Is there anyone good at Physical Science 1-1415

I have some work materials to be done in this class, its like lab work, but needs to be done is Simulations part, At-home activities part ,and the video assignments part. I will try to upload the syllabus too. to give a brief if necessary. Once you click on the link i upload to you, you will see something that say course content (bluish highlighted) click on it and there you will see the course work listed…  the textbook is listed in the syllabus but its called Conceptual physical science fifth edition, but i really need this done september the 27, 2013 at 12 a.m. central time on my end.

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Physical Science I

Course Number: PHYS-1415

Course Title: Physical Science I

Course Description: Investigation of everyday phenomena of the physical world, which
helps students to achieve a well-grounded understanding of selected science concepts as
well as the skills that enable and encourage rational independent thinking. Lab required.

Course Credit Hours: 4
Lecture Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 3

Placement Assessment(s): Prior to enrolling in this course, the student must demonstrate
eligibility to enroll in MATH:0310 and College Level READING. Consult the Testing Center
Director if you have questions about an assessment level.

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students should
be able to do the following:
1. Solve problems involving basic units of measurement and their relationships
2. Explain the theories of force, motion, work and energy
3. Explain the theory of temperature and heat
4. Solve problems involving mechanical and optical waves
5. Explain the theory of electricity and magnetism
6. Explain concepts in atomic and nuclear physics
7. Solve problems involving chemical elements and bonding

Withdrawal Policy: “See the current Collin Registration Guide for the last day to withdraw. “

Collin College Academic Policies: “See the current Collin Student Handbook.”

Americans with Disabilities Act: Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state
and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable
accommodations as required to afford equal opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to
contact the ACCESS office, SCC-G200 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange
for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional


Instructor’s Name: Meade Brooks

Office Number: D213, Preston Ridge Campus, Science Building

Office Hours: Available at

Phone Number: 972-377-1640 (do not leave voicemail, email instead)


Class Information:

Section Number: WP1

Meeting Times/Location: This is an online course with no on-campus meetings

Minimum Technology Requirement: The following chart lists minimum standard
requirements to access and run the online applications used for this course. For more
information visit

Minimum Student Skills: Students should have the attributes, skills and knowledge
necessary for success in this online course including: self-motivation, good time-
management skills, self-discipline, good reading comprehension, persistence, available
time, ability to use a laptop, printer, software, and the Internet.

Find out if you are ready to take an online course by completing the readiness
assessment SmarterMeasure ( This
is an important tool that helps determine your skills for taking an online course. From
the SmarterMeasure assessment, you will discover information about your:
– Reading Speed and Comprehension
– Technical Competency and Knowledge
– Typing Speed and Accuracy
– Personal Attributes that relate to distance learning success

OS (Operating

98, XP, Vista

Mac OS 10.2, 10.3

Processor Pentium or later
Any Intel-based Macintosh;

any PowerPC G3 333 MHz or later

Memory 512 MB RAM

SoundBlaster or compatible 16-bit

sound card with speakers or


Built-in audio (included with your
Macintosh) with either speakers or


Access to the

Broadband via DSL, cable, or satellite is preferred

Java Runtime

Java for Windows

Java for Apple

Click here to view Blackboard Supported Browsers.

Be sure to disable any browser pop-up blockers (tutorial).


Netiquette Expectations: Sensitive discussion topics will be brought up in this class,
so please think carefully before responding. Keep these guidelines in mind:

Standards of courtesy and respect must be maintained at all times in our online
“classroom.” Join in to the discussion, but remember that this is still a “classroom”
setting and that respect and consideration are crucial for any intellectual

Discussion areas are the place for intelligent and respectful airing of ideas. Name-
calling and personal attacks are not permitted.

Any violation of the standards of appropriate behavior online will be reported to the
Dean of Students and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the college.

A good rule of thumb is that you should never post a response online that you would
not be willing to say in person. Once the course begins, please use your Blackboard
communication tools to contact Professor Brooks.

Course Resources:
Textbook: Conceptual Physical Science with MasteringPhysics,
5th Edition, Authors: Paul G. Hewitt , John A.
Suchocki, Leslie A. Hewitt, ISBN-10: 0-321-80418-X

The textbook may purchased in the Collin College bookstores
or online at:the Publisher’s Store.

