- India
- heart disease
- India has the largest number of heart disease patients: 10% of the affected population
- By 2015, heart disease will be India’s biggest “killer” (WHO).
- Heart attack dies in 1 in 10 Indians
- There are 500,000 people with heart disease in India, and that number is expected to double by 2010.
- The fastest-growing are young executives: one in eight people are under 1 year old.
- Heart attacks in these young executives are 10 years higher than the global average, so immediate precautions are needed in the early 1920s.
- 4In India, this situation is alarming with the rapid changes in disease conditions. India has been recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the countries that will experience a large number of such lifestyle problems in the near future. As modern Indian lifestyles change, and work-related stress and personal distress are getting worse, these diseases are now affecting younger people. The segment at risk has shifted from people over 40 to people over 30, sometimes even younger. I hope I can explain the dilemma faced by this development through analysis.
Paper format using the following headings:
I. Country of Interest
Identify and describe the country, where it is located, language spoken. You may narrow it down to a specific region of this country, but you will want to be able in future assignments to compare it to other areas of the country if relevant. Include the geography of your country, urban vs rural comparison, income and/or social class of its people, ethnicity and sex/gender. Use statistics about relevant information.
II. Health Indicator
Your indicator should be one that directly measures a health phenomenon. Describe the indicator. Explain why it is significant in your chosen country.
III. Current statistics about this indicator in your country
Statistics should include incidence and prevalence data, who is effected: age, sex/gender, ethnicity, social class, urban/rural, etc.
Important things to consider:
a. Be specific regarding the country–don’t choose an entire continent.
b. Be specific about your health indicator. For example, you may not choose Nutrition as this is too broad. But, you could choose breastfeeding or growth/development. The narrower your choice, the better you will be able to focus on key factors around your health indicator. Refer to the WHO Core Indicators handout in Week One or to the resources listed in the required article. Take a look at the United Nations Human Development Reports Web page–you will want to explore this site as it will be helpful throughout the quarter.
c. Use at least three references (s) used for above information. Cite your references using APA format:
http://www.easybib.com/reference/guide/apa/general (Links to an external site.)
How your paper is graded:
1. Paper uses required format as above using the 3 headings outlined-3 points
2. All references/resources are cited in required APA format-4 points
3. Paper fully explains the country you chose as indicated above-6 points
4. Health indicator is clearly identified and explained using statistics as indicated above-10
5. Double-spaced, 1-inch margins. Grammar and spelling must be correct-3 points