Portfolio of individual problem solving outcomes

I need help in modifying the assignment to match the requirements, dividing it in the required manner shown in the attached requirements file, and adding the modifications.

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Requirements attached

Class: Responsive Library System
Student name
Renad Saif
ID Number
Module Code
Module Title
Computational Thinking and Practice
Module Tutors
Nadeem Akhtar
Class: ResponsiveLibrarySystem
books: list
users: list
reservations: list
fines: dictionary
add_book(title, author, isbn, quantity):
Description: Adds a new book to the library inventory.
title (string): Title of the book.
author (string): Author of the book.
isbn (string): ISBN of the book.
quantity (int): Quantity of copies available.
If the book already exists, increase the quantity.
Otherwise, add a new book entry to the inventory.
Description: Removes a book from the library inventory.
isbn (string): ISBN of the book to be removed.
If the book exists and has no pending reservations, remove it from the inventory.
If the book has pending reservations, notify librarians to handle the situation.
add_user(name, email, address):
Description: Adds a new user to the library system.
name (string): Name of the user.
email (string): Email address of the user.
address (string): Address of the user.
Create a new user account with a unique identifier.
Store user details in the system.
Description: Removes a user from the library system.
user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user.
If the user exists and has no pending book loans or fines, remove the user from the system.
If the user has pending book loans or fines, notify librarians to handle the situation.
borrow_book(user_id, isbn):
Description: Allows a user to borrow a book from the library.
user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user.
isbn (string): ISBN of the book to be borrowed.
Check if the book is available.
If available, update book status to “borrowed” and add borrowing record to user’s history.
If not available, check for reservations and inform the user about availability.
return_book(user_id, isbn):
Description: Allows a user to return a borrowed book to the library.
user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user.
isbn (string): ISBN of the book to be returned.
Update book status to “available” and remove borrowing record from user’s history.
Calculate fines for overdue books and update user’s fine record accordingly.
reserve_book(user_id, isbn):
Description: Allows a user to reserve a book in advance.
user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user.
isbn (string): ISBN of the book to be reserved.
Add reservation record for the book and user.
Update reservation queue based on reservation time.
Description: Calculates fines for overdue books of a user.
user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user.
Calculate fines based on the duration of overdue books and the library’s fine policy.
Update user’s fine record.
Description: Searches for books based on specified criteria.
criteria (string): Search criteria (title, author, genre, etc.).
Return a list of books matching the search criteria.
update_book_status(isbn, status):
Description: Updates the status of a book in the inventory.
isbn (string): ISBN of the book.
status (string): New status of the book (available, borrowed, lost, etc.).
Update the status of the book in the inventory.
update_user_info(user_id, new_info):
Description: Updates user information in the system.
user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user.
new_info (dictionary): Updated user information (name, email, address, etc.).
Update user details in the system.
Test Case 1: Add a new book to the inventory.
Test Case 2: Add a new user to the system.
Test Case 3: Borrow a book and check if it updates the book status and user’s borrowing history
Test Case 4: Return a borrowed book and verify if it updates the book status and user’s borrowing
history correctly.
Test Case 5: Reserve a book and check if it updates the reservation queue correctly.
Test Case 6: Calculate fines for overdue books and verify if it updates the user’s fine record correctly.
Test Case 7: Search for books based on different criteria and verify if it returns the expected results.
Test Case 8: Update book status and user information and verify if the changes are reflected in the
system correctly.
Evaluation of Task 1 Solution:
Comprehensive Problem Identification: The solution effectively identified various problems related to
managing a library system, covering aspects such as book management, user management, inventory
management, etc. This comprehensive approach ensures that key areas of concern are addressed.
Clear Requirements Derivation: The solution provided clear requirements for each identified problem,
outlining specific functionalities and features necessary to solve them. This clarity helps in
understanding the scope of the problems and their respective solutions.
Lack of Prioritization: While the solution identified multiple problems and their requirements, it didn’t
prioritize them based on importance or urgency. Prioritization would help in focusing efforts on tackling
critical issues first, ensuring a more efficient use of resources.
Limited Consideration of Integration: The solution didn’t delve deeply into how individual solutions
would integrate with each other to form a cohesive library management system. Integration is crucial
for ensuring seamless functionality across different modules and components.
Improvement Suggestions:
Prioritize Problems: Prioritize identified problems based on factors such as impact on users, frequency of
occurrence, and ease of implementation. This prioritization will guide the development process,
ensuring that critical issues are addressed first.
Enhance Integration Planning: Develop a detailed plan for integrating individual solutions into a unified
library management system. This plan should include considerations for data flow, communication
between modules, and overall system architecture.
Consolidated Solution Approach:
To consolidate the individual solutions into a cohesive library management system, the following
approach can be adopted:
Integration Framework: Develop a modular architecture for the library system, with well-defined
interfaces for different modules to interact with each other. This framework will facilitate seamless
integration of individual solutions into the overarching system.
Data Standardization: Establish standardized data formats and protocols for exchanging information
between different components of the system. This ensures consistency and interoperability across the
entire system.
Centralized Database: Implement a centralized database to store all relevant information, including
book inventory, user accounts, borrowing history, reservations, fines, etc. This centralization simplifies
data management and ensures data consistency.
Cross-Functional Testing: Conduct rigorous testing to ensure that individual solutions work seamlessly
together as part of the consolidated system. This includes testing for interoperability, data consistency,
error handling, and performance.
Feedback Mechanism: Incorporate mechanisms for gathering feedback from users, librarians, and other
stakeholders to continuously improve the system. This feedback loop helps in identifying areas for
enhancement and refinement.
By adopting this approach, the individual solutions provided in Task 1 can be consolidated into a robust
and efficient library management system that effectively addresses the diverse needs of users and
CT integrated DS
Adler, R. F., & Kim, H. (2018). Enhancing future K-8 teachers’ computational thinking skills through
modeling and simulations. Education and Information Technologies,23, 1501–1514.
UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
Task or Assessment Specification
Module Details
Module Code
Module Title
Module Leaders
Module Tutors
Task/Element Number
Total number of assessments
for this module
Element Description
Computational Thinking and Practice
Nadeem Akhtar
Nadeem Akhtar
