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point, and now insisting on another, but directing all to the same object to gain time while

proceeding with the preparation for the invasion, according to the plan already agreed

upon.” certainly the most catholic king seemed, in the remarkable letter to have outdone

himself; and farnese that sincere farnese. In who loyal, truth-telling, chivalrous character,

the queen and her counsellors placed such implicit reliance could thenceforward no longer

be embarrassed as to the course he was to adopt, to the daily, through, thick, and thin, and

with every variety of circumstance and detail which; a genius fertile in fiction could

suggest, such was the simple rule prescribed by his sovereign, and the rule was implicitly

obeyed, and the English sovereign thoroughly deceived. the secrete confided only, to the

faithful breast of alexander was religiously kept. even the pope was outwitted. his holiness

proposed to, philip the invasion of england, and offered a million to further the plan. He

was most desirous to be informed if the project was, resolved upon, and, if so, when it was

to be accomplished. The king took the pope’s million, but refused the difficulties in the

way. After a time, the pope again tried to pry into the matter, and again offered the million

which Philip had only accepted for the time when it might be wanted; giving him at the

same time, to understand that it was not necessary at that time, because there were then

great impediments. “thus he is pledged to give me the subsidy, and I am not pledged for

the time.” Said Philip, “and I keep my, which is the most important of all.” Yet after all,

farnese did not see his way clear towards the consummation of the plan. His army had

woefully dwindled, and before he could seriously set about ulterior matters, it would be

necessary to take the city of sluys. This was to prove as already seen a most arduous

enterprise. He complain to Philip of his inadequate supplies both in men and money. The

project conceived in the royal breast was worth spending millions for, he said.

Example of Typing

Point, and now insisting on another, but directing all to the same object to gain time
while proceeding with the preparation for the invasion, according to the plan
already agreed upon.” Certainly, the most catholic king seemed, in the remarkable
letter to have outdone himself; and farnese that sincere farnese. In who loyal, truth-
telling, chivalrous character, the queen and her

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Total Payment $ 625 USD


Security Fee $ 50 USD (refundable on successful

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Total images 50

Time limits 4 days (including holidays)

Payment $ 25 USD (per page)

Total Payment $ 1,250 USD


Security Fee (will be paid by


$ 60 USD (refundable on successful

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Total images 75

Time limits 4 days (including holidays)

Payment $ 25 USD (per page)

Total Payment $ 1,875 USD


Security Fee $ 80 USD (refundable on successful

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Total images 100

Time limits 4 days (including holidays)

Payment $ 25 USD (per page)

Total Payment $ 2,500 USD

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2. If any extra or duplicate file found in the zip file, work will be rejected.

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6. If file is not typed as show in video, then file will be rejected.


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6. Do not put any space or enter at the beginning or end of the page.

7. Do not put any space at the beginning or ending of a line.

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