Can some one help with me this ? I am not sure on how to do this.
please write the logic and solution clearly. hope nice writing.
here is the hw
Homework 4
Instructions. Please write the answer to each problem, including the computational ones, in connected
sentences and explain your work. Just the answer (correct or not) is not enough. Write your name in every
page and upload to Gradescope with the correct orientation. Make sure to indicate to Gradescope which
pages correspond to each problem. Finally, if you used another sources or discussed the problem
with classmates, be sure to acknowledge it in your homework.
1. (a) Show that if F is a field of positive characteristic p > 0, then (a + b)p = ap + bp for every a, b ∈ F.
(b) Let p be a prime number and r > 0 an integer. Let Φp (x) = xp−1 + xp−2 + · · · + x + 1 be the
cyclotomic polynomial. Show that the polynomial
Φpr (x) := Φp (xp
(xp )p − 1
xpr−1 − 1
is irreducible in Z[x]. (Hint: This is very similar to the proof that Φp (x) is irreducible)
2. At the end of class on√Friday 04/17 I said a huge lie and this is your opportunity to correct me. Indeed,
I mentioned that Z[ −5] is not a UFD because 5 ≡ 1 mod
√ 4. But in fact, there is nothing
√ special
about 5. Here we will see that, for every integer n > 2, Z[ −n] is not a UFD. Note that Z[ −n] ⊆ C,
so it is indeed a domain. Take n > 2.
(a) Define a function
−n) = α2 + nβ 2 . Show that N (ab) = N (a)N (b)
for a, b ∈ Z[ −n].
(b) Show, using
−n] is a unit if and only if N (a) = 1. Use this to find all the
units in Z[ −n].
(c) Use parts (a) and (b) to show that 2 ∈ Z[ −n] is irreducible. (Hint: If 2 = ab is a decomposition,
then N (2) = N (a)N (b))
(d) Assume n is odd. Show that N (1 + −n) is divisible by 2, and use this to find a, b ∈ Z[ −n]
such √
that 2 divides ab but 2 does
√ not divide a nor b. This tells us that 2 is not a prime element
in Z[ −n]. Conclude that Z[ −n] is not a UFD.
(e) Now √
assume n is even. Use a similar procedure to part (d) to show that 2 is not a prime element
in Z[ −n].
3. We have seen in class (04/20) that Z[ −1] is a Euclidean
domain, therefore a PID and therefore a
UFD. Adapt the proof we saw in class to show that Z[ −2] is a Euclidean domain as well.