MA 1015 Grantham University Variable Expression Algebra Worksheets

MA1015: Week 5 AssignmentWhat are statistics and geometry
and how will I use these concepts in my healthcare career?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules
and textbook readings.
Employers in the healthcare industry expect employees to have
mathematical knowledge and skills to perform tasks such as properly
managing data, records, inventory, and prescriptions.
Mathematical Vocabulary
Use chapters 7 and 12 of your textbook to define the following vocabulary.
1. Define: Statistics
Type answer here
2. Define: Graphs
Type answer here
3. Define: Mean
Type answer here
4. Define: Median
Type answer here
5. Define: Mode
Type answer here
6. Define: Square Root
Type answer here
7. Define: Pythagorean Theorem
Type answer here
Statistical Calculations
Use chapter 7 of your textbook to answer the following questions. Be sure to show your work. Please
use this dataset for the next three questions: 5, 10, 12, 4, 6, 11, 13, 5
8. Calculate the mean.
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Type answer here
9. Calculate the median.
Type answer here
10. Determine the mode.
Type answer here
Interpreting Graphs
Use your textbook to answer the following questions.
11. What percent of individuals own dogs?
Type answer here
12. Which day of the week did Jane do the most push-ups?
Type answer here
13. What was the second-grade class’ favorite ice cream flavor?
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Type answer here
14. How much more money did seniors spend than children?
Type answer here
15. Complete the table and organize the following information: Nancy is planning a birthday party for her
coworker, Sarah. She realizes that there are 10 medical assistants and 8 nurse assistants attending
the office party. Nancy decides to serve sandwiches to the medical assistants and pizza to the nurse
Type answer here
Type answer here
Type answer here
Type answer here
Type answer here
Type answer here
Geometric Equations
Use your textbook to solve the following problems. Please show your work.
16. Calculate:
Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides 11 inches, 5 inches, and 13 inches.
Type answer here
17. Calculate:
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Find the area of a rectangle measuring 25 feet long by 8 feet wide.
Type answer here
18. Calculate the missing length on the right triangle. Solve for c using the Pythagorean theorem.
(Hint: a2 + b2 = c2)
Type answer here
19. Determine the missing length “X” on the equilateral triangle.
Type answer here
Word Problem
Use the scenario and images below to answer questions 20 and 21.
The doctor’s office where you work needs to store eight filing cabinets with patient information
in one of three secure storage rooms. The filing cabinets need a total of 55 square feet of
space. The doctor has asked you to identify in which room the filing cabinets will fit.
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20. What information from the scenario and image(s) above will you use to solve the word problem?
Type answer here
21. Based on the measurements provided in the image above, which room would best fit the filing
cabinets? Use the formula from your textbook to determine Area. Be sure to show the calculation(s) to
support your room choice.
Type answer here
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose
to respond in writing or by recording a video!
22. In your day-to-day life, statistics are presented on social media and in the news. How do you imagine
that you will use statistics in your healthcare career?
Type answer here
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MA1015: Week 3 Assignment
What are basic algebraic and rational numbers and
how will I use these concepts in my healthcare career?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules
and textbook readings.
Employers in the healthcare industry expect employees to have
mathematical knowledge and skills to perform job tasks including properly
managing data, records, inventory, and prescriptions.
Mathematical Vocabulary
Use chapters 10 and 11 of your textbook to define the following vocabulary.
1. Define: Variable expression
Type answer here
2. Define: Variable
Type answer here
Define: Equation
Type answer here
4. Define: Rational number
Type answer here
5. Define: Positive numbers
Type answer here
6. Define: Negative numbers
Type answer here
7. Define: Absolute value of a number
Type answer here
Algebraic Equations
Using chapters 10 and 11 of your textbook, solve the following problems. Show your work.
8. Solve for y:
24 = 3y
Type answer here
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9. Solve for n:
𝑛 = 10
Type answer here
10. Solve for z:
2 + 8 – z = -24
Type answer here
11. Solve for 𝐸:
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2
Type answer here
Translating Verbal Expressions into Mathematical Expressions
Refer to chapter 11 of your textbook.
12. Translate “the sum of 6 and the product of 8 and x” into a mathematical expression.
Type answer here
Rational Numbers
Using chapter 10 of your textbook, solve the following problems. Show your work, if needed.
13. What is the absolute value of I -32 I?
Type answer here
14. ______ is the opposite of 6 on the number line.
Word Problems
Complete the following word problems. Show your work for each.
15. Jerome is a co-owner of a small company and received 1/3 of the company’s profits this year. What
were the company’s overall profits if Jerome made $150,000? Type an equation and solve.
