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should be between 2018 to 2022.

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Post 1:

Contributing to the reengineering of healthcare by nurse managers and executives is a valuable technique that assists businesses in defining priorities, delivering more cost-effective treatment, and enhancing consumer value. A nurse leader plays a crucial role in reengineering healthcare by establishing goals, policies, and processes for quality improvement that will result in positive changes within the nursing profession and improved patient outcomes (Thomas et al., 2016). Nurse leaders have been charged with participating in and contributing to healthcare transformation to satisfy the demand for safe, high-quality, and patient-centered care. In the past, nurses could not effectively contribute to large-scale, significant change due to various barriers, including cultural disparities, legal restrictions, and policy limitations. Nurse leaders are urged to use their knowledge and skills to propose inventive new approaches to health care reform.

The nurse manager or leader can reengineer healthcare and may be accountable for modifying present policies, practices, and procedures. The significant alteration many hospitals underwent due to the COVID-19 outbreak is a good example. To remedy the situation, it was required to develop new processes for observing safety and avoiding infection. The Reengineered Discharge (RED) program, according to Popejoy et al. (2020), “prepares hospitalized patients for home discharge” (p. 158). Consequently, all internal logistics for implementing these processes became the duty of nurse leaders and managers.

Developing new strategic immunization programs for the population is another instance of nursing managers utilizing reengineering. According to Bloom et al. (2017), “vaccines are now universally recognized as a cost-effective and low-cost means of promoting health” (p. 214). To satisfy the government’s vaccine regulations, it was required to fully adopt a new workflow in which nurses may vaccinate all willing patients. Occasionally, immunizations were administered outside hospital grounds, which considerably complicated the procedure. Consequently, it can be asserted with certainty that nursing managers and leaders conduct crucial healthcare reengineering duties.




D. E., Canning, D., & Weston, M. (2017). The value of vaccination. Fighting the Diseases of Poverty, 214-238. 


Popejoy, L. L., Wakefield, B. J., Vogelsmeier, A. A., Galambos, C. M., Lewis, A. M., Huneke, D., Petroski, G., & Mehr, D. R. (2020). Reengineering skilled nursing facility discharge. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 35(2), 158-164. 


Thomas, T., Seifert, P., & Joyner, J. (2016). Registered nurses leading innovative changes. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(3). 


Post 2:

Nursing managers and leaders have a significant role to play in the reengineering of healthcare. It is anchored in the 2010 healthcare reform act which offers nurses avenues for delivering healthcare and playing a significant role in leading the reforms process in the health sector (Crewe & Girardi, 2019). The first aspect is to comprehend these opportunities and advocate for ways to reduce disease prevention, chronic patient care and costs. Some of the emerging re-engineering process include adoption of nurse-led innovations, generation of evidence and engagement in research, redesigning of nurse education and qualifications, expansion of the scope of practice, diversification of workforce, embracing of technology, and fostering inter professional connections. Additionally, nurses play important roles as innovators who help shape quality and safety. It is the role of the nurse leaders and managers to track data which helps to boost nursing practices as a part of the broader efforts to improve the health of the patients. Besides, in re-engineering, it is crucial to redesign the nursing education and ensure that nursing practitioners have the requisite requirements and training which helps to improve the quality and safety, evidence-based practice, research, and leadership. The scope of nursing can also be expanded in the reengineering process in healthcare. It can be adjusted to allow Advanced practice nurses (APNs) to practice to the full extent of their education and licensure. It will allow them to work in partnership with physicians as they provide cost-effective care and help address the primary care shortage (Steaban, 2016). It is necessary to adopt these changes because, currently, statutory, and regulatory barriers prevent them from practicing to the full extent of their licensure. Again, the workforce can be diversified to be able to reduce the present health disparities. To be able to achieve these, nurse leaders and managers have to put efforts to 

ensure that the nursing workforce reflects patient’s diverse backgrounds and cultural values. 


Crewe, S., & Girardi, A. (2019). Nurse managers: being deviant to make a difference. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-16. 

Steaban, R. L. (2016). Health care reform, care coordination, and transformational 

Leadership Nursing administration quarterly,40(2), 153-163. 


Post 3:

Healthcare reengineering involves devising methodologies that seek to improve the efficiency of care delivery, reduce costs, and improve customer experience and satisfaction. The healthcare system is ever-changing and hence requires close attention to address emerging issues. Approaches or methodologies to be employed must adhere to market needs as well as customers’ expectations. System reengineering entails methodologies that consolidate all recurring functions or processes to avoid redundancy that compromises efficiency. Concurrently, it enhances the management of all functional units and plans in healthcare, thus fostering smooth operation and care delivery (Helbig, 2018).