2023 / 2024
100% of Module Marks
Portfolio of individual problem solving outcomes
Date issued to students
Date to be returned to students
Submission Date
Submission Place
Submission Time
Submission Notes
16th March 2024(This is a provisional portfolio
subject to UWE approval)
26th May 2024
17:00 hours
Refer to section 3, deliverables
Feedback provision will be
Please see section 5.
Late submission of work for assessment
If students encounter unexpected difficulties, a 48-hour late submission window is
available to all students, during which they can submit their assignment without penalty.
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
An assignment cannot be submitted after the late submission window has ended. Failure
to submit the assignment within the 48-hour late submission window will result in a nonsubmission being recorded.
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
Module Details …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Dates ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Feedback …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Section 1:
Overview of Assessment …………………………………………………………………. 4
Section 2:
Task Specification………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Section 3:
Deliverables …………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Section 4:
Marking Criteria…………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Section 5:
Feedback mechanisms ……………………………………………………………………. 6
APPENDIX A. Assessment Scenarios………………………..…………………………………………………..7
Scenario 1 – Online team sports game: …………………………………………………………..…7
Scenario 2 – Bristol Clear Air Zone: ………………………………………………………………….7
Scenario 3 – Art ownership:……………………………………………………………………………7
Scenario 4 – Community Music: ………………………………………………………………………8
Scenario 5 – Shopping Centre: ……………………………………………………………………….8
Scenario 6 – X: …………………………………………………………………………………………..8
APPENDIX B. Template for Portfolio:..……………………..………………………………………………….9
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
Section 1:
Overview of Assessment
The assessment contributes to the following Module objectives.
MO1 Formulate and model problems in various task domains, identifying
significant features and how to apply an appropriate strategy to finding
MO2 Translate solution to a problem into a computable form, and evaluate
its effectiveness.
MO3 Explore methods to represent solutions as a formal process, such as
instructions, algorithms or pseudocode.
MO4 Develop and evaluate ways of representing solutions as code, using
basic programming constructs, data types and test methods..
The portfolio will consist of a report that will document the outputs from individual
tasks of problem identification, analysis, modelling, solution design, algorithm, coding
and evaluation. The output must address how they have formulated and modelled
problems, and what strategies were applied to derive the solution. They will also be
asked to write algorithm or program their solution.
Section 2:
Task Specification
The portfolio consists of 2 parts.
You must include all of the required elements in your submission.
Task 1 – Applying Computational thinking Concepts and Approaches on a
Selected Scenario
In this part of the portfolio you shall work individually and select one of the scenarios
from Appendix – A at the latest by the end of first week and start analysing and
applying computational thinking concepts and approaches. There are following two
tasks in Part I:
Part 1: Decomposition: Problem Identification and Requirements
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
You’ll apply decomposition, identify one or more problems and derive requirements to
be solved. Your write-up should include:
a list of possible problems,
the process and techniques that you have used to think about the problems,
analysis of the problems and derive requirements which seem necessary to
solve those problems.
This part of the portfolio is worth 30 marks in terms of the overall module assessment.
Part 2: Applying Computational Thinking approaches and design a solution
In this task you will select one or more problems identified in the task 1 and design a
solution by applying suitable computational concepts and techniques. Individually, you
should consider decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, modelling,
algorithm/pseudocode design that would help solve the problem. Your design should
be written in such a way that the pseudocode could be translated more or less line by
line into Python code. You must also specify how you would test that your design is
correct and give your test data. To gain high marks in this task you should provide at
least one suitable example for patterns, abstraction and modelling of the selected
scenario. Task 2 is worth 50 Marks in the overall module assessment.
Task 2 – Evaluation and Consolidated Solution of a Selected Scenario
In this part you are required to evaluate and reflect on the solutions provided by each
student in task 1. You should provide two strengths and two weaknesses for the
solution provided in Task 1 and how these can be improved. This evaluation should
also consider how those solutions to individual problems will be consolidated to
contribute collectively to the selected scenario. Consolidated modelled or simulated
solution or part of a solution will be provided, to gain higher marks for this task
you should provide working solution in programing. This task is worth 20 marks in
terms of the overall module assessment.
Section 3:
All work is to be stored on an online accessible site and your submission will be a URL
to this site.
Task 1: Documentation, saved as a single .PDF document, submission via Moodle
Task 2: A file containing all the original project files and assets, submission via
moodle(zip files in one folder and upload in moodle)
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
Section 4:
Marking Criteria
Below are relevant qualitative descriptors for mark boundaries in the design stage.
These are purposely broad in their descriptions, as the body of work requires students
to explore content outside of the lecture and tutorial materials.
Remain professional in your writing and presentation throughout.
Task 1 – Applying Computational thinking Concepts and Approaches on a
Selected Scenario. 80 Marks
Task 1: 30 Marks
Set the scenario context,
assumptions and rationale
Up to 5 marks
Criteria used for
decomposition of scenario(10)
Problems identified and
rationale provided (10)
Requirements and analysis
Up to 15 marks
Up to 10 marks
Total 30 marks
Task 2: 50 Marks
Abstractions and
Specialities (5)
and similar Characteristics
identified (5)
Suitable system diagram(s)
with explanation
Suitable design of selected
problem i.e.
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Up to 8 marks
Up to 14 marks
Up to 18 marks
UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
Working python code
Testing strategy and test
Up to 10 marks
Total 50 marks
Task 2. Evaluation and Consolidated Solution of a Selected Scenario. 20
Extension or
Consolidated solution
Section 5:
Reflection on strengths and
weaknesses of each solution
Suggested extensions or
Modelled or simulated or
part of a solution or
consolidated optimal
solution derived from all
individual solutions in task 1
Up to 5 marks
Up to 5 marks
Up to 10 marks
Total 20 marks
Feedback mechanisms
Formative verbal feedback during workshops and summative written feedback will be
provided once the portfolio is submitted. The formative feedback will help students
focus upon more relevant issues in the problem domain to design the solution as part
of the portfolio.
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice
APPENDIX A. Assessment Topics
You can select one of the following topic or bring your own topic and
discuss with module leader/tutor. You can check with module leader for
details of provided ideas in assessment
Investigate selected idea either by desktop research (i.e. online library
resource, google search etc.) or virtual meetings with stakeholders in a
scenario domain (if you know people in industry) or you can book meeting
with module leader/tutor for suggestions, improvements or guidance