Type answer here
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16. A survey of 2,000 doctors showed that an average of 3 out of 5 doctors use brand X aspirin. How
many doctors use brand X aspirin? (Hint: Solve for X).
Type answer here
Word Problem
What is the prescribed dosage of a certain medicine for a 6-year-old child if the adult dosage of
the medicine is 180 milligrams?
The formula below is used to calculate the correct dosage for a child:
C = child’s dosage in milligrams
a = age of the child
A = adult dosage in milligrams
17. What does variable “a” represent?
Type answer here
18. What does variable “A” represent?
Type answer here
19. Using the formula above, solve for “C”. Show your work.
Type answer here
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the following question. You may
choose to respond in writing or by recording a video!
20. You may already use algebra in your daily life. How do you imagine that you will use basic algebraic
equations in your healthcare career? Explain.
Type answer here
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MA1015: Week 4 Assignment
What is measurement
and how will I use it in my healthcare career?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules
and textbook readings.
Employers in the healthcare industry expect employees to have
mathematical knowledge and skills to perform job tasks such as properly
managing data, records, inventory, and prescriptions.
Mathematical Vocabulary
Fill in the blank using chapters 8 and 9 of your textbook.
1. A _______________ includes a number and a unit.
2. _______________ are the main units of length in the U.S.
3. A _______________ is used to change from one unit to another.
Basic Measurement Questions
Use chapters 8 and 9 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
4. How many inches (in.) are in 1 foot (ft.)?
Type answer here
5. How many feet (ft.) are in 1 mile (mi.)?
Type answer here
6. How many pounds (lb.) are in 1 ton?
Type answer here
7. How many quarts (qt.) are in 1 gallon (gal)?
Type answer here
8. How many ounces (oz.) are in 1 cup (c)?
Type answer here
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9. How many grams (g) are in a kilogram (kg)?
Type answer here
10. How many millimeters (mm) are in 1 meter (m)?
Type answer here
11. How many liters (L) are in 1 kiloliter (kl)?
Type answer here
12. How many seconds (s) are in 1 hour (h)?
Type answer here
Use chapters 8 and 9 of your textbook to solve the next set of problems. Show your work for each.
13. Calculate:
7 ft. = _______________ in.
14. Calculate:
60 mi. = _______________ km.
15. Calculate (round two decimal places for final answer):
15 L is approximately _______________ gal.
16. Calculate:
65 L = _______________ qts.
17. Calculate:
19.25 tons = _______________ lbs.
18. Calculate:
462 g = _______________ mg
Word Problem
Mary is an office manager for a local doctor’s office and needs to complete payroll for the front office
clerk who is paid by the hour. Mary should also keep the front office clerk under 40 hours per week to
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avoid overtime pay. Based on the two-week time sheet below, how many hours has the office clerk
470 minutes
440 minutes
455 minutes
490 minutes
310 minutes
470 minutes
470 minutes
470 minutes
470 minutes
470 minutes
19. What information are you provided based on the two-week time sheet above?
Type answer here
20. Does Mary need to pay the front desk office clerk overtime? Explain.
Type answer here
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose
to respond in writing or by recording a video!
21. You likely use measurement in your day-to-day routines. How do you imagine that you will use
measurement in your healthcare career?
Type answer here
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MA1015: Week 1 Assignment
What are whole numbers, fractions, and decimals
and how will I use these concepts in my healthcare career?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules
and textbook readings.
Employers in the healthcare industry expect employees to have
mathematical knowledge and skills in order to properly manage data,
records, inventory, and prescriptions, and perform various tasks like taking
blood pressure.
Mathematical Vocabulary
Use chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your textbook to define the following vocabulary.
1. Define: Denominator
Type answer here
2. Define: Numerator
Type answer here
3. Define: Proper fraction
Type answer here
4. Define: Improper fraction
Type answer here
5. Define: Mixed number
Type answer here
6. Define: Decimal
Type answer here
7. Define: Least common denominator (LCD)
Type answer here
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Fraction Practice
Using chapter 2 of your textbook, practice your fraction skills below. These fractions may contain
common factors in the numerator and denominator. Please type the simplest form of the fraction.
8. Type
in the simplest form.
Type answer here
9. Type
in the simplest form.
Type answer here
Please use chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your textbook to solve the following problems. Please show your
work for all questions except 17 and 18.