Nurse managers and leaders are the major decision-makers in the healthcare system. They are responsible for the smooth and efficient delivery of healthcare services. They ensure that healthcare policies are adhered to and followed. Nurse leaders advocate for the affairs of both healthcare staff and patients or customers. They ensure that customers’ rights are respected and their needs are addressed, while at the same time addressing staff issues. They do this by empowering them to speak and act independently. Similarly, they stand and fight for those lacking the power of self-advocacy (Crewe & Girardi, 2019). For instance, during the outbreak of COVID-19, nurse managers and leaders ensured that healthcare staff was well-protected from infection when caring for infected patients.

Managers are responsible for managing daily activities and ensuring that every function is executed as required. They give directions on what to do and ensure that nurses are competent in providing care services at the expected levels. They also solve cases and conflicts that may arise among staff members or between staff and clients. In this case, they ensure that harmony, unity, and normalcy prevail at all times. On the other hand, leaders are more concerned with spearheading functions in a specific direction. They ensure that no one strays and that everyone is focused on a single goal. Leaders are dedicated to certain goals and ensure that they are achieved. Managers and leaders play separate roles in healthcare delivery; however, there is a need to integrate both aspects of nursing leadership for outstanding outcomes (Lai et al., 2019).

In conclusion, healthcare reengineering refers to the reinvention of methodologies intended to improve care delivery and efficiency in the healthcare system. Nurse managers and leaders are responsible for the daily activities of the healthcare setting, hence ensuring that all policies are implemented to the fullest. They advocate for everyone’s right to act independently or feel free to air their issues of concern. They do this by empowering them to stand tall in times of need. Nurse managers ensure that normalcy and harmony are ever-present in the healthcare setting. They solve conflicts involving various parties. Leaders, on the other hand, are more concerned with staff unity and participation to achieve set goals. The two aspects can be integrated to realize effective results.


Crewe, S., & Girardi, A. (2019). Nurse managers: being deviant to make a difference. Journal of Management & Organization, 26(3), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2019.72

Helbig, J. (2018). Reengineering Health Care Management. 


Lai, M., Kuan, P., Lai, P., Mai, C., Sulaiman, H., Kim, P., & Lim, C. (2019). Healthcare Big Data Analytics: Re-engineering Healthcare Delivery through Innovation. https://iejsme.imu.edu.my/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/5.-IRDI-PH-Policy-Series-3

Post 4:

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in healthcare refers to a progressive program designed to reduce cost and improve patient outcomes at the same time. It involves processes that are constantly redesigned or improved to enhance efficiency in the healthcare system. Common goals of CQI include improving the patient experience, shortening the patient’s waiting time, reducing care costs, reducing readmissions and the patient’s stay in healthcare facilities, minimizing patients’ or staff’s exposure to danger, and improving their satisfaction. The models of CQI that can be applied in healthcare are “Six Sigma,” “Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA),” “Lean,” and “Baldrige Criteria.” They can be employed depending on an institution’s systemic structure or goals (O’Donnell & Gupta, 2021).

Nurses are always directly involved in various activities that determine patient outcomes. They are responsible for healthcare improvement due to their vital role in care delivery. Therefore, they play a big role in the quest for change and improvement, especially when the healthcare industry is in turmoil (Barredo, n.d.). The most challenging factor I experienced in my two-year stay at Hopekid Medical Center was the high prevalence of pressure ulcers. This was associated with the existence of a large number of older people in the population (Afzali Borojeny et al., 2020). The worst part was that Medicare was not paying for the patient’s stay in the facility.

I participated in the quality improvement project that championed skin integrity in the health center. The hospital formed a team of nurses that were to be trained on how to better address skincare issues because pressure-generated ulcers were costing the facility a lot of money. I was in a team of eight professional nurses drawn from every unit. We were trained on how to effectively dress wounds from burns and accidents. Pressure ulcers were significantly reduced as a result of this approach, to the extent of topping charts in the whole state of Alabama. Concurrently, our hospital saved a lot of millions in the process.

However, one unit was not performing favorably, thus affecting the overall performance. So, we decided to study the trend every week to find out what was affecting the unit. We discovered that some cases resulted from missing screenings and checks. Therefore, we ensured that every case was properly screened to detect any skin problems. Though the cases were later detected and attended to, pressure ulcer prevalence was still high due to late detection. So, we stressed timely checkups and screening to detect them earlier enough. The approach caused a significant drop in that unit. We still do monthly reviews to assess the situation while still recording favorable results.

