
Hands-on questions. Enter your commands and/or scripts, along with output in thetext box below.

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Question 1

Please provide a single “date” command to the following questions:

  • In the following space, please type the command starting with date to display “Do you remember what happened on December 25, 2011?”:
  • Question 2

    Please provide a single “date” command to the following questions:

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  • In the following space, please type the command starting with date to display the day of the week of this year’s Christmas Day:
  • Question 3

    Please provide a single “grep” command that displays all thelines that contain “www.” in file /etc/services.

  • The correct output of the command looks like:
  • # Updated from and other

  • # sources like… .
  • It is incorrect if the command displays the following lines or anything other than the correct output shown above:
  • http80/tcpwww# WorldWideWeb HTTP# Updated from and other# sources like… .

  • In the following space, please type the command starting with grep to generate the required output:
  • Question 4(10 points)

    Please provide a single “find” command that displays all the html files that have been updated in last 25 days under your home directory. The command should display at least your “index.html” document.

  • In the following area, please provide your command starting with find:
  • Question 5(10 points)

    Please provide a single “grep” command that displays the first two lines that contain “http” at the beginning of the lines in file /etc/services.

    The correct output of the command looks like:It is incorrect if the command displays the following lines or anything other than the correct output shown above:# Updated from and other# sources like… .In the following space, please type the command starting with grep to generate the required output:http            80/tcp          www             # WorldWideWeb HTTPhttps           443/tcp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL

    Question 6(10 points)

    Please provide a single “ls” command that displays the last two linesofthe files under directory /etc in the order of their filename extensions.

  • The last two lines of the display provided by your command should be the following lines:
  • -rw-r–r– 1 root root      24546 2019-10-18 mime.typesdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root       4096 2021-12-14 cron.weekly

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