Please reply to the discussion post. There are two discussion post below. Please respond to each post with a minimum 150 WORDS

1. Respond to at least two peers with EACH question. Peer posts must be thoughtful, insightful and rich in content.

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Brock Hite


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               This quote has a lot of different meanings. There is no singular answer to determine what this statement means. While much of leadership or management will say that their issues with production, sales, or whatever the industries “out put” is comes from employee issues such as not enough people to do the job, quality of employees, or other issues. Ultimately, many of these issues can and are addressed at the top. If you do not have enough people to do the job, hire more. If money for paying those employees are the problem, you have over extended the company. If quality of employees is the issue, training needs to be implemented. If productivity is the problem, tasking is not being directed effectively. Although, there are at times inadequate employees. It is managements responsibility to identify these employees and remove them but within reason. Leadership cannot be afraid to lead their employees for fear of retaliation in terms of lawsuit for unjustified firing or any other action. But the employee has to be held equally accountable to their role within an organization. Be fair and equal in the praise and discipline of employees. While management may befriend a subordinate, that relationship cannot lead to perceived or actual favoritism. All of these things lead to issues at the top.

           As a current leader in healthcare and future roles of leadership, this quote means that I have to look at myself and how I address employee issues and needs. Not every situation requires the same reaction. Every employee is different and does not react the same. Employees must be treated as the individuals that they are.

            In my past I have had good and bad leaders. Typically, those good leaders were the ones in my opinion that were there for their subordinates. They were just as involved as they intended their subordinates to be. It was never a do as I say and not as I do environment. The leader encouraged progress and went out of their way to engage each person and show them individually how to succeed in each environment I was in.

         Bad leaders on the other hand were absent. They tended to blame the short falls and missing of deadlines and lack of productivity on others. Most recently is one individual that will find any reason to not be the point of failure. Despite tracking systems, emails, and numerous attempts to correct the issues, this individual continues to blame others for what, without any doubt, falls on them. This has led to delays in productivity, missed deadlines, and other issues.

            What I have learned for myself is self-reflection. Do not blame those beneath you. Take the responsibility and make those that work for you understand that you are there to assist and make things easy but that can only happen if you work together. Lack of communication will make things worse. Be upfront and bring issues to attention early. This is something I continue to take forward. I’ll never have all the answer and I will never be able to fix or solve everything. At times I will have to lean on those individuals to even help me as a leader. Not to treat them as they are under me but a valued asset that is part of the team despite titles.



Coutu, D. (2004, January). 
Putting Leaders on the Couch. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review:

Olden, P. (2019). 
Management of Healthcare Organizations: An Introduction, 3rd Edition. Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Week 1 Discussion 2


Chris Domingo

    Organizations or leadership teams must reconsider people priorities such as employee well-being, resilience, or purpose. When employees feel that their goal is aligned with the organization’s purpose, the benefits include more robust employee engagement, loyalty, and a greater willingness to work diligently. They are healthier, more resilient, and more likely to stay at the organization. The quote by Edward Deming, “the workers are not the problem but at the top of the management.” has been an ongoing debate in improving organization quality.

    Management impacts the employees and the company’s overall operations. Poor management and leadership can lead to inadequate training, causing the organization to fall and employees to leave the company. Bad leadership results in an increased turnover of employees; the cost of recruitment and training becomes inadequate, which impacts a business’s ability to continue its operation. For example, employees tend to leave their jobs due to toxic work environments and leave being denied due to low manning. Low employee morale in the organization can result from poor management. They complain to each other, complete their task with minimal effort, or fail to complete their work assignments on time or at all. This could be due to a lack of motivation from the management who does not relate to the staff. Management uses five essential functions, planned, organized, staffed, led, and controlled (Olden, 2019, Pg. 30). Managers must define performance expectations regarding employee productivity levels for personal growth and organization to thrive.

    When employees share ideas and bring up concerns or problems, management tends to ignore employees’ ideas. They can even actively disregard employee concerns and act in ways discouraging them from speaking up. The leadership team must communicate openly with the employees and listen to their insights for any concerns or problems that can lead to boosting employee morale, retention, and productivity. Many are using systematic approaches to gather employee insights and turn them into tailored workplace cultures and policies (Gibson et al., 2021). Future leaders must have empathy, communication, resiliency, ethics, and values. Becoming an excellent leader requires practice and dedication. It is a journey; the more you learn and grow as a leader, the better you will become at it.


Gibson, H. O., & Wilson, M. S. (2021, August 19).  Don’t ignore your employees’ misery-take control. HBS Working Knowledge. Retrieved January 5, 2023, from

OLDEN, P. E. T. E. R. C. (2023). Management of Healthcare Organizations: An Introduction. ACHE MANAGEMENT.

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