**Write SIX-100 word reply to the SIX (6) individual discussion responses ** Use APA formatting and citation standards.  Should be 6 different posts. Each posted is numbered and a name.

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The primary post(s) are provided as an attached file.  

Assignment Details: 

To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:  

  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?  
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?  
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?  
  • What item you found to be compelling and enlightening.   


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Initial Question:

Service providers can deal with rude or inconsiderate customers by making sure that they remain professional. Just because the customer is rude does not mean that the service provider should also be rude. Service providers should avoid retaliation when dealing with rude customers.

· How can you effectively deal with rude or inconsiderate customers?

Primary Post:

Dealing with rude or inconsiderate customers is a challenge for any business, regardless of sector. Companies need to have a strategy to handle these types of customers. It can be challenging to keep calm when a customer is disrespectful. Still, it is essential to remain professional to preserve the customer’s trust in the business.

The first step to effectively dealing with rude or inconsiderate customers is to remain calm and professional. It can be difficult not to take the customer’s comments personally. Still, it is essential to remember that it is the business that the customer is upset with, not the service provider. The service provider should remain calm and polite, no matter how difficult the customer may be. It is essential to maintain a positive attitude, as this will help to de-escalate the situation. Listening to the customer and trying to understand their concerns is also necessary. Customers often become frustrated when they feel their problems need to be taken more seriously. By listening to the customer and acknowledging their concerns, the service provider can demonstrate that they take the customer’s concerns seriously. This will help build trust and respect between the customer and the service provider and help diffuse the situation.

The service provider should also be clear and direct when responding to the customer. This will help to ensure that the customer is clear on what is expected of them. The service provider should also be firm but not aggressive. Keeping a professional tone and not arguing with the customer is essential. If the customer continues to be rude or inconsiderate, the service provider should not retaliate (Punyatoya, 2018). While it can be difficult not to respond in kind, retaliating will only make the situation worse. Instead, the service provider should remain professional and try to de-escalate the situation.

Service providers need to be empathetic when dealing with customers. This may mean taking a step back and understanding why a customer is acting in a certain way, such as being frustrated or overwhelmed. By understanding how the customer feels, the service provider can demonstrate that they are on the same side, which can help build rapport and de-escalate the situation. Additionally, showing empathy may help build trust and establish a connection with the customer, which can benefit both parties (Ngo et al., 2020). Furthermore, service providers should be patient and understanding, as customers may need help understanding all the details of the situation or product. An empathetic response can help to alleviate any confusion and ensure the customer is taken care of. Being compassionate is critical to providing excellent customer service and can help build a positive relationship between the customer and the service provider.

In conclusion, dealing with rude or inconsiderate customers is always challenging, but businesses need to have a strategy to handle these types of customers. By remaining calm, professional, and empathetic, service providers can effectively deal with rude or inconsiderate customers and help to preserve the customer’s trust in the business.

#1 Yolanda: When dealing with rude or inconsiderate customers, service providers should remain professional. The service provider should not respond by being rude and should ensure that they consider future business dealings with the individual or one with similar behavior. One of the ways to remain professional is by avoiding retaliating or responding in kind. The service provider should remain calm when faced with unexpected responses or inquiries from a customer. A customer can violate the sense of respect for the employee, which can trigger negative emotions and responses (Mahr, et al., 2019). Avoiding retaliation prevents the risk of escalating the situation further. It also allows the customer to reflect on what they have said, as well as giving the service provider a chance to gather their thoughts. In business, there is a saying that the customer is always right. Therefore, the customer can view retaliation from a rude comment or question as a way of aggression from the provider. The provider should always stay alert to the customer’s behavior to avoid deteriorating the situation through retaliation. One should assess the situation first before making any comments or responses, which also involves determining whether it could threaten personal safety. For example, a rude customer may attempt to attack the provider physically. In such a case, the individual should avoid physical confrontation and call another colleague to assist in de-escalating the situation.

