Microsoft Access project

Software Tool to be used: Microsoft Access

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KJ’s Disclaimer about MS Access and it’s Relevance in the workplace:

  • Granted, few organizations use MS Access as it is more of an individual solution tool and easy to navigate BUT…..
  • MS Access showcases data tables, table relationships and more importantly, the ability to create queries of the data selecting whatever fields and attaching criteria (AND-n-OR) to FILTER or SUMMARIZE massive amounts of data easily

Remember a “Query is a Query” no matter what language it is written in including SQL (Structured Query Language)

Additionally, MS Access allows you to create data entry/inquiry forms and reports too which are NOT required for this assignment.

  • Instructions
  • ghadah alshakkakee (name to be used in some data fields that require name)
  • Step 1: View the assignment Description document with step-by-step instructions:
  • ISAN3380-HW1-BigData-Access Queries.pdf (file below)
  • Step 2: Download the 2 starter files to your local device/folder (Recommend the Downloads Folder so you remember WHERE you put them)

Starter Access Database: Foodmart4g.accdb (file below)

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YOUR Answer Sheet: ISAN3380-HW1-LnameFname.docx (file below)

Follow the Assignment Instructions creating the queries, Saving Results as PDF’s and Answering the questions in your answer sheet

  • Once completed, Save/Close ALL files

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