presentation slides-marketing management

Last time you helped me write an initial idea for this project, and here are the comments:For this project, I encourage you to identify a more specific problem. What you have written is quite broad and could apply to any large coffee retailer, such as Peet’s Coffee or other major brands. Here are some suggestions to refine your focus: Identify a Unique Issue: Look for something that is specific to Starbucks. This could be a recent event or a unique challenge that Starbucks is currently facing. Recent Developments: Consider focusing on recent news or developments related to Starbucks. This will make your analysis more relevant and specific. Specific Problem: Find a particular problem that stands out and use it as the core of your analysis. This will help differentiate your project from more generic discussions. By narrowing your focus, you will be able to provide a more detailed and insightful analysis.

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So for the slides, it needs some change on the point that based on my teacher’s comments. Thanks
Final Deliverable Requirements

1. Content Structure:

Slide 1: Title Slide

Include the presentation title, your name, and the date.

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Slide 2: Introduction

Brief overview of the company.

Overview of the business problem being addressed.

Slide 3: Detailed Problem Statement

Clearly define the problem the company is facing.

  • Slides 4-7: Strategic Analysis

Use relevant theories and frameworks to analyze the problem.

Suggested frameworks: SWOT, PESTEL, and Porter’s Five Forces.

  • Dedicate at least one slide to each framework to detail your analysis.
  • Slide 8: Proposed Solution

Outline your proposed strategy to address the identified problem.

Slide 9: Implementation Plan

  • Describe the steps necessary to implement your solution, including timelines and resources needed.
  • Slide 10: Conclusion
  • Summarize the key points from your presentation.

Initial Idea Submission
Student Name
Initial Idea Submission
Company: Starbucks Corporation
Business Problem: Social Responsibility: Higher Operational Costs and Sustainability Issues
The overall organizational issue pertains to Starbucks Corporation and involves
challenges such as elevated operational costs and mounting pressure to embrace sustainable
methods. Uncertainty, inflation, backlog, and pressure to increase wages negatively affect the
prices making Starbucks the least profitable. On the other hand, the consumer and other interest
groups are also increasing pressure on the company to take up measures for environmental
concerns such as reducing its emission of greenhouse gases and exercising proper sourcing of
raw material, coffee beans in this case (Ozena, 2021). Identifying the above problem is important
because these issues influence not only the company’s financial outcomes but also the quality of
its brand image and customer preferences regarding the brand Starbucks. This is why solving
those issues is important for Starbucks to continue its leadership in the market and become more
sustainable. A strategic approach (SWOT) that will deal with cost management, supply change
management, and excellent sustainability management strategies would be critical to addressing
the challenges.
Strategic Analysis (SWOT Analysis)

Strengths: Loyal customers, increased coverage worldwide, customer reward systems, and
quality services.

Weaknesses: Higher operation cost, a direct linkage to the application of a premium charge,
and vulnerability to fluctuations in the prices of raw materials (Cao & Qiu, 2021).

Opportunities: The key factors observed are participating in the geographic expansion into
relatively new economies, introducing more environmentally friendly practices, and product
portfolio evolution.

Threats: Growth of competition, inadequate predictability of steel prices, strict regulatory
norms for environmental concerns.
Proposed Solution: The area of supply chain management requires more attention. Starbucks
should find ways to tackle increasing operation costs more specifically through improvement in
the procurement process and the use of advanced technology. Furthermore, the company should
incorporate the environmental dimension by engaging in the use of renewable energy and other
sustainable practices to meet the expectations of the consumers in the market.
Implementation Plan: Starbucks should launch complex supply chain management procedures
and also implement automation into procurement within the duration of 6 to 12 months.
Simultaneously, the company should incorporate efficient electricity usage or shift to renewable
energy resources within the next 1-2 years with a focus on strong and elaborate sustainability
This paper identifies issues of increased operational cost and or environmental effects as
highly relevant for Starbucks. Addressed cost management and Sustainability in the organization
to increase organizational efficiency enhance the overall value of the Starbucks Brand to its
customers, and fulfill the continually rising customer expectations to retain its market
Cao, J., & Qiu, R. (2021). Retail coffee business analysis and industry development research
based on Starbucks business model. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 292, p. 03030).
EDP Sciences.
Ozen, B. (2021). Case Study Analysis-Starbucks.

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