10. Evaluate:
732,178 + 167 – 542,137 = Type answer here
11. Evaluate:
26.45 + 4.79 + 120.02 – 3.20 = Type answer here
12. Add and write the fraction or mixed number in its simplest form:
= Type answer here
13. Multiply and write the fraction or mixed number in its simplest form:
= Type answer here
14. Divide and write the fraction or mixed number in its simplest form:
= Type answer here
15. Convert:
3 into an improper fraction = Type answer here
16. Convert:
2 8 into an improper fraction = Type answer here
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17. Convert:
into a decimal = Type answer here
18. Convert:
into a decimal = Type answer here
Use chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your textbook to solve the following problems. Show your work and apply
the order of operations.
19. Evaluate:
5 x (8-4) ÷ 4 – 2 = Type answer here
20. Evaluate:
+ 56 – (3 + 4 – 1) = Type answer here
21. Evaluate:
3.6 (5 x 4) ÷ 3 + 5.0 = Type answer here
Word Problems
Use chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your textbook to help you complete the following word problems. Remember
to show your work when answering each question.
22. Jonia knows that Mr. Robinson needs 14 tablets for a week’s supply of an anti-inflammatory drug. Mr.
Robinson is going on vacation and needs a 4-week supply. How many tablets does Jonia need to fill
his prescription?
Type answer here
23. Stacie is a resident at the medical facility where you work. You are asked to chart the amount of solid
food that she consumes. For the noon meal, today, she ate 1/2 of a 3-ounce serving of meatloaf, 3/4
of her 3-ounce serving of mashed potatoes, and 1/3 of a 2-ounce serving of green beans. Show, in
decimal form, how many ounces of solid food that Stacie consumed.
Round two decimal places for final answer.
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Type answer here
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you answer the question below. You may choose to
respond in writing or by recording a video
24. Math is used in our personal and professional daily routines. How do you imagine you will use math in
your healthcare career?
Type answer here
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MA1015: Week 2 Assignment
What are ratios, rates, proportions, and percents,
and how will I use these concepts in my healthcare career?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules
and textbook readings.
Employers in the healthcare industry expect employees to have
mathematical knowledge and skills to perform job responsibilities such as
properly managing data, records, inventory, and prescriptions.
Mathematical Vocabulary
Answer the following questions using chapters 4 and 5 of your textbook.
1. Define the following vocabulary words in the table:
Type answer here
Type answer here
Type answer here
2. Define: Percent
Type answer here
3. Type the percentage symbol below.
Type answer here
4. Define the simplest form of a rate:
Type answer here
Practice identifying ratios in the following scenarios.
Example: Type the ratio of the symbols in the image set below.
Compare the number of
(Answer is 3:2)
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5. Type the ratio of the symbols in the image set below.
Compare the number of
Answer: _ : _
6. Type the ratio of the symbols in the image set below.
Compare the number of
Answer: _ : _
Use chapters 4 and 5 of your textbook to solve the following problems. Show your work and apply the
order of operations, if needed.
7. Solve for c:
𝑐 30
Type answer here
8. Solve for m:
2 𝑚
5 70
Type answer here
9. Convert 8.25% to a decimal
(round final answer to four decimal places)
Type answer here
10. Convert 78% to a decimal.
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Type answer here
11. Convert 5 into a percent.
Type answer here
12. Solve:
30% of _______________ = 60
13. Solve:
20% of _______________ = 100
Word Problems
Complete the word problems below and be sure to show your work when answering the question.
14. Product A is an 8-oz. bottle of cough medication that sells for $1.36. Product B is a 16-oz. bottle of
cough medication that costs $3.20. Which product has the lower unit price?
Type answer here
15. A local university accepted 2,300 students out of 4,500 applicants for admission. What was the
acceptance rate, expressed as a percent?
Type answer here
16. A car depreciated (decreased in value) by 25% during the first year. If the car were purchased for
$28,000, what is the car worth at the end of the first year?
Type answer here
Word Problem
The Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is commonly expressed as a decimal. WHR has been shown to be a
good predictor of possible cardiovascular problems in both men and women. If Jonia has a WHR greater
than 1, she is at “high risk” for cardiovascular problems. Jonia’s waist measurement is 42 inches and her
hip measurement 2 inches less.
17. What information provided in the word problem will you use to solve the WHR?
Type answer here
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18. What is Jonia’s hip measurement?
Type answer here
19. Calculate Jonia’s WHR using the waist and hip measurements provided. Show your work.
Type answer here
20. Is Jonia “high risk”? Explain why.
Type answer here
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the following question. You may
choose to respond in writing or by recording a video!
21. You use proportions and ratios in your day-to-day routines. How do you imagine that you will use
proportions and ratios in your healthcare career?
Type answer here
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