Kiso Week five

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Wk 5 – Summative Assessment: Communication Skills for Career Advancement [due …
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Exam Content
Search online and select a health care job posting you are interested in.
Imagine you have applied for this position and as part of the interview process, you have been given a
questionnaire to complete. The prompts include:
• What communication skills do you believe are most important for success in this role?
• Why are these skills so important for career success and progression?
• What are your strongest and weakest communication skills, and what is your plan for developing
your communication skills in alignment with this career path?
Write a 750- to 1,050-word response to the hiring manager with your answers. Include a link to the job posting, or
a summary of it, with your response.
In accordance with the University of Phoenix Policy on Academic Integrity, included in Academic Policies &
Procedures (￾content/uploads/sites/3/2022/05/Blackboard_Academic_Policies.pdf), if you used an artificial intelligence (AI) tool
when preparing this assignment, include a statement that describes that use and remember: 1) the majority of
assignment must be your own writing; 2) content generated by the AI tool must be cited; and 3) you must verify the
accuracy of the content generated by the AI tool.
Submit your assignment.
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Revised 07/01/2024
Copyright 2024 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Academic Policies & Procedures
Note: Assume all policies apply to all classroom modalities unless specified otherwise.
If you are enrolled in a course in the Competency-Based Program, please refer to the CBE
Academic Policies & Procedures document located in your Course Guide.
Weekly Schedule
The class week begins on Tuesday at midnight Mountain Standard Time (MST) year-round and
ends on Monday at 11:59 pm MST.
Local Campus
The course begins on the date scheduled for the local campus class meeting. All reading
assignments for the class are available in Blackboard prior to the scheduled date. If there is an
assignment due at the first local campus class meeting, information about the assignment is
also available in Blackboard.
Where to Submit Assignments
Students will submit all formal assignments to the classroom. Locate the assignment within the
classroom and follow the instructions to submit an assignment.
Late Assignment Policy
Individual course assignments may be submitted up to four days after the assignment due date,
with a maximum 10% deduction for those four days of lateness.
• The policy applies to individual graded course assignments, including papers, worksheets,
quizzes, and other individually graded course deliverables.
• The policy includes individual assignments due during the final week, which may be
submitted up to four days after the course end date.
• The policy does not apply to team/group assignments. It is up to faculty how to handle
lateness for team/group assignments.
• The policy does not apply to course discussion requirements, which must be met within the
designated course week.
• Depending on circumstances, faculty may accept assignments more than four days late and
determine an appropriate deduction.
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Academic Policies & Procedures
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Revised 07/01/2024
Copyright 2024 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Each week, faculty members will provide grades or scores and comments on assignments.
Feedback will be available through the Grades icon in the classroom.
Alternative Feedback Option
Students should notify their faculty member if they need feedback or any course content
provided in an alternative format. Students should discuss options with their faculty member
earlier in class to ensure they receive timely accommodations.
Grading Scale
The final grade is determined by the percentage of points earned rather than the point total. The
percentage is calculated in the gradebook as the number of points earned divided by the total
points possible. For example, if a student earns 887 of 1,000 points possible, the percentage is
88.7, which results in a grade of B+.
A = 95-100
A- = 90–94
B+ = 87–89
B = 84–86
B- = 80–83
C+ = 77–79
C = 74–76
C- = 70–73
D+ = 67–69
D = 64–66
D- = 60–63
F =

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