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Porter’s model

The two main businesses with a commercial and a printing organization, such as commercial printing as wells as the media is known as Quebecor Inc. On five continents with over 150 printing plants Quebecor printing company is considered as the world’s largest printing organization. The opposition associated with this shows the power of the basis of these printing company and also the featured existence connectivity is appeared in the five forces for regulating the competing affiliations presentation in the business.

In the business for the awareness gaining of a competitive advantage there are five strategies of Porter’s. The structure of the business is considered as rely of the competitive business (Pulaj, Kume, & Amali Cipi, 2015).

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Porter’s five forces understanding:

Competitive Rivalry: In these looking about your competitor numbers and their weakness and strength. How many total numbers of competitors do you have? And then you are required to know the details about them: how the comparison is done with the products of their quality and services with yours, who are they?

Buyer power: In this strategy it is very important to examine or find out about how easy it is for the buyers to drive your prices for any product to the down level. Count how many total number of buyers are there, and also about the order level because the order may be either small or big? To those rival how much advantage can be gained from your services and products? To you are the buyers dedication is strong enough or not?

Supplier power: In this it is determined that for the suppliers how easy it is to maximize their prices. The total count of potential suppliers you have is to be known by them. The uniqueness of the service and product is to be known. The strength of the supplier is known by observing how the cost expensive from one customer to another is switched and then in the competition how importantly it plays the role.   

The threat of substitution: The customer livelihood of yours is to be known and then whatever you want to do find a different way of doing. Over to the competitor you might lose it is not a necessarily mean (Richard, S.m & Marilyn, M. 2011). A software product is a great example. Let’s image that you supply a software product which is unique by which a crucial process is automated. Substituting of this software consists of two processes. They are: either by task outsourcing or manually processing by hiring the person for doing the work.

The threat of new entry: This can be explained with having a strong similar competition with the other organizations in the market. On a position a big impact can be noticed in the similar industry by the new entry of the company in the same manner for you the ability to serve the similar clients bases you were used to can be impacted with the with the new entry. It also depends upon the industries rules and regulations. In the new entries a crucial role is played by the regulations, ease of entering the new market and also the cost entry.

Applying the porter’s strategy:            

To make the Quebecor printing organization profitable the certain strategies are given. They are:

Cost leadership:

As per the porter’s model explanation, to experiment the implementation of new strategies for the greater flexibility results should have to be considered in Quebecor printing company are the operational cost and also the low cost mode production in the and also the overall productivity is increased. There are many buyouts and mergers for Quebecor so with the help of those merges, in batch production for the utilization of advanced techniques and engineering methods and in the raw material extraction the low cost strategies should be focused by Quebecor organization. For the low cost strategies and differentiation for Quebecor can get help of operational excellence. In more sustainable way in international market the Quebecor can be established easily by bringing the customer services more on competitive gains with the strong focus on the cost leadership. In any business the competitive advantage can be obtained or gained either by lowering the products costs or providing great qualities or values to the customers.

Differentiation strategy:

Only a few competitors will prefer to enter into the market competition whenever an unique and innovative product is to be developed which is mentioned in the first list of the porter’s strategy. In the competitive advantage the more benefits can be gained with addressing the customer concerns, quality assurance, business model optimization and innovation in the products. Quebecor has already emerged many buyouts and companies, so to access to the customer market segment should their first priority as they are planning to enter in the international market. Therefore, with the narrow market strategies they can be able to focus more on their perspective business Tanwar, R. (2011). To incentives on the process of their product, their low cost printing will help them. For the implementation of new strategies, the particular group of market segment with customized binding options of Quebecor special printing services will also helps them.      

In the strategy list of porter’s with the market of new entrants, the effective competitor can be approached by utilizing the less money and time while developing a similar product with the competitors.

It is important to select the suppliers with the low prices and good quality for the raw materials because they can impact the cost productivity and also company depends more than the suppliers.    


Pulaj, E., Kume, V., & Amali Cipi. (2015). The impact of generic competitive strategies on organizational performance. the evidence fromalbanian context. European Scientific Journal, 11(28), 273-284. Retrieved from

Richard, S.m & Marilyn, M. (2011). Linking strategic practices and organizational performance to Porter’s generic strategies. Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 433-454. Retrieved from:

Tanwar, R. (2011). Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies. Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 11-17. Retrieved from:


Journal Article:

Pick one of the following terms for your research: collaboration, divisional structure, functional structure, horizontal structure, matrix structure, outsourcing, reengineering, teams, vertical linkages, or virtual team.


· SUMMARY (200-250 Words)

· References.


Quebecor Printing is a commercial printing company that is expanding, acquiring ailing printing companies, and moving into international markets. They have completed more than 100 mergers and buyouts since 1972 and have focused on customized service by using “selective binding” to print. Apply strategies from Porter’s model to make Quebecor Printing’s business more profitable.

· DISCUSSION: 300-350 Words



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