Memo Draft English Writing

The directions of this assigment is attached under in the document below called Memo Draft. 

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This assigment is due January 19(tomorrow late in the evening

Peer Review: Draft of

Workplace Memo

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Peer Reviews are a two part assignment. You must post your paper AND go back and provide feedback. Please see the instructions below. 

1. Read the Assignment Sheet – 
Workplace Memo.

2. Review how to 

Present Research in a Meaningful Way

· All research must include an attributive tag AND an end citation.

· For example, an attributive tag should be included when you present research as this gives the research credibility; for example, In the article, “Knowing your Evidence,” John Smith, an expert in forensic analysis, explains that……. (31). This shows the reader where the research came from, and that the person being referenced is credible because we know his credentials. There must also be an end citation in addition to the attributive tag – it’s not enough to just have an attributive tag.

· Having both an attributive tag (name of article, author, and author’s credentials) and an end citation (“31” in this example), tells the reader when the research starts and when it ends. This is not an option in this course. If you have a direct quote, you must include the page or paragraph number.

· When you present research, you should follow up with a statement that makes the research meaningful, such as: “this demonstrates how…..” or “this research reflects….” Or “this research support/contradicts…”

· Research in your own words must also be cited. 

1. Review the Rubric – It may be found below the assignment sheet.


Sample Memo Format 



Sample Workplace Memo


3. Draft your memo including your research.

4. Read the 

Guidelines for Participating in Peer Reviews


Rubric – Peer Reviews

5. Post Draft by Wednesday

6. Respond by Friday to two other students. In addition to providing general feedback, you MUST use the questions below to conduct your peer reviews. Respond to students that have not received feedback first.

7. Submit the Final Draft by Sunday after you have reviewed your peer’s feedback and revised.

Peer Review Questions for Workplace Memo


1. How does the opening paragraph prepare the audience for the memo?

· Does it provide background information? Does it talk about the importance of leadership?  

2. What is the purpose of the memo? Is it clear?  

· Based on the purpose statement provided, the audience should know from the start why you are writing this memo. 

3. What is the current working environment and why is modeling good leadership so important?

4. Is transformative leadership introduced and defined?

· What does the writer include to help the audience see what transformative leadership looks like in action?

5. What research (evidence) does the writer use to support that this leadership style will benefit all involved, the organization as well as the employees?

6. Is ALL research presented in a meaningful way, direct quotes, summaries, and paraphrases?

· Does reader know the credibility of the source?

· Is there an attributive tag (lead in) and a parenthetical reference to close the research when research is presented? 

7. What is the audience being asked to consider?

· Based on what is included in the memo, will the audience know how to make the changes? 

8. Is there a separate concluding paragraph?

· Does the conclusion include a brief recap, the importance of what is being asked, and a call to action?  

Format and Design

1. Are there headings/subheadings within this document?

· Do they guide the reader through the memo?

2. Is the memo formatted correctly?

3. Is every sentence clear and easy to follow? 

If you can’t answer the above questions because the memo is missing what I am asking you about, respectfully provide the writer specific suggestions on how they can make their memo better. 


TO: Tundra Medical System Surgeon and Anesthesia Champions
FROM: Name, Director of Strategic Initiatives
SUBJECT: Improving the Surgical Quality Journey with an ERAS Program

Surgeons, anesthesiologists, and health care systems strive for excellence in surgical care. This is
a time when the Surgical Quality Journey needs to collaborate and implement the most current
evidence-based surgical quality initiatives. There is overwhelming literature to support that the
use of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program significantly improves outcomes,
reducing morbidity and decreasing costs. This memo requests that Tundra Medical System
Surgeon and Anesthesia Champions support the use of the ERAS program to improve the surgical
care and recovery care of patients.

Current Surgical Care Model

Observation of the process for surgical preparedness in the offices of 15 surgeons of varying
specialties was completed for 6 months. In short, it was observed that patients receive limited
examination and discussion with surgeons preoperatively. There was no program that addressed
patient education, optimization, and assessment for surgical readiness. Patients were not
provided with information of what to expect before, during, and after surgery regarding their
pain management, mobility expectations, nutritional requirements to optimize healing and other
measures they could engage in to prevent complications.

Anesthesia care in the medical center was similarly observed. Like the surgeons, the time spent
preparing a patient for anesthesia and review of what to expect before, during and after
procedure was very limited. Outdated processes such as patient fasting for six to eight hours
prior to procedure and heavy intra-operative use of intravenous fluids to maintain perfusion was
noted. Pain management included early and often use of narcotics and opioids to manage
surgical pain.

