
You have background information on Stevens. How can you use that to support the insight into the weaknesses of the alternate statements? Could these statements work for other organizations, just not be a good choice for Stevens?



Akinleye, D. D., McNutt, L. A., Lazariu, V., & McLaughlin, C. C. (2019). Correlation between hospital

finances and quality and safety of patient care. PLoS One, 14(8), e0219124.

Herrin, J., Mockaitis, K. G., & Hines, S. (2018). HCAHPS scores and community factors. American

Journal of Medical Quality, 33(5), 461-471.

Marten, M. G., & Sullivan, N. (2020). Hospital side hustles Funding conundrums and perverse incentives

in Tanzania’s publicly-funded health sector. Social Science & Medicine, 244, 112662.

Running Head: District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis

Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis

Chantal Taylor

Instructor Amy Shoales

HCS 499


District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis

Purpose for Conducting a SWOT analysis for Stevens District Hospital

A SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate a company’s strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. It is a way of taking an in-depth look at the organization and its

environment to determine the best way to move forward. In the case of Stevens District

Hospital, a SWOT analysis can be used to assess the hospital’s current situation and to

identify areas of potential growth and improvement (Benzaghta,2021).

The strengths of Stevens District Hospital are its accreditation by The Joint

Commission, its low volume of medical malpractice claims, and its aggressive quality-

management program. The weaknesses of the hospital include a limited number of state

medical school graduates and a lack of external funding from government agencies. The

opportunities available to the hospital include an increase in the number of patients with

chronic diseases, the addition of a new automotive manufacturing plant, and the potential to

attract more physicians (Swaidi,2022). The threats that the hospital faces include competition

from Hanover County Hospital, the presence of a retail pharmacy instant clinic, and changes

from the Affordable Care Act.

By conducting a SWOT analysis, the hospital can gain a better understanding of its

current situation and identify what steps it needs to take in order to move forward. With this

information, the hospital can develop a strategic plan to address its weaknesses, capitalize on

its strengths, take advantage of opportunities, and mitigate potential threats. A SWOT

analysis can help the hospital to identify areas for improvement and develop an action plan to

achieve its goals.

Amy Shoales
What are the pros and cons of involving stakeholders in the process?
Are there any downsides to involving a group of stakeholders in this process? You needed to look at both the pros and cons of performing SWOT as an individual versus a group.

Amy Shoales
Nice overview of the purpose of SWOT analysis

District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis table



Internal Factors

1. Low volume of medical

malpractice claims

2. Accredited by The Joint


3. Comprehensive range of

acute care services

4. Aggressive quality-

management program

5.High percentage of

population with college


1. Lack of external funding from

government agencies

2. Limited number of state medical

school graduates

3. Lagging elements in HCAHPS

scores in inpatient patient satisfaction

and primary-care patient satisfaction

4. Low market share

External factors


1. Increase in population

with chronic disease

2. Addition of automotive

manufacturing plant to the

local market with 1,500

production line jobs

3. Increased wellness



1. Facility upgrade of competing


2. Quality scores of competing


3. Recruitment of physicians to

competing hospital

4. Low acuity office visits of retail

Amy Shoales
Good work developing a SWOT worksheet for Stevens.

Amy Shoales
Detailed expansion of the insightful SWOT worksheet you completed for Stevens. Good justifications for the SWOT elements you identified.

District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis

4. Increased pay for


5. Increased insurance


pharmacy instant clinic

5. E-visits with specialists of

competing hospital



Low Volume of Medical Malpractice Claims

Stevens District Hospital has a low volume of medical malpractice claims, which is a

positive strength for the hospital. This indicates that the hospital is providing high quality

care, which is essential for a successful organization. Low medical malpractice claims can

increase patient confidence in the hospital, which will help to draw more patients to the

hospital. Additionally, low medical malpractice claims can help to reduce the hospital’s

liability costs, which can help keep the hospital’s overall costs lower.

Accredited by The Joint Commission

The hospital is accredited by The Joint Commission, which is a key strength for the hospital.

Accreditation by The Joint Commission is a sign of quality care, which can be beneficial in

attracting patients. Accreditation by The Joint Commission can also help to ensure that the

hospital is meeting certain standards of care, which can help to reduce liability costs and can

help to ensure that the hospital is providing the highest quality care possible.


District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis

Lack of external funding from government agencies

Lack of external funding from government agencies is a major weakness for Stevens District

Hospital. This means that the hospital does not receive any external support from the

government for its operations. This can have a significant impact on the hospital’s financial

stability and sustainability.