This course uses the 5

edition packaged with

MasteringPhysics, an online homework system. Be sure your

purchase includes MasteringPhysics! The best purchase
option is the “a la Carte plus Mastering Physics” package

($115.93 online). You will be unable to complete your

chapter assignments or exams without access to


If you order the textbook online, you will receive immediate access to MasteringPhysics which
contains the entire textbook in electronic format (ebook). You will receive the physical
textbook in the mail in about a week.

Your student assignment account information (registration code) is included with textbook
purchase. Assignments are accessed at Upon start of class a
MasteringPhysics course ID will be posted in Blackboard which is required to access
assignments for this course.

Supplies: You should have a scientific calculator and computer with internet access. A
scientific calculator can perform functions such as scientific notation and order of operation
and can be purchased for around $10. You will be performing several at-home lab activities
which use common household items such as a measuring tape, kitchen scale, stopwatch,
cups, etc. You may find it necessary to purchase or borrow a few low cost items that you do
not have.

Attendance Policy: There are no on-campus meetings for this course.

Method of Evaluation: Course averages will be calculated as follows:
Homework Problems 30 %
Simulation Labs 20 %
At-Home Activities 15 %
Discussions 15 %
Video Assignments 5 %
Tests (3 exams) 15 %
100 % possible

Grades will be determined as follows:
90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 0-59 = F

The homework problems and exams will be delivered and graded through MasteringPhysics
(grades will be immediately available upon submission of assignment or exam). Students
will complete worksheets for the simulation labs and at-home activities and email the
completed worksheets to the instructor. These will typically be graded within one week. The
discussion grade will be based on the level of participation in the class discussions. One or
two discussion topics will be posted every week. Students are expected to provide feedback
on each discussion topic and must post at least one response to each topic to receive full
credit. The video assignments consist of watching several physics and chemistry videos and
completing a worksheet over each video.

All class grades will be available through Blackboard. Instructor turn-around time for email or
discussion postings is typically 24 hours or less during the week, a bit longer on weekends.

Course Calendar: Course requirements include homework problems, simulation labs, at-
home activities, discussions, video assignments and three major exams.

Homework Problems: Will be completed in the MasteringPhysics online
assignment system. There will also be questions assigned to chapter videos
available in MasteringPhysics. These video lectures have been created by the author
and cover all the chapter concepts.

Simulation Labs: Consists of interacting with online simulations and completing the
corresponding worksheets.

At-Home Activities: To provide hands-on experience, students will utilize common
household materials to explore physical phenomena. Students must choose at least

six of the available at-home activities and complete the corresponding worksheets.

Discussions: Questions have been developed for each chapter, and these will be
posted for discussion during the week students cover the corresponding chapter

Video Assignments: Involves watching several online physics and chemistry
videos throughout the semester and completing a video worksheet for each.

Exams: Three major tests will be given. These will be completed in the
MasteringPhysics online assignment system.

Assignments that correspond to each chapter should be completed as listed below.

Week Course Material

Week 1 Students access their course materials
Chapter 1 – Patterns of Motion and Equilibrium

Week 2 Chapter 2 – Newton’s Laws of Motion
Chapter 3 – Momentum and Energy

Week 3 Chapter 4 – Gravity, Projectiles, and Satellites

Week 4 Chapter 5 – Fluid Mechanics

Week 5 Test 1, Chapters 1 – 5
Chapter 6 – Thermal Energy and Thermodynamics

Week 6 Chapter 7 – Heat Transfer and Change of Phase

Week 7 Chapter 8 – Static and Current Electricity

Week 8 Chapter 9 – Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

Week 9 Chapter 10 – Waves and Sound

Week 10 Chapter 11 – Light

Test 2, Chapters 6 – 11

Week 11 Chapter 12 – Atoms and the Periodic Table

Week 12 Chapter 13 – The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity
Chapter 14 – Elements and Chemistry

Week 13 Chapter 15 – How Atoms Bond and Molecules Attract

Week 14 Chapter 16 – Mixtures

Week 15 Chapter 17 – How Chemicals React (sections 17.1 – 17.4 only)
Chapter 18 – Two Classes of Chemical Reactions (section 18.1 only)

Week 16 Chapter 19 – Organic Compounds (sections 19.1, 19.2 only)

Test 3, Chapters 12 – 19

Note that we are only covering a few sections of Chapters 17 – 19

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