MATH 128 Baltimore City Community College SEC4 Exponential Functions Exam

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Section 4.1
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Score: 4/15
4/15 answered
Question 13
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B0/1 pt 52 99 0 Details
A bank features a savings account that has an annual
percentage rate of r = 5.5% with interest compounded
quarterly. Tatiana deposits $9,500 into the account.
= a
The account balance can be modeled by the exponential
formula Aſt)
where A is account value after t
years , a is the principal (starting amount), r is the annual
percentage rate, k is the number of times each year that
the interest is compounded.
(A) What values should be used for a, r, and k?
a =
r =
k =
(B) How much money will Tatiana have in the account in 7
Answer = $
Round answer to the nearest penny.
(C) What is the annual percentage yield (APY) for the
savings account? (The APY is the actual or effective annual
percentage rate which includes all compounding in the
Round answer to 3 decimal places.
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Section 4.1
色 VO
Score: 4/15
4/15 answered
Question 14
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B0/1 pt 52 99 0 Details
The fox population in a certain region has a continuous
growth rate of 8 percent per year. It is estimated that the
population in the year 2000 was 26000.
(a) Find a function that models the population t years after
2000 (t = 0 for 2000).
Hint: Use an exponential function with base e.
Your answer is P(t)
(b) Use the function from part (a) to estimate the fox
population in the year 2008.
Your answer is (the answer must be an integer)
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Section 4.1
Score: 4/15
4/15 answered
Question 15
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B0/1 pt 299 Details
A population of bacteria is growing according to the
equation P(t) = 12500.036. Estimate when the population will
exceed 1524.
Give your answer accurate to one decimal place.
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