Assignment – 2024
NAME (in Full):

All assignments are to be submitted on 12th September 2024 on

Any Assignment submission extension request must come to Azra Fatima (Head:
Examination | Academic) 5 days before the date of
submission with a valid reason and supported documentary evidence.

APA 7th edition referencing guidelines needs to be followed.
• Similarity between student’s work is strictly not accepted, any student found with
similar work will be graded Zero and fail for the course. However, Plagiarism is
an academic offence and will not be tolerated.
• Any revaluation request should come in 5 days of grade release. Any late request
will not be obliged. (Form and other details shall be shared based on request)
• Revaluation cannot be requested for plagiarized assignments as the assignment stands
as an academic misconduct.
• If a program participant submits the assignment late, but within 1 week after the
submission date a 20%penalty will be applied
• Re-evaluation request is NOT applicable for any failed courses provided the mark
range from 59 to 69. Any grade which is below the range is however not
applicable for this request.
• Any rescheduling request can be fulfilled within one week after the actual date of
the assessment. Any late request will not be obliged.
• Assignment once submitted to exam board is final for marking.
• Second extension cannot be provided without supporting documentary evidence.
• Program participants are strongly advised to keep a copy of their work in case the
submitted copy should go astray.
PS. Kindly note to adhere to all the above instructions. Failing to read this, ATMS will not be
responsible for any actions taken.
Total Marks __/ 90
Plagiarism is defined as providing material from an uncredited source, or without the
acknowledgement of the original author. For longer submissions and reports, students are
required to provide an Assignment Cover Sheet, which states that submission is their original
work, and has not been submitted for another assignment, either in that course, or another
Plagiarism may have many forms including but not limited to:

Outright copying another author’s work without acknowledgement
Cut and paste without the correct citation and acknowledgement.
Copying key words but changing the sentence structure without crediting the
original source
Copying the sentence structure but changing some words without crediting the
original source
Following the structure or organization of another author’s work, or order of
presentation of ideas
Submitting work that was created by an unacknowledged third party (i.e., writing
service, or another student)
Copying from published authorities without acknowledgement
Failure to correctly use quotation marks when expressing another author’s idea
Incorrect or improper use of in-text citation and referencing
Missing or incorrectly presented bibliography or reference list
Pretending ownership of another author’s ideas
Making work available to another person for copying
Falsifying results
The plagiarism tolerance for MBA is 8 %.
In cases where the plagiarism percentage exceeds the tolerance, students are given
a second chance to rework on their assignments and submit. However, if the
percentage continues to exceed the tolerance percentage the student will be awarded
one grade lower than the original grade achieved.
(Total Mark 90)
Assessment Details
Please answer the following questions in an essay format:
1. Critically evaluate the contribution of classical HR models, particularly the Matching HR
models, Organisational Performance Model, Employee Centric Approach and the Radical
(Critical) Perspective to our understanding of how to manage human resources in a dynamic
and complex workplace. Explain how these models align or conflict with the concepts of ethics,
trust, and organizational justice in HR practices in your answer.
2. Critically discuss the contrasting approaches of talent management and analyse the impact of
these approaches on teamwork and organisational culture. Provide examples from real-world
organisations to illustrate the answer.

For each answer you have a word limit of a minimum 1500 to a maximum 2000
For each question you must develop an essay-type answer drawing on the course
You are required to draw on relevant textbooks/journal articles available on the
Reading List, as well as other relevant sources.
You are required to use citations and in-text references to develop and support
your arguments.
Criteria for assessment
1. The structure, clarity, scope/specificity and justification of analysis. Attention to all
of the formatting requirements.
2. The ability to address the question comprehensively through a systematic
argument that supports a particular position.
3. Knowledge of theories and concepts introduced during the module, use of the
module’s essential readings (textbooks and/or academic journal articles), and
evidence of further readings.
4. Relevance to the material/topics discussed during HRM course.
5. Critical thinking and using arguments for/against relevant theories and concepts in
support of the answers.
Introduction to the Course
Human Resource Management
About me
My contact details
Course content
Session outline
• Part A: Intro to the Course
• Part B: Intro to Contemporary HRM, defining HRM
• Part C: SHRM, the relationship between business strategy & HR
• Part D: Talent Management
✓ Lectures
✓ Case studies
✓ Individual activities
✓ Group activities
Readings 1

Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2016. Strategy and human resource
management (4th edition), New York, Palgrave.
Torrington, D., Hall, L., Atkinson, C. and Taylor, S., 2017. Human
Resource Management. London. Pearson.
Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R. and Kynighou, A.,
2020. Human resource management at work. (7th edition). London:
CIPD – Kogan Page Publishers.
Wilkinson, A. and Dundon, T., 2021. Contemporary human resource
management: text and cases. Contemporary Human Resource
Management, pp.1-100.
Readings 2
Dundon, T. and Rafferty, A., 2018. The (potential) demise of HRM?. Human
Resource Management Journal, 28(3), pp.377-391.
Jabbour, C.J.C. and Santos, F.C.A. (2008). The central role of human
resource management in the search for sustainable organizations.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19:2133-2154.
Harney, B. and Collings, D.G., 2021. Navigating the shifting landscapes of
HRM. Human Resource Management Review, 31(4), p.100824.
Ulrich, D. and Dulebohn, J.H., 2015. Are we there yet? What’s next for
HR?. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp.188-204.
Readings 3
Collings, D. G. (2014). Integrating global mobility and global talent
management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal
of World Business, 49, 253-261.
Gallardo-Gallardo, E., Thunnissen, M. and Scullion, H., 2020. Talent
management: context matters. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 31(4), pp.457-473.
Huang, J. and Tansley, C. (2012). ‘Sneaking through the minefield of talent
management: the notion of rhetorical obfuscation’. IJHRM, 23: 3673-3691.
Karadjova-Stoev, G. and Mujtaba, B. G. (2016). ‘Strategic human resource
management and global expansion lessons from the Euro Disney
Challenges in France’, International Business & Economic Research Journal,
Class participation 10%
Coursework 90%
• For the assessment you should answer two questions
in a structured essay format.
• You are required to draw on relevant textbooks/journal
articles available on the Reading List, as well as other
relevant sources.
• You are required to use citations and in-text references
in order to develop and support your arguments.
Marking Criteria
• The structure, clarity, scope/specificity and justification of
analysis. Attention to all of the formatting requirements.
• The ability to address the question comprehensively through a
systematic argument that supports a particular position.
• Knowledge of theories and concepts introduced during the
module, use of the module’s essential readings (textbooks and/or
academic journal articles), and evidence of further readings.
• Relevance to the material/topics discussed during HRM course.
• Critical thinking and using arguments for/against relevant
theories and concepts in support of the answers.

You are expected to attend all the sessions.
Once you miss a session, make sure you catch up.
Prior to each session, read the recommended articles on the reading list.
Engage in the discussions and activities.
Communicate with the instructor.
Ask questions and maintain a healthy scepticism.
Let’s get started ☺!
Introduction to the Course
Human Resource Management
About me
My contact details
Course content
Session outline
• Part A: Intro to the Course
• Part B: Intro to Contemporary HRM, defining HRM
• Part C: SHRM, the relationship between business strategy & HR
• Part D: Talent Management
✓ Lectures
✓ Case studies
✓ Individual activities
✓ Group activities
Readings 1

Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2016. Strategy and human resource
management (4th edition), New York, Palgrave.
Torrington, D., Hall, L., Atkinson, C. and Taylor, S., 2017. Human
Resource Management. London. Pearson.
Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R. and Kynighou, A.,
2020. Human resource management at work. (7th edition). London:
CIPD – Kogan Page Publishers.
Wilkinson, A. and Dundon, T., 2021. Contemporary human resource
management: text and cases. Contemporary Human Resource
Management, pp.1-100.
Readings 2
Dundon, T. and Rafferty, A., 2018. The (potential) demise of HRM?. Human
Resource Management Journal, 28(3), pp.377-391.
Jabbour, C.J.C. and Santos, F.C.A. (2008). The central role of human
resource management in the search for sustainable organizations.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19:2133-2154.
Harney, B. and Collings, D.G., 2021. Navigating the shifting landscapes of
HRM. Human Resource Management Review, 31(4), p.100824.
Ulrich, D. and Dulebohn, J.H., 2015. Are we there yet? What’s next for
HR?. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp.188-204.
Readings 3
Collings, D. G. (2014). Integrating global mobility and global talent
management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal
of World Business, 49, 253-261.
Gallardo-Gallardo, E., Thunnissen, M. and Scullion, H., 2020. Talent
management: context matters. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 31(4), pp.457-473.
Huang, J. and Tansley, C. (2012). ‘Sneaking through the minefield of talent
management: the notion of rhetorical obfuscation’. IJHRM, 23: 3673-3691.
Karadjova-Stoev, G. and Mujtaba, B. G. (2016). ‘Strategic human resource
management and global expansion lessons from the Euro Disney
Challenges in France’, International Business & Economic Research Journal,
Class participation 10%
Coursework 90%
• For the assessment you should answer two questions
in a structured essay format.
• You are required to draw on relevant textbooks/journal
articles available on the Reading List, as well as other
relevant sources.
• You are required to use citations and in-text references
in order to develop and support your arguments.
Marking Criteria
• The structure, clarity, scope/specificity and justification of
analysis. Attention to all of the formatting requirements.
• The ability to address the question comprehensively through a
systematic argument that supports a particular position.
• Knowledge of theories and concepts introduced during the
module, use of the module’s essential readings (textbooks and/or
academic journal articles), and evidence of further readings.
• Relevance to the material/topics discussed during HRM course.
• Critical thinking and using arguments for/against relevant
theories and concepts in support of the answers.

You are expected to attend all the sessions.
Once you miss a session, make sure you catch up.
Prior to each session, read the recommended articles on the reading list.
Engage in the discussions and activities.
Communicate with the instructor.
Ask questions and maintain a healthy scepticism.
Let’s get started ☺!

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