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First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and  anything you would like to share about yourself.  Then address the  prompt below.

In your textbook, you learned about the triple-bottom-line (TBL)  framework and its impact on people, planet, and profit. The TBL concept  was initially developed by John Elkington in 1994. In 2018, Elkington  wrote an article titled “25 Years Ago I Coined the Phrase ‘Triple Bottom  Line’: Here’s Why It’s Time to Rethink It”. He used the article as a  call to strengthen how the TBL is used and to put more even more focus  on sustainability and less on profit. In the article, he states:

But success or failure on sustainability goals cannot be measured  only in terms of profit and loss. It must also be measured in terms of  the wellbeing of billions of people and the health of our planet, and  the sustainability sector’s record in moving the needle on those goals  has been decidedly mixed. While there have been successes, our climate,  water resources, oceans, forests, soils and biodiversity are all  increasingly threatened. It is time to either step up—or to get out of  the way.

Meanwhile, some believe that incorporating this framework into  practice raises more questions than it resolves, especially around  reporting, regulation, and a deviation from the financial bottom line of  businesses.

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In your initial post, introduce yourself and then address the following questions:

  • Do you think that it is the responsibility of businesses to track  and manage the social, economic, and environmental impacts of their  actions? Why or why not?
  • What value does using the TBL bring to a business, and is it worth the potential drawbacks of incorporating it?
  • What value do businesses using the TBL bring to society, and how  might society be impacted if TBL were not a common business practice?

Homework 1 ( BUS225)

In our society, it’s crucial that we develop the ability to understand context and problem-solve,
whether it’s for civic or professional reasons. This is true for leaders at all levels, from those in
charge of diverse industries to politicians and lobbyists. The research process is one
fundamental practice that ensures individuals can develop, express, and justify solutions.

In your initial post, briefly introduce yourself to your peers. Then, briefly describe a problem that
you or a group of people you belong to are currently experiencing. Explain the main
characteristics of the problem, the obstacles you face in getting it solved, and your goal. Then,
address the following:

● How would you solve the problem?
● What research and resources will you need to solve it?
● How would you justify your solution?

In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:

● What ideas or resources can you share to help your peers craft their solutions?
● What are some obstacles to your peers’ potential solutions?

response to these two peers :

Peer 1:

Hi, my name is Carson and I am currently located in Utah. I have a beautiful wife and two crazy
sons, oldest one just turned 3 and our newest addition is turning 4 months soon. We love doing
activities as a family and some of our favorite places to go include the library, Dinosaur
Museum, and the skate park. Being a mom is the best job ever. As for career aspirations, I am
looking to go into the Financial Advising industry and am hoping to become a Financial Planner
or a Financial Advisor.

One problem that young families and young people like myself face is the issue of rising rent
costs. The cost of rent is rising higher than the minimum wage amount and is causing housing
to become un-affordable. There are two ways to solve this problem, and that is to either put a
rent restriction on landlords or raise the minimum wage. One way to research these solutions
and their viability would be to see what politicians are proposing laws or bills to make these
changes and see if there is any way to support these changes. I would justify this solution by
bringing up that this solution is one of the solutions with the least amount of economic impact
and seems the most feasible.

Peer 2

Hi all! Welcome to the beginning of a new class. My name is Amanda and I am currently a
stay-at-home mom that works part time from home for a medical equipment company in the
billing department. My oldest baby just started kindergarten and my 1 year old stays home with
me since she is medically complex (she has a trach, ventilator and feeding tube!). I have less
than a year of schooling, I was planning to graduate actually in January however after some
investigation I realized that my SNHU advisor never signed me up for my specialization so I had
to add a few more months to my program! I am going for my bachelor’s in Business
Administration with a specialization in human resources! Prior to the realization that my program
wasn’t added I was actually going to specialize in healthcare administration but I realized I don’t
want to be tied down to healthcare only and you can’t go wrong with human resources!

A current problem that I’m finding myself having is time management. As mentioned I have two
kids, I am obviously a student and I work from home. I’m also expected to cook each night,
make sure everything is clean, laundry is done and all have time to get a couple hours of sleep
each night. At the end of each evening I feel like I have ran a full marathon. It just seems that
there is never enough time in the day.