The other way to deal with a rude customer effectively is to become empathetic based on the situation. A customer may be angry about a product, or service and make angry comments. However, the service provider becomes the target and should not have express frustrations on based comments. Some customers may be experiencing feelings like restlessness, and anxiety especially after facing minor inconveniences. For such a customer, the service provider should not take the situation personally, but should recognize the feelings of the customer. The response requires emotional intelligence from the service provider, which entails identifying the underlying problem, and how best to solve it. The provider should offer to assist the customer in the best way possible (Mahr, et al., 2019). The individual should also maintain self-control to ensure that they use persuasive language to respond to customer comments. In some cases, the comments may be on an online platform, where the conversation is not on a face-to-face basis. For example, a provider may be responding to a customer that received the wrong package during shipping. In such a case, the individual should note the reason for the customer’s disappointment and respond to reassure the customer that the problem will be rectified immediately without further costs and apologize to the customer regardless of whose fault it was in the organization.

The third way of dealing with rude customers effectively is to stand firm. For example, a customer may continue insisting on seeing a senior person or repeat similar questions regardless of the explanations given. In such a case, the service provider needs to be more assertive in the response to ensure that the customer is convinced of the solution suggested or has the necessary information required before taking further steps (Mahr, et al., 2019). Some customers may insist that they have power over the service provider and may even say things that are against the rules or terms of conditions. For such cases, it requires being convincing and ensuring the customer that one is responsible or qualified to respond to the concern. It is particularly important if the service provider is at a senior level and the customer cannot access another senior individual. Assertiveness is important in offering facts, explanations, and rules.

#2 Solomon: Service providers can deal with rude or inconsiderate customers by making sure that they remain professional. Just because the customer is rude does not mean that the service provider should also be rude. Service providers should avoid retaliation when dealing with rude customers.

In my career field, I have dealt with this on numerous occasions. In the food service industry, whether its retail, healthcare, or schools, customers get very upset when service is perceived to be incorrect. It could be from various reasons to include – long wait times, incorrect orders, products not at the right temperature or even forgotten items. As a food service and customer service expert, I have learned that the organization must control the tempo by using proper judgement and responses no matter how hostile the customer may become. The service provider must protect the brand.

The term “the customer is always right” must be fully expressed in confrontational situations. And staff members must be fully trained on how to handle these situations. Also, managerial staff must be able to identify when staff members are in “A bad mood” and know their staff members and what they are capable of because the customer could ask a simple question and the staff member could just be having a bad day and give a negative response that could ignite the customer.

In the case of dealing with inconsiderate customers, the first thing the staff member should know is to maintain a level tone no matter how hostile the customer gets. Next, the staff member should understand that its not a personal attack and shouldn’t respond in a personal manner. The staff member should exercise all actions to ensure the situation does not become personal and should attempt to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

For example, let’s say a customer received a wrong order and is already having a bad day. that customer might initially react negatively. The staff member should take a breath, not show any emotion, and respond kindly. “My apologies, I’ll get that corrected Sir or Ma’am”. If the staff member is untrained and responds back negatively, the situation will escalate. Staff should also understand that when situations get out of hand, they should notify a supervisor immediately to de-escalate the situation.

Supervisors and staff should fully understand that “the customer is always right” and not to take issues personally. Once they can fully absorb this concept, handling issues will be very easy and controlled. Accommodating a customer with supplemental items is far more inexpensive than to deal with a hostile situation that could affect other guests and possibly tarnish your brand. So when dealing with inconsiderate customers, meet their aggression with positive responses, try to accommodate them at all costs, and notify a supervisor to de-escalate the situation.


Initial Question:

· How can verbal feedback affect customer encounters?

· Be sure to provide support for your position by including examples.

Primary Response:

Verbal feedback is a form of communication through which customers and representatives of businesses can interact and exchange information. It is a powerful tool that can be used to build strong relationships, and it has the potential to make or break customer encounters. It enables both parties to express their feelings, enhance understanding, and create a more satisfying customer experience. Verbal feedback can be positive or negative, and how it is used can make or break a customer’s experience.

Positive verbal feedback can create positive customer experiences. Positive verbal feedback can be used to show appreciation for a good job or to thank a customer for their patronage. Positive verbal feedback can also be used to build relationships with customers. For example, when a customer speaks with a representative, they may be asked if they need help with anything else or have any questions (Becker & Jaakkola, 2020). This interaction can be beneficial, showing the customer that the representative is listening to them and wants to help. The use of positive verbal feedback can create a sense of trust between the customer and the business, which can lead to repeat business.

