ETH 316 Week 2 Learning Team Community Profile Presentation

What is a socially responsible effort? Social responsibility comes from the belief that people, governments, and organizations have a responsibility to the greater welfare of society. What each person determines to be socially responsible, however, is subject to personal ideals and beliefs. Examples of socially responsible efforts include, but are not limited to:

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 Recycling and using CFL light bulbs (individual or organizational)

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 Donating time to volunteer organizations

·         Monetary donations

·         Developing green buildings


Create a brief personal profile of
 community or one that you are very familiar with. Your individual profile should be 350 to 700 words in length and will be used
 in the team forum. As a last resort, you may use the City of Kelsey Virtual community accessible from the student website. In your individual profile, describe the following for your community:


·         Type of people who live in your community

·         Type of work the residents do

·         How and where members of the community interact such as festivals, grocery stores, community events, and so forth

·         Additionally, address the following questions in your profile:


o    How would you describe the responsibilities of the individuals to the community?

o    What are the community’s responsibilities to the individuals?

o    As a member of this community, what do you think it means to be socially responsible?


As a team combine your individual community profiles to create and submit a 3- to 5-slide Microsoft®
 PowerPoint®presentation including
 detailed speaker notes
 in which the team addresses the following by
 each community against the others (this slide presentation is
 not a recap of each community):


·         Compare the differences and similarities between the different communities represented by each team member.

·         Evaluate the effects of socially responsible efforts in each community.

·         Summarize your team findings from this comparison and evaluation.


Format your speaker notes consistent with APA guidelines.

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