I think there are many possible solutions that I’d have to sort out by trial and error. For example,
my 5 year old is absolutely old enough to pick up his toys but I could also teach him to make his
bed and put away his laundry as well. My husband works from 6am-6pm daily so I don’t like to
ask him for help when he comes home but I don’t think it would be unreasonable to ask for help
with dishes after dinner. And finally something I have been looking into is hiring a housekeeper
who comes and cleans once a month to deep clean. That would give me at least two to three
hours a day in order to dedicate to the areas that I’m lacking.

What research and resources will you need to solve it? I’d have to look into my local cleaning
companies and then have to factor in if the cost is allotted in my budget without adding hours to
be worked in order to afford.

How would I justify my solution? Honestly I should have done this long before now. It’s hard
having 2 kids in general but having 1 that needs supervision almost constantly is exhausting
and we are in a home nursing shortage. We are approved for insurance to pay 116 hours of
nursing care a week and currently we only have 20 hours being used. I live for others and the
time that I’d save by not having to worry about my home is priceless. I can focus that time on
self care or snuggles for my kiddos. Or a Target run, that’s my happy place.


Homework 2 ( QSO 321 )

First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share
about yourself. Then address the prompt below.

In your textbook, you learned about the triple-bottom-line (TBL) framework and its impact on
people, planet, and profit. The TBL concept was initially developed by John Elkington in 1994. In
2018, Elkington wrote an article titled “25 Years Ago I Coined the Phrase ‘Triple Bottom Line’:
Here’s Why It’s Time to Rethink It”. He used the article as a call to strengthen how the TBL is
used and to put more even more focus on sustainability and less on profit. In the article, he

But success or failure on sustainability goals cannot be measured only in terms of
profit and loss. It must also be measured in terms of the wellbeing of billions of
people and the health of our planet, and the sustainability sector’s record in moving
the needle on those goals has been decidedly mixed. While there have been
successes, our climate, water resources, oceans, forests, soils and biodiversity are
all increasingly threatened. It is time to either step up—or to get out of the way.

Meanwhile, some believe that incorporating this framework into practice raises more questions
than it resolves, especially around reporting, regulation, and a deviation from the financial
bottom line of businesses.

In your initial post, introduce yourself and then address the following questions:

● Do you think that it is the responsibility of businesses to track and manage the social,
economic, and environmental impacts of their actions? Why or why not?

● What value does using the TBL bring to a business, and is it worth the potential
drawbacks of incorporating it?

● What value do businesses using the TBL bring to society, and how might society be
impacted if TBL were not a common business practice?

In your


to at least two peers, use the questions below to guide your discussion. Make
sure to cite any evidence you use to support your ideas.

● Do you agree or disagree with your peer’s initial post? Why or why not?
● What examples from the textbook or outside resources (such as news articles) support

or dispute your peer’s stance, and how?
● Did your peer provide any insight or information that changed your opinion about the

TBL? If so, how?


Peer 1

Hi everyone,

My name is Dave and I live in Maryland with my girlfriend and dog. I’m pursing my bachelors
degree in business with a concentration in accounting.

● Do you think that it is the responsibility of businesses to track and manage the
social, economic, and environmental impacts of their actions?

In my opinion, it is definitely the responsibility of businesses to track and manage the social,
economic, and environmental impacts of their actions. This is because businesses operate
within society and their actions can have significant impacts on people, communities, and the
environment. By tracking and managing these impacts, businesses can ensure that they are
operating sustainably and responsibly and that they are not causing harm to society or the

● What value does using the TBL bring to a business, and is it worth the potential
drawbacks of incorporating it?

Using the TBL framework can bring value to a business by helping it to identify and address
sustainability issues, meet regulatory requirements, and improve its reputation and relationships
with stakeholders. However, there may be potential drawbacks to incorporating the TBL, such
as increased costs and the challenge of accurately measuring and reporting on non-financial

● What value do businesses using the TBL bring to society, and how might society
be impacted if TBL were not a common business practice?

Businesses using the TBL can bring value to society by considering the social and
environmental impacts of their actions and by operating more sustainably and responsibly. If
TBL were not a standard business practice, it is likely that the negative impacts of business
operations on people and the environment would be more significant and that there would be
less accountability and transparency in business decision-making.

Peer 2

Hello everyone!

My name is Jose i am going for my international businesses degree. I currently reside in
northern Virginia but i am from Florida, West Palm to be exact. Would hopefully like to open my

business on day and get the opportunity to expand to other countries. Its 2023 and have new
goals in mind by the end of this year.

