Organizational Conversations and Media Examples Questions

Online Discussion 7 Prompt and Guidelines (20 points)📅 Online Discussion #7 Initial Post (IP) due by Thursday 11/3 @ 11:59 pm.
📅Online Discussion #7 Peer Responses (PR) due bySunday 11/6 @ 11:59 pm.
Discussion Reminders

Initial posts posted after Thursday 11/3 will receive a late penalty.
You need to respond to at least two posts in the discussion.
The discussion board closes on Sunday 11/6 @ 11:59 pm.
Initial Post Guidelines
For your intial post, you are going to make specific connections between your example
and the week 9 content. To this, you should bring in specific course concepts from the
readings and notes for the week. In your posts, you will also apply what you have
learned about your example and content to make specific recommendations for
organizations, leaders, and for all of us. For each of the prompt options, you will receive
more specific directions for content to include.
Your intial posts will be assessed based on: 1.) specific connections, 2.) descriptions of
course concepts (please cite your sources when you are paraphrasing or using direct
quotes), and 3.) clarity and relevance of your recommendations. There is not a specific
length requirement. Excellent and above average posts explain examples, explain
concepts thoroughly, and make specific/clear connections to course concepts. Average
posts explain parts of examples, parts of concepts, but there are no clear connections
between examples and concepts. On the upper right side of the discussion, you can find
the discussion grading rubric. Instructions for how to locate this in case you need
Initial Post Prompt Options (Pick One)

Option 1: Organizational Conversations and Media Examples
o For your response, pick one of the featured examples or an example of
your own to extend the conversation from the Socialization Lesson
Plan. What can we learn from this example? How does this connect
specifically to course content? Does it fit with course content? Or, does it
challenge course content? How would you contribute to the conversation?
What do you know based on what you have learned and your own
experiences? What is next? What can be done to address these
challenges? What do leaders and organizations need to do?

Option 2: Organizational Conversations and Featured Organization
o Pick an organization and learn a bit about it, and connect your learning to
one of the organizational conversations from the Socialization Lesson
Plan. To learn about the organization, look at their website, news articles
about them, their social media presence, and/or reviews of the
organization on websites like Glassdoor or Indeed. In your initial post, give
us a brief context to help us understand the organization. Tell us a bit
about how the work this organization does is contributing to
the organizational conversation. What can we learn from this example?
How does this connect specifically to course content? Does it fit with
course content? Or, does it challenge course content? How would you
contribute to the conversation? What do you know based on what you
have learned and your own experiences? What is next? What can be done
to address these challenges? What do leaders and organizations need to

Option 3: Revisit An Example from Previous Discussion Post
o Revisit one of your discussions from discussions 3-6. In your post, please
make sure to explain your example again and tell us how you are looking at
in a new way this week. Pick two course concepts you learned about this
week and apply those concepts to your previous discussion example. In
other words, tell us how these concepts are working specifically in your
example. Based on your example and the course concepts you chose, what
could organizations and eaders learn from your example? What could we
learn from your example? Learning could be things that are good about the
example, but learning can also be correcting mistakes or doing things

Option 4: Connect to Podcast Project
o Is your podcast topic related to what we discussed this week? In your post,
tell us briefly about your topic. Pick two course concepts you learned
about this week and apply those concepts to your podcast
challenge/topic. In other words, tell us how these concepts
work specifically when we apply them to your podcast challenge/topic
Based on your challenge/topic and the course concepts you chose, what
could organizations and leaders learn ? What could we learn from your
example? What might be some recommendations you could make for
leaders, organizations, or all of us to address your challenge/topic in better
Guidelines for Peer Responses

Pick two other posts to respond to for this online discussion.
You do not have to respond to people who talked about the same prompt as you.
In your responses, you will have to carefully consider the prompt, including the
examples and the concepts discussed. In your response, you should consider
addressing the following questions:
o What did you learn about the organizational conversation, example, or
o What recommendations would you make for leaders of organizations?
o What recommendations would you make for leaders of the specific
o What can we learn (good and/or bad) from this post?
o What surprised you or interested you about the conversation, example, or
o Did you see different connections to course concepts after reading the
post? If so, explain them?
o Alternatively, you might ask questions about the specific prompt. You
might offer an alternative perspective, other specific recommendations, or
other specific lessons that we might learn. What you do not want to do in
your responses is just say I agree. Use these questions to help you all have
conversations about the topics and examples. Note, you can disagree in
a respectful way. Remember, you are focusing on ideas or people. If a
response to you makes you feel defensive, pause, and take some time to
reflect before you respond.

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