MATH 110 American Public Univerity Week 6 Advanced Functions Forum

Pick ONE of the problems from this collection “

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Advanced Functions

” that has not already been solved. Pretend that you are tutoring someone who has never seen these problems before and give a detailed demonstration of its solution.

Select Start a New Conversation and make the problem number the subject of your post.The answers are


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so don’t just give an answer—we can already see what the answers are. Don’t post an explanation unless your answer matches the correct one!This is a moderated forum. Your posting will not be visible to the rest of the class until I approve it. Occasionally, more than one person will tackle a problem before they can see the work of others. In that case, credit will be given to all posters. Once the solution to a problem has become visible, that problem is off limits and you will need to choose a different problem in order to get credit.I will indicate in the grading comments if corrections need to be made. If you haven’t received credit, first double-check for my comments in the gradebook. If everything looks OK, then message me asking me to check on it.If I indicate that there is a problem, you must make the necessary corrections and have your work posted in order to receive credit.

Your post is worth 10 points. You do not need to respond to classmates but I’m confident that a “thank you” for an exceptionally clear explanation would also be welcome!

Post Due: Sunday, by 11:55 p.m., ET

Please sign ALL your Forum posts with the name that you like to be called – it makes it so much easier for the rest of us to address you by your preferred name when we respond.

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