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Creating content on LinkedIn is one of the most impactful ways to stand out from the crowd. Creating content helps establish rapport with other LinkedIn members and helps you become visible to important people.   The 2nd discovery journal will focus on finding your voice through LinkedIn.  You are required to do the following:

1. Choose a professional topic area of interest.  This could be something you want to learn more about or something you have a lot of experience with. To aid in identifying a topic, explore the content of Kelley alumni, fellow students, companies, LinkedIn hashtags, and LinkedIn professional groups. Notice the type of content that draws your attention.

2. Create unique content around your topic area of interest.

Examples of unique content:

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Sharing your opinion on an interesting statistic

Asking a thought-provoking question on a topic of interest (context must be provided to set up the question)

Share something you read in a book or learned in a class to get additional feedback

Share a  professional achievement

  • Share your experience and take-a-ways from a career/professional event
  • For more examples of LinkedIn content ideas, Google: LinkedIn Content Ideas (more than 815, 000,000 results are out there, you can find plenty of ideas)
  • 3.  Write a post between 250-500 words on your topic of interest  and add relevant #hastags (to expand your reach).  Content should be created and posted at least one week prior to the due date to allow LinkedIn members to engage with your content.
  • 4. Submit via Canvas the following:
  • Link to your LinkedIn content or screen shot
  • A  one -page reflection on the following questions:
  • Why did you select the topic for your LinkedIn content?

    What unique format did you choose? and why?

    What did you learn from individuals that engaged with your content?

    What were your post analytics?

    What would you do differently next to reach and engage more people?

    The art of asking instead of telling
    Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the video
    – This is an audio course. No need to watch, just listen. – American culture focuses on
    telling instead of asking. But by telling people what to do, you can offend or demean
    them. Asking fosters better relationships. When you ask people for their input, you
    humble yourself and empower them. This nourishes long-term, productive
    interactions. – In “Humble Inquiry,” published by Berrett-Koehler, retired MIT professor
    Edgar Schein makes a solid case for humility. He explores the way American
    culture prioritizes action, practicality, and competition over courteousness and
    respect. Schein encourages the art of humbly drawing someone out, of asking
    questions to what you do not already know the answer, and of building a
    relationship based on interest in the other person. getAbstract recommends this
    powerful book to executives and managers.
    The three forms of humility
    Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the video
    – [Narrator] When you ask instead of tell, the other person can lead the
    conversation and that builds trust. Even if you hear something you didn’t want to
    know, you’ve still learned from the exchange. Telling shuts down
    communication. People hurrying through the workday do ask questions, but often their
    questions are biased toward action, and are not humble inquiries. – [Male Narrator]
    Humility comes in three forms, basic, optional, and hear and now. You practice basic
    humility when you avoid humiliating another person. Certain cultures have class systems
    or hierarchies, people born into a particular status level never lose that status. Within
    such systems, people treat each other with a basic level of respect and civility. – [Female
    Narrator] Optional humility occurs in cultures where people are not granted prestige as
    a birthright, but rather earn it. When someone’s achievements might humble those who
    observe them, the observers can choose to be admiring or disdainful, practicing
    optional humility. – [Male Narrator] You practice here and now humility when you
    humble yourself and ask for help. People of high status find it challenging to become
    here and now humble, because that means recognizing that they are dependent on
    other lower status team members. – [Female Narrator] For inquiry to be truly humble, it
    must be genuine. When you ask a question, don’t promote your agenda, try to minimize
    your own preconceptions. Clear your mind at the beginning of a conversation and
    maximize your listening as the conversation proceeds. Good starting phrases for a
    humble inquiry include: What’s happening? What brings you here? And, can you give
    me an example?
    Humility in America and western cultures
    Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the video
    – [Narrator] Western cultures’ preference for doing and telling is the main inhibitor of
    humble inquiry. Society in the United States is based on the individual. This mindset
    considers each person’s rights and freedoms more important than those of a group or
    society at large. Americans and many other westerners are practical, action-oriented,
    and individualistic. They value getting the job done over building relationships. Hereand-now humility is hard to achieve in societies so fragmented by rank and
    status. American society doesn’t readily acknowledge an individual’s dependence on
    others. – [Narrator] Americans are competitive and want to win. U.S. politicians and
    salespeople build relationships with their constituents and consumers but only as a
    means to an end. Americans become impatient doing business with cultures that value
    relationships more than productivity. They don’t want to sit through get-to-know-you
    dinners before getting down to brass tacks. In the U.S., status and prestige are gained by
    task accomplishment, and once you are above someone else, you are licensed to tell
    them what to do. This causes problems when high achievers are unwilling to listen or
    learn from lower status individuals. – [Narrator] Americans value telling more than
    asking because requesting help or clarification denotes weakness. You’re supposed to
    know what you’re doing, especially if you manage or lead others. Consider the preelection presidential debates. Observers became more concerned with who won the
    debate than with the issues the candidates discussed. Americans fundamentally
    believe life is a competition with clear winners and losers. They have little patience with
    listening to information they think they already know. – [Narrator] However, the culture
    of the U.S. is changing as people realize that the world is becoming more complex and
    interdependent. Americans across a range of occupations see how much they rely on
    their team members. People who trust each other work well together, but first they must
    slow down and take the time to build the critical foundation of trust.
    Polish your humble inquiry skills
    Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the video
    – [Male Voice] Researcher Amy Edmondson investigated how cardiac surgical teams
    worked together on open-heart surgery. At lunch many teams segregate, with
    professional peers sitting according to rank and status. However, one successful team’s
    members sat only with each other. This team performed more complex surgical
    procedures because everyone learned together as a team and eliminated barriers. [Female Voice] Status, rank, role and internal psychological makeup inhibit humble
    inquiry. Subordinates and superiors follow their own codes of conduct. Subordinates
    generally obey rules of deference that govern how they act in front of their
    superiors while superiors generally obey rules of demeanor or appropriate rules of
    behavior in front of their subordinates. – [Male Voice] Practicing humble inquiry
    skills will help you in your personal life and at work, especially if you’re a manager or
    executive. Leaders must acknowledge their subordinates in order to communicate and
    establish trust. Expand your perception and insight to identify when and where you
    might do less telling and more asking. You will find yourself battling the anxieties of
    learning and unlearning. Learning new skills is difficult and may provoke
    anxiety. Unlearning bad habits and developing good ones is often even harder. [Female Voice] Relationships can be task-oriented and revolve around transactions that
    happen when you need something from someone or relationships can be personoriented when you like each other or share the same interests. Problems arise when
    boundaries change, such as when task-based relationships become personal. Learn to
    value personal relationships over task management. Reach out to others. For example,
    invite your work colleagues to lunch to get to know them better. – [Male Voice] Slow
    down and change tempo. Develop greater awareness of yourself and your
    surroundings. Use humble inquiry on yourself. Ask, “What is going on here? “What
    would be the appropriate thing to do? “What am I thinking and feeling and
    wanting?” Consider whom you depend on and who depends on you. Practice
    mindfulness. Learning a new skill, drawing, painting, acting, or the like, will humble you
    and broaden your horizons. Experiencing a new culture through travel polishes your
    humble inquiry skills.

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