In conclusion, Continuous Quality Improvement is a progressive approach that involves plans and programs that intend to reduce care costs, maximize productivity, and enhance the patient experience. Different models can be employed depending on institutional structures and objectives. Nurses are the most involved in hospital improvement, hence the need to devise methodologies that improve healthcare delivery and quality. Pressure ulcers are highly prevalent in the aging population as well as those with disabilities. Pressure ulcers are costly and hence should be treated with caution. Timely detection and proper dressing can help lower the prevalence of pressure ulcers, especially in the elderly. A continuous review of approaches is essential for maintaining and controlling challenging healthcare problems.


Afzali Borojeny, L., Albatineh, A. N., Hasanpour Dehkordi, A., & Ghanei Gheshlagh, R. (2020). The Incidence of Pressure Ulcers and its Associations in Different Wards of the Hospital: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 
International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 
11(171). https://doi.org/10.4103/ijpvm.IJPVM_182_19

Barredo, E. (n.d.). 
The Role of Nurses in Hospital Quality Improvement – Tine Health. Tinehealth.com. Retrieved January 10, 2023, from https://tinehealth.com/2017/06/05/the-role-of-nurses-in-hospital-quality-improvement/

O’Donnell, B., & Gupta, V. (2021). 
Continuous Quality Improvement. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559239/#:~:text=Continuous%20Quality%20Improvement%20(CQI)%20is

Professor’s Comment:

The referencing and citing of scholarly work is mandatory to support the idea that is being presented in the participation discussion. ALL peer responses require an in text citation, a reference, and 6 or more sentences.


should be between 2018 to 2022.

Post 5:

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) plays a significant part in the process of recognizing potential issues in healthcare and developing implementable solutions. Therefore, CQI increases the effectiveness of the nursing profession. In healthcare, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) account for a significant portion of the rise in death rates and healthcare expenditures (Mittal et al., 2018). This necessitates the execution of several solutions aimed at resolving the problem. As a nurse, I would apply a variety of quality-improvement-oriented measures.

I would adopt CQI by mandating that all catheter insertions be supervised by two nurses, for instance. In this instance, the nurses will study the patient’s chart and medical history to determine if a catheter is necessary. If an alternative procedure is possible, it should be attempted. In the event that a catheter insertion is necessary, it will only be performed per the doctor’s orders. In addition, the Catheter implantation must be evaluated occasionally, for instance every 24 hours. Moreover, during the insertion process, it is vital to check that all processes are followed. For instance, one nurse can determine whether the patient receiving the treatment is allergic to latex (Bauchner et al., 2020). In addition, the nurse should document the entire process in a chart that may be used as a reference in any circumstance. The process mentioned above is an example of CQI that will prevent CAUTIs from occurring during healthcare delivery. In this approach, the quality of the healthcare supplied will significantly increase.


Bauchner, H., Fontanarosa, P. B., & Livingston, E. H. (2020). Conserving supply of personal protective equipment—A call for ideas. JAMA, 323(19), 1911. 


Mittal, V., Jamaluddin, J., & Khera, R. (2018). Catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Update on Urinary Tract Infections, 94-94. 


Post 6:

Modern healthcare has evolved into a complex and dynamic system to be able to handle a variety of patients.

Nurse Managers and leaders significantly influence how the workforce delivers healthcare through leadership skills. Nurse leader/manager is a crucial player in the reengineering of health care because they act as a catalyst for change, “creates strategies for quality improvement, and contribute positive enhancements to the profession of nursing to increase patient outcomes” (Helbig, 2018). As part of their contributions to healthcare reengineering, nurse leaders and managers also advocate for the patients by developing a critical core competency and vital skill for healthcare organizations. It helps to restructure priorities, provide affordable care, and increase the value of services for clients or patients. Nurses are responsible for influencing current and future healthcare delivery systems (Helbig, 2018). supplying information that gives patients more control, enhances their capacity for informed decision-making, and guarantees a safe working environment for medical staff. Another way nurse managers and leaders help with healthcare reengineering is via accountability. When healthcare personnel is held accountable for their actions, they may continually improve the quality of their services and learn from their mistakes. Accountability in healthcare “improves patient trust, reduces resource misuse, and engages patients in care planning. Involving patients leads to improved satisfaction with the health care system and patient from a passive recipient to an active partner on the health care team,” according to Milani and Lavie (2014 conversion). Thanks to proper and efficient accountability, patients are safeguarded from staff misconduct and errors; this significantly aids in reengineering and enhances patient care, safety, and rehabilitation.


Academy, N. S. (n.d.). Disruption ahead: Navigating and leading the future of… : Nursing Administration Quarterly. LWW. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from 



Helbig, J. (2018). Reengineering healthcare management. In Grand Canyon University (Ed). Nursing leadership & management: Leading and serving. https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs451vn/nursing-leadership-and-management- leading-and-serving/v1.1/

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