On the other hand, negative verbal feedback can also have an impact on customer encounters. If customers are dissatisfied with their experience, they are likely to be more vocal about it. Negative verbal feedback can damage a business if it is not addressed properly (Wu & Gao, 2019). It can lead to customers feeling dissatisfied with the service they received and even result in them choosing to take their business elsewhere.

Businesses must respond quickly and appropriately to verbal feedback to ensure customer satisfaction. If a customer receives positive verbal feedback, the business should thank them for their input and ensure that the customer’s needs are met. Additionally, companies should take the time to address any issues the customer may have raised to ensure they are satisfied with their experience. For instance, if a customer complains about the quality of the product they received, the business should take the time to address the issue and try to rectify it to keep the customer satisfied.

Verbal feedback can also have an impact on customer loyalty. Positive verbal feedback can lead to customers feeling appreciated and valued, making them more likely to return for future purchases. Additionally, if customers receive a positive response to their feedback, they are likely to feel more loyal to the business and may even recommend it to their friends and family. On the other hand, negative verbal feedback can lead to customers feeling dissatisfied and may lead them to take their business elsewhere.

In conclusion, verbal feedback can have a significant impact on customer encounters. Positive verbal feedback can create positive customer experiences, while negative verbal feedback can create negative customer experiences. Businesses should positively use verbal feedback and always be courteous and respectful when responding to customers. By positively using verbal feedback, companies can create positive customer experiences and build customer relationships.

#3 Maisee: Verbal feedback has the potential to have a significant impact on interactions with customers. Employees can generate a pleasant experience for consumers by being polite, kind, and helpful, which will leave customers with a favorable opinion of the firm. Customers have a greater chance of being loyal to a company if they are treated with respect and courtesy, which in turn makes it more likely that they will continue to do business with the organization. In addition, a respectful demeanor can contribute to the development of trust between the customer and the business, which may ultimately result in improved client loyalty. There are several ways to collect feedbacks and some of these examples are post-visits email surveys, analog feedback, digital feedback, digital point-of-sale, verbal feedback, messaging, real-time mobile platforms (Local Measure, 2019).

Customers’ perceptions of the quality of a product or service can also be influenced by the comments they provide verbally. If an employee is competent and offers the customer information that is beneficial to them, then the customer is more likely to have a favorable opinion of the product or service. When it comes to high-priced items, this factor can be especially significant, since consumers are more inclined to make a financial investment in a product or service if they are confident in its quality. If, on the other hand, an employee is unhelpful or does not answer queries, a client may begin to question the quality of the product or service being offered and decide to go elsewhere.

Finally, vocal feedback has the potential to affect the result of the interaction with the customer. It is more likely that the consumer will make a purchase if the employee is able to fix the problem faced by the customer in a prompt and effective manner. This may be especially true for products that come with a high price tag, as customers may be more ready to make an investment if they feel as though their problem has been resolved and the company can be trusted. On the other hand, if the employee is uncooperative with the customer or does not address their complaint, the consumer can conclude that they do not want to purchase the product or service.

To summarize, verbal feedback has the potential to make a big impact on interactions with customers. Employees may generate pleasant experiences for customers and contribute to the success of their organization by offering service that is polite, helpful, and efficient. Customers are more likely to have a favorable experience if they have the impression that they are welcomed and valued, if their questions and concerns are addressed, and if their inquiries and concerns are answered. Therefore, in order to have a successful interaction with a customer, it is essential for staff to be professional, courteous, and educated about their respective fields.

#4 Amari: Customer satisfaction has become the primary concern for most organizations across the globe. Companies strive to offer exemplary services to their customers as the primary determinants of the success of the organizations. This has led to adoption of different communication approaches to keep customers engaged and to continuously collect their views concerning the quality of services and goods rendered in the organization. AL-Fakhri & Alabdullah, (2021) notes that the way customer perceive, engage and behave in the contemporary global marketplace is central in the success of most organizations. Thus communication becomes very necessary to enhance human connection in a bid to creating memorable experiences for the customers by offering required interactions. As such, verbal communication becomes one of te primary ways of engaging customers and has significant effects to customer experience.