Limited number of state medical school graduates

Limited number of state medical school graduates is another weakness for Stevens District

Hospital. This means that local recruitment is difficult, as the hospital is limited to the

number of graduates that the state has available. This can affect the hospital’s ability to

recruit the physicians and specialists needed to provide a comprehensive range of services.


Increase in population with chronic disease:

The continued growth of chronic disease will require changes to the care-management

model. With more people being covered by the Affordable Care Act, there is an increase in

the number of patients in the market with insurance coverage.

Addition of automotive manufacturing plant:

The addition of a new automotive manufacturing plant to the local market next year is

projected to add 1,500 production line jobs and 300 administrative jobs by year end. Median

income for the production positions is estimated at $45,000 and will provide health, vision,

and dental insurance benefits. This will increase commercial insurance coverage and provide

more resources for the hospital.

District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis


Facility Upgrade of Competing Hospital:

The facility upgrade of the competing hospital can be seen as a threat to the market share of

Stevens District Hospital. The competitor has made significant renovations to their hospital

that have improved the aesthetics and enabled them to reach the 95th percentile in five of six

HCAHPS categories, thus drawing patients away from Stevens District Hospital.

Quality Scores of Competing Hospital:

The quality scores of the competing hospital can be seen as a threat to the market share of

Stevens District Hospital. The competitor has reached the 95th percentile in five of six

HCAHPS categories, thus drawing patients away from Stevens District Hospital. This

competitor also has the ability to accommodate a wider range of body weights, which may

give them a competitive edge in terms of patient satisfaction.

District Hospital Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis


Benzaghta, M. A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M. M., Erkan, I., & Rahman, M. (2021). SWOT

analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business

Insights, 6(1), 55-73.

Swaidi, A., & Jumaan, S. (2022). Strategic Planning of Business Development in Health

Care. NILES journal for Geriatric and Gerontology, 5(2), 338-353.


Stevens District Hospital’s Strategic Goals

University of Phoenix

Chantal Taylor

Instructor Amy Shoales




The Steven’s District Hospital is a non-profit facility that has a total of 162 beds and

provides acute treatment as well as other core inpatient and outpatient services. The Joint

Commission has granted the hospital accreditation, despite the fact that it does not receive any

extra funds from either the state or the federal government. The Stevens District is one of three

companies that compete for customers in this highly competitive industry. Following an

examination of previous performance reports as well as a SWOT analysis, the following are

some objectives that have been suggested for the hospital.

Economic Goal

Due to its status as a non-profit organization, Steven’s District Hospital is exempted from

paying federal tax and is required to follow all applicable IRS rules and regulations (IRS) At

least once every 3 years, Stevens District Hospital must conduct a Community Health Needs

Assessment to identify unmet healthcare needs in the area and create actionable strategies to

address them (Yeager, 2019). According to the latest performance report, rates of major chronic

illnesses including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease will skyrocket over the next five


Economic Goal:

Provide low-income persons in the market with access to screening services, academic

resources, and accommodation alternatives as a social benefit to alleviate socioeconomic and

health factors and reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases including diabetes, obesity, and

cardiovascular disease.

Amy Shoales
By what date should all of this occur? Without some type of measure or end date different people may work at different rates on this project. One may think things need to be done by summer and another may be thinking the ‘go-live’ is December.



A Community Health Needs Assessment will be conducted every 3 years at the Hospital,

as required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the continuation of the facility’s tax-

exempt status. There will also be a second look at chronic illness forecasts to see whether

anything has changed because the community benefit program began and to see what, if any,

preventive steps may be taken. Before the end of the fiscal year, we’ll be revising our strategic

strategy (Yeager, 2019).

Mission and Vision


The expansion of community and health welfare services in the competitive market will

help Steven’s District Hospital realize its objective of being a “one-stop-shop” for treatment,

which is in line with the facility’s ultimate purpose. Incorporating new family/specialty doctors

and expanding existing medical services such as cardiology and oncology would all be bolstered

as a result.

Financial Goal

According to the most up-to-date planning/performance assessment for Stevens District

Hospital, if all expenses related to running the facility were subtracted from the money made by

charging customers for the services provided, the surplus amounted to about $17 million. Despite

a decline from the previous year, non-profit hospitals retain all of their revenues and utilize them

to better serve their patients via things like research, charity care, and infrastructure

improvements. To guarantee that people without insurance in the market setting still have access

to treatment without significantly impacting other operational resources, a part of operating

revenue surplus must be captured and held to be utilized for charity care.