Changes in care are driven by objective matrix that are measured over time and represent
quality of care outcomes. In review of these matrix, data such as length of stay, surgical site
infections, length of time for return of bowel function, narcotic and opioid pain medication
usage, and overall patient satisfaction have had little movement in the last 3 years.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Model

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery is not a new idea. Melnyk, Megan, et alia found that ERAS has
been around since the 1990s and was developed to change the way patients physiologically
respond to the stressors of surgical procedures (Melnyk, Megan, et al. 343). It has since been

Commented [MP1]: Purpose of memo is clear

Commented [MP2]: While the current situation is
presented here, it must be cited. The student is referencing
data in this whole section and it must be cited.

Commented [MP3]: The research is cited effectively with
an attributive tag to start and closes with a parenthetical
reference, but we, as readers don’t know who the authors
are and why we should trust them.

found to have the added benefits including reduced complications, decrease in hospital stay, and
improvement in cardiovascular and bowel function as well as a quicker return to baseline status
(Melnyk, Megan, et al. 343).

The modern approach to ERAS encompasses many aspects of the three stages of surgical care:
pre, intra, and post procedure. Preoperatively, ideas such as comprehensive education, patient
optimization including evaluation of baseline nutritional status and prior pain management
routines, carbohydrate loading, and bowel preparation are addressed. Intraoperatively, care
that includes restrictive use of intravenous fluids, maintenance of normothermia, and use of
regional anesthesia versus general anesthesia is done. Postoperatively, care including
prophylactic management of nausea and vomiting with early alimentation, early mobility,
restricted use of narcotics in favor of NSAIDS, and early removal of catheters and drains is
employed (Melnyk, Megan, et al., par. 343).

The Impact of the Changes

The ERAS processes are a paradigm shift in the way elective surgical patients are prepared and
cared for. Fitzgerald, in referencing the thoracic surgery program at University of Virginia Health
System (UVA), wrote that the challenge was to get the buy-in of the clinicians (Fitzgerald, par.
10). These professionals were very invested in the care they provided to their patients and truly
believed they were doing very well (Fitzgerald, par. 10). Per Melnyk, Megan, et alia, even minor
changes that are simple to implement, represented what was thought to be fundamental care
and thus was difficult to achieve (Melnyk, Megan, et al. 348). Joliat, Gaetan-Romain et alia, also
noted that to start to change the way care is delivered, there had to be some challenging to the
usual care surgical care trends (Joliat, Gaëtan-Romain, et al., par. 1). They go on the further say
that the success of improving care and embracing new challenges and way of thinking depended
of the leadership of the clinicians and their willingness to apply evidence-based
interventions (Joliat, Gaëtan-Romain, et al., par. 1).

Data Analysis

At Tundra Medical Center, once there is commitment to embrace the literature and embark
upon changes, data collection and assessment will drive sustainability. Fitzgerald noted that at
UVA, ERAS resulted in better educated patients both before and after surgery, which in turn
proved to result in decreased pain and shorter lengths of stay (Fitzgerald, par. 7). The ERAS
program at UVA diminished the use of morphine related medications by 74% in one group and
59% in another, shortened length of stay by two days and saved over $1.3 million for a group of
139 patients (Fitzgerald, par. 22). Joliat, Gaetan-Romain et alia state that ERAS and associated
pathways do two things: improve patient outcomes and decrease costs (Joliat, Gaëtan-Romain,
et al., par. 4). In review of several studies, there was a 40% reduction in morbidity for colorectal
cases and for liver specific procedures, surgery complications were reduced by 30-50% (Joliat,
Gaëtan-Romain, et al., par. 4). In those same studies, there was a cost savings realized of $1
million for 198 cases (Joliat, Gaëtan-Romain, et al., par. 5).

Commented [MP4]: It’s not enough to cite at the end of a
para—the research must be presented in a meaningful way.

Commented [MP5]: We need to know the author’s title
in order to be able to trust what he/she is saying

Commented [MP6]: Excellent job of using support in this
section, but it must be presented in a meaningful way.

Commented [MP7]: What data? Headings should be
specific, they’re like a summary to the text that follows.

The Road to Change and Success

There are many examples of successful programs in the volumes of evidence-based
literature. Available to help Tundra Medical Center is Improving Surgical Care and Recovery
(ISCR). Wick, Elizabeth, et alia reports ISCR is a program partnership of well-respected
organizations including with the American College of Surgeons (ACS), Johns Hopkins Medicine
Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality as well as the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ) Safety Program (Wick, Elizabeth, et al., par. 1). ISCR is an effective program,
offering support of the ERAS process that starts from the initial roll out including coaching calls,
webinars and a nurse consultant with vast experience in establishing ERAS programs (Wick,
Elizabeth, et al., par. 6-7). ISCR program is free, funded by AHRQ and is comprehensive,
providing evidence-based literature with the pathways to model helping organizations
implement their own unique ERAS programs.

Please consider partnering the Executive Team and the Office of Strategic Initiatives to
implement an ERAS program to improve the surgical care and recovery care of patients. Your
support and engagement in this initiative is appreciated. Please let me know if you have any
questions and or if I can help in implementing this change. I look forward to improving the care
we provide to our patients.

