MOD 3 SLP Assignment-due in 12 hours

Complete the attached assignment.  APA format-

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Module 3 – SLP MGT509


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tant for HRM professionals to keep up on the HRM field. In this SLP assignment, you will be investigating an HRM practitioner publication, TD (Talent Development). It is the main publication of the Association for Talent Development (ATD)—a well-known association dedicated to professionals in employee training and development.

Select an article of your choice, published within the past three years, related to one of these topics.

performance management

talent management

change management

HR consulting

 organizational development. 

Discuss the following:

What main points does the author (or authors) make? Do you agree? Why or why not? What would make this article stronger? Bring in at least one other author viewpoint on the topic (from your background readings or library research), comparing or contrasting it to the article that you read.

You have a choice for the format of your submission, either submit:

a. An essay format (2–3 pages, not counting the cover page or the Reference page) which includes an introduction and conclusion.


b. A PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes on each slide. Not counting the cover slide or the Reference slide, your slide presentation should be 3-5 slides.

his module takes a look at performance management, talent development, and organizational development.

Performance Management

Performance management involves more than merely performance appraisals. What does successful performance management look like, not only in the United States, but in the global settings that so many organizations are competing in today? This is a fascinating and complex question; one that you will gain insight into through your work in this module.

Performance management activities are at many levels in an organization—individual employees, groups of employees, department programs, unit processes, and the organization as a whole. Focusing on turning goals into results, the function of performance management addresses many facets of performance to create and sustain an effective results-oriented culture. In a nutshell, performance management helps to raise individual performance, enhance employee and supervisory development, and increase organizational effectiveness.

The steps in this process are:

· identify performance standards and expectations

· observe and comment on activities as they relate to the expectations

· conduct performance evaluations

Coaching is an effective way to help employees increase their performance levels. Supervisors and other mentors who observe and provide detailed feedback play a critical role in employee success and motivation to meet performance expectations.

Performance appraisals (evaluations) are an important part of the communication process with the employee, which involves reviewing past performance and the employee’s job satisfaction, and planning for the employee’s future performance.

Talent Development

Employee talent development programs (training and development) are key areas in the domain of Human Resource Management. In some organizations, these functions are contained within a dedicated department that may be called Talent Management, Training, Organizational Development, Human Resource Development, Organizational Effectiveness, or Organizational Learning, among other titles. Ideally, this function is well linked with the human resources function, whether in a separate department or housed within the HR department itself.

Although the distinction is somewhat arbitrary, training is typically focused on acquiring and/or strengthening specific skills within a short time-frame either on-the-job or in a classroom setting, whereas development is embedded in the relationship between the manager or team leader and his/her staff or team members, and involves an iterative process through education, coaching, feedback, and reflection over time. Both of these ideally facilitate employee learning, but in different ways and involving different types of knowledge.

Most of you have experienced training and development activities in the organization(s) you have worked for over time. Some of you have even been involved in creating, implementing, and/or evaluating these programs and activities. Employee training and development often begins with the on-boarding process, which includes orienting new employees to the company, department, and job. It continues through various forms of training in acquiring new skills and capacities, for example specific technical skills. Ideally, it also involves ongoing development through coaching and feedback processes over time.

Organizational Development (OD)

· A growing field of Human Resource Management.

· Focuses on understanding and managing change to increase the organization’s effectiveness.

· OD philosophy: functions throughout an organization, individually and collectively, impacting each other as well as the external environment.

· People and their collaborative efforts are key features of any OD intervention.

Organizational development and design elements, such as organizational diagnostics and evaluation, strategic thinking, culture change, change management, coaching, mentoring, leadership development, team building, organization design, performance management, talent management, HR processes, and customer services all are part of a holistic OD intervention.

In this Case 3 assignment you will continue on with The King Company, applying critical thinking skills to analyze and critique the company’s situations. As you do so, keep in mind how the assumptions, values, and norms of individuals as well as the behavioral norms and behavioral patterns of the work groups all feed into the culture of the organization.

In SLP 3 the focus is on the importance of evaluating the training and development that is offered. In this assignment there should also be consideration given to how T & D activities feed into a company’s successful performance management and organizational development processes.

Required Sources

Crossman, D. (2016, October 29). Simon Sinek on millennials in the workplace [Video file]. Retrieved from 


Role of internal consultants in managing change. (2016). Retrieved from

Zaballero, A. G., Corn, C. M., Haynes, C., Rothwell, W. J., Anderson, C. S., & Park, C. H. (2015). Organization development fundamentals: Managing strategic change. Alexandria, VA: Association For Talent Development. Retrieved from EBSCO from the Trident Online Library.

Optional Sources

Best practice in performance management. (2013). HSJ.Co.Uk, Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Coping with workplace change. (2016). Vitality, (2). Retrieved from

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model: Implementing change powerfully and successfully. (2016). Retrieved from

Schraeder, M., & Jordan, M. (2011). Managing performance: A practical perspective on managing employee performance. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 34(2), 4-10. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library.

Strategies for coping with workplace change. (2017). Dartmouth College Faculty/Employee Assistance Program. Retrieved from

The following sources may be helpful if you choose to prepare a slide presentation for your SLP 3:

McMillan, D. (2012, September 12). Life after death by PowerPoint [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Wienot Films. (2011, May 9). How to give an awesome PowerPoint presentation [Video file]. Retrieved from 

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