When it comes to businesses having the responsibility to track and manage the social,
economic, and environmental impact of their actions. It should be thought of since the business
will have to follow those policies in place to see if they can do what they are trying to do. They
will have to follow the policies in place to be able to have a business open to the public. But the
sole responsibility for it will have to by the government since they are the ones responsible into
keeping businesses from doing what they want, having control but also are responsible for the
climate, social and economics of businesses.

The value that TBL brings to businesses is the actual process in the businesses world. As to the
impact that the businesses will have in the area, city, and country. It’s a better understanding of
the impact the business will have, on the businesses around to the employee and economic
improvement. This could lead to the attraction of more businesses more opportunities for the
city or country. More employment opportunities for people in the area, More jobs available and
more population in the area as well. Its worth the potential drawbacks of incorporating it
because its more aid to the country and the community when these businesses open up at new
areas throughout the world. It’s a better way to grow businesses and job opportunities. If TBL
was not a common business practice it would lead to businesses doing whatever they wanted
and not accounting for the social, economic and environmental would lead to a massive disaster
to all of the three categories. Not practicing TBL could cause harm to nearby cities and areas.
Such as electronic devices like apple, microsoft need to mine for the materials needed to build
there devices.

References: https://environment.co/companies-facing-environmental-issues/



Homework 3 ( INT 220 )




First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share
about yourself. Then address the prompt below.

With the help of the global economy, U.S. consumers have come to expect products from
across the globe to be on store shelves whenever they want. But there are events that impact
the global supply chain and the products we see in stores.

In your initial post, address the following as part of your response:

● List three products that you can purchase at a local store that are only available due to
global trade, and discuss the impact of global trade on the local store.

● List an occurrence (for example, an earthquake, hurricane, or war) that prevented a
product from being sold in your local market or that affected the product’s condition or
price significantly. Discuss how frequently you notice missing products or significant
price changes due to events in other countries.

In your responses to two or more of your peers, address the following:

● Which product are you most surprised is available only due to globalization, and why?
● After seeing examples of events that affected the availability of local products or

services, what category of events do you think would affect the global supply chain most
often, and why?


Peer 1

Hi Class!

I’m Rachel, I have a 2-year-old son, I’m a Marketing student and will be getting my associates in
May. Three products available at local stores due to global trade are iPhones, Coffee and
Clothing. According to my research, iPhones are designed in the US but assembled in India and
China, Starbucks coffees are sourced from various countries including Brazil, Mexico and
Indonesia, and GAP relies on manufacturers in other nations to maintain its inventory. Global
trade has huge impact on businesses, because without it we wouldn’t have many of the
products that we’ve become accustomed to consuming, wearing and driving. An occurrence that
affected product pricing is COVID-19 and the toilet paper shortage. When the pandemic first
began, people began panic buying various products like toilet paper and it led to product
shortages. To me, gas prices are always affected by events in other countries, especially with
the war in the Ukraine; it seemed to cause prices to skyrocket when their country was first

How the Coronavirus Created a Toilet Paper Shortage | College of Natural Resources News

Apple looks to Luxshare for iPhone 15 Pro Max assembly | AppleInsider

How the Coronavirus Created a Toilet Paper Shortage

How the Coronavirus Created a Toilet Paper Shortage


Fact Sheet: Starbucks Approach to Ethical Sourcing – Starbucks Stories

Human Rights and Labor Issues | Gap Inc.

Peer 2

Hello. My name is Tonya and I am a business major. I also live in Texas. I like shopping at Walmart. The three
products I chose are Pantene shampoo, a Samsung phone, and a Canon printer. These products are made in
Switzerland, Vietnam, and Thailand respectively. (Google, 2023)
In my opinion, Walmart uses the global strategic rivalry theory. They enter most foreign markets by using a
purchasing approach. They purchase a business that has a dominant share in that local market. This reduces the
barriers to entry and makes use of the current available resources. They choose businesses who have a model close
to their own. They make changes and adapt. However, they do experience problems. One problem is entering a
new market alone. Another is not understanding the other customs or culture of the country they do business in.
(Truong, 2021)
Natural disasters that happened in Japan caused severe financial losses for Samsung electronics in South Korea.
This event decreased the prices of memory chips for cell phones. (Walsh, 2011)

I guess I do not pay very much attention because I do not see missing products or major price changes very

Google. (2023). Retrieved from https://www.google.com

Truong, D. (2021, November 15). Walmart’s Global Expansion Strategy. Retrieved from Linkedin:

Walsh, D. (2011, April 29). Disasters and demand slump weigh on Samsung. Retrieved from The Times:



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