Class Responsive System
Timetable Automation
Blood Gift and Blood Donation centre locator
Book appointment
Package Tracking
Electronic Office(approvals)
Job Fair
Electronic student clearance
Shopping Centre
Music Community
Art Community
Karate Tournament
Lost and Found Management System
Game Show
Tourism Management
Community Service Hour Tracker
Local Farmer’s Market Directory
Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler
School Supply Drive Organizer
Local Park Reservation System
Pet Adoption Portal
Student Club Management
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UFCFQN-30-0 Computational Thinking and Practice

Community Recycling Program Tracker
APPENDIX B. Template for Portfolio
Selected Scenario:
Task 1: Applying Computational thinking Concepts and Approaches on a
Selected Scenario
a) Background and Context
b) Decomposition criteria
c) Problems Identified and rationale
d) Requirements analysis
e) Abstractions and patterns
f) Models
g) Design and coding
h) Testing
Task 2: Evaluation and Consolidated Solution of a Selected Scenario
a) Evaluation
b) Extension or improvements
c) Consolidated solution
Formatting Instructions:
Task I:
Maximum 6 pages per student. Be concise and to the point.
Task II:
Maximum 3 pages per student. Be concise and to the point.
Note that page limit does not apply on Python code you may like to include
in your portfolio.
Font size 11 Arial.
Page size A4.
Margins left/right/top/bottom 2 cm.
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