Amy Shoales
Good comments on how the goal aligns with mission and vision for Stevens.
Nice work identifying milestones and end measures.


Financial Goal:

In order to contend with for-profit providers in the market setting and address the

9percent or more of uninsured individuals inside the area code, the charity care expenditure that

is supplied should be increased depending on the income generated from non-patient and patient



Charity care costs are calculated by taking the total amount owed by the patient and

multiplying it by the facility’s cost-to-charge ratio. In order to evaluate whether the 9percent of

people without insurance in the market are getting charity care services, the quantity of

uncompensated healthcare delivered will be estimated, and operational margins will be reviewed.

Mission and Vision Alignment:

The expansion of treatment to individuals who are uninsured and depend on charity care

is in line with Steven’s District Hospital’s purpose and vision since it will aim to improve

community health and become the preferred provider. Charity Care advantages and other clinical

care expenditures are simpler to measure than investments in housing affordability, education,

training, etc., which are examples of community strategic and external economic improvements.

Legal and Regulatory Goal

Keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of healthcare law and policy is a top

priority for Steven’s District Hospital’s regulatory and legal teams. Non-profit hospitals that

provide Medicare and Medicaid should adhere to strict regulatory and legal guidelines in order to

be reimbursed for their services. To comply with the Health Information Technology for

Amy Shoales
Good comments on how the goal aligns with mission and vision for Stevens.
Nice work identifying milestones and end measures.

Amy Shoales
By how much? Without that level of detail how will you know when/if you have achieved the goal?


Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) and the ARRA, Steven’s District Hospital must

implement and showcase meaningful employment of methods and technologies for the

development and management of patients’ Electronic Health Information, all the while protecting

patients’ privacy and enhancing care quality and minimizing health inequalities.

Regulatory Goal:

Obtain and deploy Health Information Technologies to create electronic health records

that safeguards patient privacy and provides for the ease of storage of individual medical

histories while satisfying regulatory standards,


Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are going to be analyzed to determine whether or not

they are relevant, as well as the usability and safety precautions are going to be contrasted to the

HITECH and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s (ARRA) mandated regulatory

requirements and specifications (Johnson, 2019).


Since Steven’s District Hospital is committed to providing treatment that is both high in

quality and safety, this objective fits in well with the hospital’s broader purpose and vision. When

healthcare providers meet regulatory standards, they should be compensated, not punished;

effective utilization of incentives provides just that.

Risk and Quality Improvement Goal

The most current Performance Report reveals that Steven’s District Hospital is having

trouble keeping up with the market and boosting in/outpatient level of satisfaction, with only

Amy Shoales
Consider your goal – now think about what data you can measure to monitor progress of work on that goal.
What data can/should you monitor and measure to ensure you are making progress to achieve the stated goal?

Amy Shoales
By what date should all of this occur? Without some type of measure or end date different people may work at different rates on this project. One may think things need to be done by summer and another may be thinking the ‘go-live’ is December.


improvements in 4 / 6 scoring factors. Based on results from the Hospital Consumer Assessment

of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), it seems that people are unhappy with the

standard of primary care they get (Agbara, 2014)

Quality Improvement Goal:

Investment of primary care facilities like pharmacies, urgent care centers, and walk-in

clinics so that they can treat more people. Improve the allure of already-existing doctors and

facilities by spending money to upgrade equipment like aesthetics/environment, pain

management/pharmacy, health information technologies, and MRI machines (Rigby, 2019).


Patients would be asked to complete an HCAHPS survey, with the results of all

completed surveys being analyzed twice yearly to gauge satisfaction and quality gains in the

trailing 2 scoring categories.

Mission and Vision Alignment:

This objective is in line with the overarching vision and mission of Steven’s District

Hospital since it focuses proactively towards improving patients’ wellbeing while also ensuring

that they get great treatment of the highest possible quality. The expansion of Steven’s District

Hospital’s market share, which will result in the hospital luring a greater number of patients and

specialists, would then reinforce the vision/mission that the facility is the preferable option for

acute and primary health services. Promoting patient satisfaction as well as the standard of care

would be the primary drivers of this expansion.

Amy Shoales
Your measurement relates to HCAPS but that is not your stated goal. Your milestones/end measures must tie to your goal. They are the data points you will monitor/measure to track progress on your goal.

Amy Shoales
What specifically should Stevens invest in – by what date?


