This Assignment consists of two parts.
Part One
: Build a duration estimate using Excel®.
Part Two
: Develop a network diagram based on the primary tasks and a Gantt (Bar) chart for a schedule, using MS Excel, MS Word, or MS Project.
AssignmentGrading Rubric
Course: IT301 Unit: 3 Points: 55
Copyright Kaplan University
Unit 3 Assignment: Duration Estimate and Network Diagram
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Develop a project schedule using spreadsheet techniques and scheduling tools
Course Outcomes:
IT301-1: Select appropriate project management practices, tools and methodologies for a given
IT301-2: Create a project plan.
Duration Estimate and Network Diagram
Assignment Instructions:
Your Assignment consists of two parts:
Part One:
Using the W ork Breakdown Structure at tracked level (in Appendix WT of the Gauchito file (pp. 19–
21) as an example, start with the W BS you created for your Unit 2 Assignment (home-improvement,
gardening, website creation, corporate office move, family vacation, or wedding) and build a duration
estimate using Excel. Use the Generic Excel W orkbook as your guide for an example. Go to Doc
Sharing to view the Generic Excel W orkbook and the Gauchito Project Plan Final files. Remember to
cross-check yourself against the grading rubric to ensure you address each and every grading
Part Two:
Using what you have developed for your Unit 3, Part 1 Assignment duration estimate (which is based
on the W BS you created for your Unit 2 Assignment), complete the Assignment for Part 2 by
developing a network diagram based on the primary tasks and a Gantt (Bar) chart for a schedule,
using either MS Excel, MS W ord, or MS Project. Use the Generic Rocket Project W orkbook in Doc
Sharing as your guide and Appendix W G: W BS Milestone Gantt (pp. 22–25) and the Gauchito
Network diagram (p. 39) for your examples. Remember to cross-check yourself against the grading
rubric to ensure you address each and every grading criterion.
Directions for Submitting your Assignment
Compose your Assignment in the appropriate document and save it as Username-IT301 Assignment-
Unit# (Example: TAllen- IT301_Assignment-Unit3 ). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 3:
Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 3. Provide a zip file if appropriate.
Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT301 Unit: 3 Points: 55
Copyright Kaplan University
Assignment Requirements
Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for
each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.
Please be sure to download the file “W riting Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with
meeting APA expectations.
Review the grading rubric before beginning this activity.
Assignment 3 grading rubric = 55 points
Assignment Requirements
1. Durations reflect Task totals that match with deliverables. (Duration
2. Sub-Task totals are properly calculated.(Duration
3. W ork Packages total to Sub-Tasks correctly. (Duration Estimate)
4. The Levels of Effort reflect effort correctly. (Duration Estimate)
5. Skill-Sets are totaled correctly. (Duration Estimate)
6. The duration total matches the total of all skill-sets. (Duration
7. There is a schematic display of the logical relationships among the
project schedule activities. (Network Diagram)
8. The Network Diagram is drawn from left to right to reflect project
work chronology. (Network Diagram)
9. The Network Diagram reflects either the Precedence Diagram
Method or the Arrow Diagram Method. (Network Diagram)
10. The Resource Leveled Project Schedule is calculated. (Schedule-
Gantt Chart)
11. The time based depiction of the major tasks is reflective of the
network diagram. (Schedule-Gantt Chart)
Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT301 Unit: 3 Points: 55
Copyright Kaplan University
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors. Plagiarism
is totally unacceptable.
Adjusted total points