eco306 milestone one

ECO-306-11159-M01 Money and Banking 2024 C-4 (Jul …
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Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

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ECO 306 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
In Project Two, you will write an informa!ve research paper comparing and contras!ng the structure and opera!on of the central bank of the
United States—the Federal Reserve—and the central bank of another country. Choose a foreign bank from the list below.
Imagine you have just finished your educa!on at SNHU and are star!ng a new job as a junior economist at a think tank or research ins!tute.
The ins!tute is focused on monetary policy. Your supervisor wants you to create a detailed report about the structure and opera!on of the
Federal Reserve and another bank of your choice. This report will be presented before a panel of interna!onal economists, bankers, and
financiers in an upcoming symposium on central banking prac!ces.
For this milestone, iden!fy a foreign central bank you wish to study from the list below and explain how it was established. Describe the
bank’s financial structure. Explain the bank’s role in financial intermedia!on.
You may choose from the following banks:
The European Central Bank (ECB)
The Bank of Canada (BoC)
The Bank of Japan
The Bank of England
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
The People’s Bank of China (PBC)
The Swiss Na!onal Bank (SNB)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
The Central Bank of Brazil
The Central Bank of Mexico
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
I. Introduc!on
A. Iden!fy the foreign country you have chosen and explain how its central bank was established.
B. Describe the financial structure of both the central bank you have chosen and the Federal Reserve. Do these central banks operate as
independent en!!es with monetary autonomy?
i. Please note the example from the Bank of Canada website where you can find financial structure informa!on:
Go to the Bank of Canada website and click Core Func!ons. Then click Financial System. Other central bank websites will likely
be similar.
C. Describe the process of financial intermedia!on and what role the central bank you have chosen and the Federal Reserve play in that
process. How do firms borrow and lend, and how do the central banks help facilitate that process?
What to Submit
Your paper must be submi”ed as a 2- to 3-page Microso# Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch
margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Milestone One Rubric
Proficient (100%)
Iden!fies the foreign
country chosen and
explains how its central
bank was established
Describes the financial
Financial Structure structure of the central
bank chosen and the
Federal Reserve
Needs Improvement (80%)
Not Evident (0%)
Iden!fies the foreign
country chosen and
explains how its central
bank was established, but
explana!on is illogical or
Does not iden!fy the
foreign country chosen or
explain how its central bank
was established
Describes the financial
structure of the central
bank chosen and the
Federal Reserve, but
descrip!on contains
inaccuracies or gaps
Does not describe the
financial structure of the
central bank chosen and the
Federal Reserve
Describes the process of
financial intermedia!on and
what role the central bank
and the Federal Reserve
play in that process
Describes the process of
financial intermedia!on and
what role the central bank
and the Federal Reserve
play in that process, but
descrip!on is cursory or
Does not describe the
process of financial
intermedia!on and what
role the central bank and
the Federal Reserve play in
that process
Ar!cula!on of
Submission has no major
errors related to cita!ons,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors
related to cita!ons,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organiza!on that nega!vely
impact readability and
ar!cula!on of main ideas
Submission has cri!cal
errors related to cita!ons,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organiza!on that prevent
understanding of ideas
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