EE328 signals and system lab

EE 328Spring 2020
Final Project
Now that we have worked on eight labs, we are almost ready to work on the project. Unlike the labs
that we had focused on individual work, in the final project we work in groups of two students.
Throughout the semester, in this lab and the lecture, you may have found yourself gravitating toward
particular exercises more than others. Perhaps you have enjoyed the signals components more than
the image-driven components. Or maybe you like the image-driven components, but you are really
curious about video processing. Or perhaps there is some topic which you feel was glossed-over, and
you want to have a better understanding of it. Whether it is a personal interest or a knowledge-gap,
this assignment is your excuse to explore that topic.
Your assignment is to create lab nine assignment (handout) on your chosen topic. The lab
assignment should be appropriate for a Junior-level electrical engineering course and should be a
relatively short lab (30-45 minutes). The document should be self-contained, containing all of the
necessary background information and instruction (don’t get too verbose).
The assignment should also be much focused. The majority of your grade will be determined by how well you
focus on a singular topic, and how well that assignment illuminates that particular topic.
It may be beneficial to search for exercises from other Universities, YouTube or from Mathworks
itself but avoid outright-plagiarism. If you make use of outside source material, cite it and improve
upon it. Do not just hand in an unchanged or superficially changed (i.e., different pictures or audio
files, slightly different variables) lab assignment.
On April 13th each group should email me their assignment (Lab 9 handout). During the week of the
4/13th, I will bring your assignments (Handouts) and hand your assignments to another two students.
You should bring with you all necessary files (e.g. images). You should be able to help the other two
students working on your assignment if they have any questions. Your grade will be partially
determined by the other student’sassessment of your lab assignment. At the same time you will be
working on lab 9 that was created by other group of students.
Assignment Summary:
• Choose a topic that interests you (or one you feel you should understand better). Remember, a
large part of your grade will be determined by how effectively you focus on your chosen topic.
• There is no page-length requirement. There is no real format requirement either (please don’t
spend excessive amounts of time on your formatting). All that is required is the assignment itself
and a small intro, similar to the assignments you have received in this lab.
• It should be possible to complete your assignment in 30-45minutes.
• On April 13th each group should email me ( their assignment with both of
their names on it and the Matlab code (One email from each group).
• The week of April 13th (on the day of your regularly scheduled lab) bring in your necessary
materials (files of pictures, audio,code, etc.).You should be able to help the other students who
work on your assignment.
• During the lab you will have another student’s assignment of lab 9 to work on.
• You will have to submit lab nine report to encamps on its regular due date (the week of 4/20th on
the day of your regularly scheduled lab) you need to include the students names (who created you
assignment) in your report. It will be graded as lab#9 report for you.
These are some suggested topics for you (you may choose something outside this list)
Suggested Sample Topics for your project
Introduction to Analog Filtering

Ideal Low-Pass Butterworth Filter Prototyping
Real-Time Face Detection
Explain Viola-Jones algorithm; use your own picture
Face Counter Using MATLAB
Explain Viola-Jones algorithm, use your own picture
Object Detection in a Cluttered Scene Using Point Feature Matching
use your own picture, explain the algorithm
Introduction to DigitalFiltering
model the effect of 60 Hz hum on an ECG signal and then attempt to filter out
Image Category Classification Using Bag of Features
Use your own picture, explain the algorithm
Create Kalman filter for object tracking (what is a kalman filter; use your own examples)
Edge detection methods for finding object boundaries in images using Sobel method
what is a Sobel method, use your own picture
Introduction to image processing
Anti Aliasing
Image Deblurring and Decoding
Filter Design for Audio Tape Restoration
Implement and play notes of any other songs that you would like in Matlab
Sampling and Quantization
Speech Modeling, Prediction and Synthesis
Implement Amplitude Modulation(AM) and demodulation
explain what is AM and what is its benefit
Implement Phase Modulation(PM) and demodulation
explain what is PM and what is its benefit
Outlier Removal Techniques with ECG Signals (Moving Average Filter)
what is a moving average method, use your own example
Outlier Removal Techniques with ECG Signals(Median Filter)
what is a median filter, use your own example
Outlier Removal Techniques with ECG Signals(Hampel Filter)
what is a hampel filter, use your own example

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