Verbal feedback from customers can have a significant impact on customer encounters. It can provide both positive and negative feedback that can shape the future of the customer experience. Positive feedback can give companies insight into what they are doing well and what they can do better. It can also help build relationships between customers and employees. On the other hand, negative feedback can provide valuable insight into areas where the company needs to improve and can help prevent similar problems in the future.

Positive verbal feedback can create a positive customer experience. For example, when a customer is happy with a product or service they purchased, they may offer their thanks or praise to the employee. This can create a sense of appreciation, which can be a powerful motivator for employees. Additionally, it can help build strong relationships between customers and employees, which can lead to more loyal customers.

Negative verbal feedback can also be beneficial in customer encounters. When customers are unhappy with a product or service, they may express their dissatisfaction to the employee. This can be an opportunity for the company to identify areas where it can improve. For example, if a customer expresses dissatisfaction with the quality of the product, the company can use this feedback to make changes in order to better serve its customers. Additionally, negative feedback can help prevent similar problems in the future.

In conclusion, verbal feedback from customers can have a powerful impact on customer encounters. Positive feedback can help build relationships and motivate employees, while negative feedback can provide valuable insight into areas where the company needs to improve. By taking the time to listen to customer feedback, companies can create better customer experiences and foster more loyal customers.


Initial question:

What does great customer service mean to you?

Primary post:

Great customer service measures how well a company or individual meets the needs of its customers. It is a combination of providing top-notch products or services, a seamless customer experience, and an overall level of satisfaction that encourages customers to return for more. It is about understanding the customer’s needs and responding promptly, effectively, and courteously.

Excellent customer service means going above and beyond the expected. It is about providing the best possible experience for the customer from start to finish. This involves comprehensive knowledge of the products or services offered, clearly explaining them to the customer, and addressing any issues. Excellent customer service also means being proactive in understanding the customer’s needs and providing solutions that address those needs.

Excellent customer service requires a company or individual to be personable, friendly, and helpful. It means having staff that is knowledgeable, approachable, and willing to take the time to answer questions and address concerns (Følstad et al., 2018). Excellent customer service also means having a sense of urgency in addressing customer issues, proactively anticipating potential problems, and acting swiftly to resolve them. For example, Apple is known for its excellent customer service. Apple offers a variety of ways to get help, such as 24/7 phone and chat support, online forums, and in-store Genius Bars (Kam & Rimmer, 2022). Apple also has an online support system that allows customers to search for solutions to their problems or ask questions. Additionally, Apple stores offer free workshops and classes to help customers learn how to use their products. These services give customers the convenience and assurance that their issues will be addressed quickly and efficiently.

Finally, excellent customer service means going the extra mile. It means providing customers with incentives, discounts, or promotions to encourage them to come back and being available for follow-up after the sale (Campbell & Schau, 2019). It means only being satisfied with the customer’s experience once they are delighted. Excellent customer service should also involve personalizing the experience for the customer. This could include providing personalized recommendations, following up after the sale, or providing additional services or discounts that would benefit the customer. On top of all this, excellent customer service should also be friendly and courteous, as this helps to create a positive impression and foster trust and loyalty in the customer.

For example, excellent customer service could involve providing customers with personalized service. This could mean sending them thank you cards for their purchase, emails about special offers or deals, or even offering them discounts for their loyalty. It could also involve providing customers with a FAQ page on their website to answer any common questions they may have. Additionally, excellent customer service could involve having a customer service representative available 24/7 to answer any questions or address any customer issues.

In a nutshell, excellent customer service means providing customers with the best possible experience from start to finish. It is about understanding their needs and responding promptly, effectively, and courteously. It is about being personable, friendly, and helpful and going the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

#5 Shawnika:

Great customer service is an experience which encompasses active listening, feedback, anticipating the basic needs/requirements to fill said task, clear communication, the ability to escalate if needed, appropriate resources to complete the task, agreeable delivery terms, follow-up, and an incentive for future use. When the items above are combine with diversity, respect, compassion, and flexibility the outcome produces great customer service. Customers perceive satisfaction which leads to a stronger company image, protection of marker shares, and increased customer loyalty (Hallencreutz & Parmler, 2021). As consumers we experience customer service in our everyday interactions. Often, we remember both our worst experiences as well as our best. When describing our worst customer service experiences, we often point out all the things the customer service provider did wrong or failed to do. I can reflect on two recent meal purchases where I experienced poor customer service and customer service excellence.