The purpose and vision of Steven’s District Hospital are intended to be realized via the

aims that were discussed above. The recent performance report and evidence from the SWOT

analysis have been utilized in order to pinpoint and investigate the healthcare provider’s potential

regulatory, economic, financial and quality improvement targets. As a provider of health care

services that is not for profit, it is essential to place a strong emphasis on community benefits,

receiving payment for services rendered, providing charitable care, adhering to regulatory

requirements, and resolving health and community factors that influence the market




Agbara, R. N. (2014). Promoting patient engagement in meaningful use of the EHR (Doctoral

dissertation, The College of St. Scholastica).

Jha, A. K. (2010). Meaningful use of electronic health records: the road ahead. Jama, 304(15),


Johnson, E. K., Hardy, R., Santos, T., Leider, J. P., Lindrooth, R. C., & Tung, G. J. (2019). State

laws and nonprofit hospital community benefit spending. Journal of Public Health

Management and Practice, 25(4), E9-E17.

Rigby, M. J. (2019). Ethical dimensions of using artificial intelligence in health care. AMA

Journal of Ethics, 21(2), 121-124.

Yeager, V. A., Ferdinand, A. O., & Menachemi, N. (2019). The impact of IRS tax policy on

hospital community benefit activities. Medical Care Research and Review, 76(2), 167-


Stevens District Hospital Strategic-Plan

Students Name





In an effort to improve the community’s health as a whole, the Stevens District Hospital is committed to providing medical treatment of the greatest possible quality to its patients. The mission of the hospital is to provide patients from all over the county with the highest quality of care that is humanly possible (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services., 2017). The mission of Stevens District Hospital, along with its vision for the future, is the framework upon which the hospital’s overall strategy.

The purpose and vision statements of Stevens District Hospital are consistent with the hospital’s goal to enhancing the overall health of the community and to providing medical care of the highest possible quality (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services., 2017). The declarations serve as the foundation for the strategic approach that the Stevens District Hospital will pursue moving ahead and offer the basis for the strategic approach.

The following proclamation will serve as the mission statement for the Stevens District Hospital: “To improve health by providing care of the greatest possible standard.” One of the most important criteria that went into the organization’s selection was the fact that its mission statement is centered on making the community as a whole healthier and happier (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services., 2017). The fact that this mission statement places a priority on enhancing the health of the community as a whole and providing care that is on par with industry standards is one of the distinguishing elements that sets it apart from other mission statements (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services., 2017). One further characteristic that sets this mission statement apart from others is that it aspires to deliver medical assistance of the best possible standard. The flaws in this mission statement are that it does not emphasize the hospital’s focus on providing patients with an exceptional experience, nor does it show the hospital’s dedication to the community, which are both important aspects of the hospital’s goal (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services., 2017). The hospital’s focus on providing patients with an exceptional experience and its dedication to the community are both important aspects of the hospital’s goal. Neither of these two absences is mentioned in any way that is particularly important.

The following proclamation will function as the mission statement for Stevens District Hospital: “Provide the best level of service that is accessible throughout the county.” The fact that this vision statement places primary emphasis on providing the county with the greatest possible level of service was a primary factor that contributed to its selection as the best alternative. This was one of the primary reasons why it was chosen (American Hospital Association, 2017). The benefits of this particular vision statement can be broken down into two categories: the first category is that it is centered on the county, and the second category is that it is focused on providing the highest level of service that is humanly possible. The first category is that it is centered on the county, and the second category is that it is focused on providing the highest level of service that is humanly possible (American Hospital Association, 2017). The vision statement excels in both of these areas of evaluation. The shortcomings of this vision statement are that it does not address the hospital’s dedication to the community, nor does it highlight the hospital’s focus on providing patients with exceptional experiences (American Hospital Association, 2017). Neither of these omissions highlights the hospital’s commitment to providing patients with exceptional experiences. The fact that the hospital is dedicated to providing its patients with great care isn’t brought to anyone’s attention by any of these omissions, unfortunately (American Hospital Association, 2017). The absence of either of these two things, both of which are flaws, contributes nothing positive to the vision statement.

The mission and vision statements that were chosen for Stevens District Hospital place a strong emphasis on the organization’s commitment to enhancing the overall health of the local community and delivering medical services that are of the highest possible quality (American Hospital Association, 2017). The declarations serve as the foundation for the strategic approach that the Stevens District Hospital will pursue moving ahead and offer the basis for the strategic approach.


 American Hospital Association. (2017). About AHA. Retrieved from

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2017). About CMS. Retrieved from

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