Works Cited

Fitzgerald, Andrea. “Enhanced Recovery Program Reduces Opioid Use and Costs, Benefits
Patients at UVA.” A Press Ganey Publication, August 2018. INDUSTRY EDGE,
recovery-program-reduces-opioid-use-and-costs-benefits-patients-at-uva .

Joliat, Gaëtan-Romain, et al. “Beyond surgery: clinical and economic impact of Enhanced

Recovery After Surgery programs.” BMC Health Services Research, vol. 18, no. 1, 29
December 2018, doi:10.1186/s12913-018-3824-0.

Melnyk, Megan, et al. “Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols: Time to change

practice?” Canadian Urological Association Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, October 2011, p. 342-
348, doi:10.5489/cuaj.11002.

Wick, Elizabeth C., et al. “AHRQ Safety Program for ISCR expands scope in 2019.” Bulletin of

American College of Surgeons, vol. 103, no. 12, 4 December 2018, pp. 16-20,

Accessibility Report


Sample Persuasive Memo_2019-1

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Yanira Leon


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TO: All Employees
FROM: Your Name, Director of Human Resources
SUBJECT: Journey to Excellence

Over the course of the year, the Senior Leadership team has performed various surveys throughout the
company to assess the needs of individuals as well as all departments. These surveys have provided an
abundance of information that would benefit our organization. The purpose of this memo is to bring
everyone up to date on current opportunities for improvement, the introduction of a new style of
leadership, and expectations of all employees.

Current Opportunities for Improvement

Our Senior Leadership team has discovered various concerns throughout the company over special
treatment or favoritism of certain employees resulting in unfair advantages for some but not for others.
The Senior Leadership team stands behind discouraging these types of behaviors.

After extensive research and consideration, it’s believed that implementing an alternate leadership
approach will be highly beneficial to assist with deterring favoritism and will in turn aid in promoting the
future moral growth of the company. As a result, the Senior Leadership team encourages all employees
to participate in removing this bias towards one another by helping to support the company’s decision
to implement a new leadership style.

Our New Leadership Style

The best type of leadership style to address our current opportunities for improvement is the
transformative leadership style. According to the article “Transformational and Transformative
Leadership in a Research-Informed Leadership Preparation Program” written by Hewitt, Davis and
Lashley, transformative leadership “practices and offers the promise not only of greater individual
achievement but of a better life lived in common with others” where leaders are encouraged to disrupt
inequities (229). This article supports the idea that implementing a transformative leadership style
throughout a community or in our case, the company, will be beneficial in resolving our current
opportunities for improvement. This type of leadership doesn’t only benefit those who suffer from
unequal treatment; it also benefits the entire population involved.

Although it seems that this change in leadership style only applies to individuals holding positions that
are typically considered as a leadership role, it is very important for you all to remember that being a
leader does not mean you have to fill the role of CEO, Director or even Manager. Leaders can be found
at all job levels, whether you are an intern or CEO, you can help support your fellow colleagues in
achieving their goals. As we transition into adapting this new style of leadership, it’s important to
remember that this is an improvement that’s meant to facilitate a more comfortable work environment
for all employees within the entire company.

Maheba Pedroso
This is how a memo should be formatted. Please not the alignment and spacing throughout.

Maheba Pedroso
This student does a good job of providing background information and leads into a clear purpose, which lets the audience know exactly what they can expect from the memo.

Maheba Pedroso
There are headings throughout which guide the audience through the memo. Notice how the headings are formatted like a title–each major word is capitalized.

Maheba Pedroso
This is how research is presented in a meaningful way. We know where and who the information came from and why this research/evidence is important and meaningful to the purpose of the memo.

Expectations of All Employees

This journey towards fully adapting a transformative leadership style may have some difficulties along
the way, but throughout this journey, ethical standards within the company will have a deep influence
on all employees and will have outstanding outcomes according to the journal “Transformative
Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence” written by Caldwell, Dixson, and Floyd (184). This article
demonstrates how successful transformative leadership will be once all employees aim to become
leaders within their current roles. Hopefully this gives you all some inspiration and motivation to begin
this process as a team and support each other in upholding moral standards.

We appreciate your cooperation with this change as we will all endure some adversities throughout this
new journey. Please contact me at 305-222-3333 or with questions or concerns
regarding this new approach or throughout this journey to excellence.

Maheba Pedroso
There is a clear closing.

Works Cited

Caldwell, Dixon, R. D., Floyd, L. A., Chaudoin, J., Post, J., & Cheokas, G. (2012). Transformative
Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(2), 175–187.

Hewitt, K. K., Davis, A. W., & Lashley, C. (2014). Transformational and Transformative Leadership in a
Research-Informed Leadership Preparation Program. Journal of Research on Leadership
Education, 9(3), 225–253.

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Sample Workplace Memo

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Yanira Leon


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