After viewing pictures of another friend’s experience, I chose to place a call-in order to the top Japanese restaurant in our city. The restaurant opened at 5pm and I attempted to call the line no less than 6 times before it rang without a busy signal. Upon answering, I was asked to hold which I did for more than 10 minutes to place the order. After placing the order, I was required to pay, while driving, to have it started. The meal for 2 was $77.00, including 10% added gratuity, and the wait time was 40 minutes. I set a phone alarm for 45 minutes and headed in the direction of the restaurant. When the timer went off, I entered the beautifully adorned facility where I checked in, tipped, signed for the meal, and was told it would be an additional few minutes’ wait. I returned to the car to retrieve my sleeping child. We waited inside for an additional 30 minutes before the to go meal was ready. Before reaching home and tasting the food, I had already decided I would never order a to go meal from the establishment.

While picking up my son one evening I had an urge to eat at Firehouse Subs. My first-time eating Firehouse was after being sent a message, from a friend, showing they were providing free subs with a purchase for individuals with names beginning in “SI or SH”. I place my order in the store and enjoyed the food. This time, I placed an online order from the car and the pickup time was in 20 minutes. About 5 minutes after place the order I received a phone call from the restaurant informing me they unfortunately ran out of chicken, and they would gladly replace the order with any other sub of my choice. I thanked the caller and placed an alternative order. I then waited 20 minutes before entering the store to pick up my order. I was greeted by name, given another apology for the inconvenience, and thanked for my understanding.

Of the two experience Firehouse subs provided customer service excellence by reaching out to inform me (feedback), despite lacking the requested item (appropriate resources to complete the task), allowing me to determine a suitable alternative, and meeting the agreeable delivery terms. When retrieving my order, I was greeted with respect and thanked for choosing their establishment. I felt my time was not respected at the Japanese restaurant. They failed to offer accommodations to make me and my child more comfortable while waiting, despite the restaurant having a bar with ample seating. Based on my experience I would try an alternative restaurant before returning to the Japanese restaurant. Whereas on the alternate end I registered an account and downloaded the app for Firehouse sub for future purchases.

I prefer customer service excellence and receiving it makes me more like to become a repeat customer with brand loyalty. Prior expectations for products and services are considered a part of the experience and affects satisfaction, things such as the aesthetics of a full-service restaurant may increase customers brand love and loyalty (Kim et al., 2021). According to Newsweek (2020), Firehouse Subs was ranked number 4 in Catering, Restaurant and Leisure for their ability to listen to their customers and accommodate their needs.

#6 Mahrisa:

To customer service is the assistance that is offered to a customer throughout the entire interaction you have with them. I believe providing quality customer service is means to make sue the customer is satisfied with the not only the product they are buying but also the feeling of value they get when purchase from any business. So many times, I have decided not to patron establishments not because the products they offer we not up to par but because the customer service I received was unsatisfactory. I mean more to me that a business makes me feel like they value their customers which would make me more inclined to spend my hard-earned money on their products or services. I believe that to be with any establishment whether it be a restaurant or a clothing brand. I think customer service gets lost in the shuffle of profits and sales. I have worked in customer service for almost ten years, and I have dealt with many different types of customers and one thing I have learned is no matter how the customer may come across to you, talking with a smile is mandatory. My mother is a very difficult customer, I sometimes must remind her that being aggressive is not always necessary and that sometimes you can get “more bees with honey than with vinegar” but she is just an example that not every customer is pleasant, and you can’t please everyone. As a customer service representative my main role is to provide as much assistance as possible with professionalism and patience all while keeping the integrity of the business and the customers needs at the forefront of all your encounters. Overall, quality customer service is being empathetic to the customers needs, taking your time to make each person you interact with feel valued and heard in every situation and also going above and beyond to show the customer that they made the right choice by being a patron of that business.

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