Discussion- Product liability lawsuits

posting should be a minimum of one paragraph and a maximum of two
paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 100–200-word
range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting
evidence and concepts from the readings and a related experience.
Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.

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Consider the following:

  • A woman sued McDonald’s because she was burned by hot coffee;
  • A
    man sued a motorhome manufacturer after the vehicle crashed when he
    left the driver’s seat to fix himself a sandwich (he had the vehicle on
    cruise control);
  • A woman sued a department store after she was injured by a falling display (pushed over by her own child);
  • Millions of families lose loved ones to mesothelioma caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos.

are all examples of product liability lawsuits that have made headlines
in recent years. Non-attorney spokespeople advertise on behalf of law
firms, seeking participants for class-action lawsuits. This is today’s
product liability climate.

an instance of product liability that has resulted in a court decision
within the last two years. It doesn’t matter if the decision was in
favor of the plaintiff or the defendant; just be certain that you are
able to report on the outcome of the lawsuit. Make sure to get a link
for case facts so that your classmates can follow up and read more about
what you bring to the discussion. After you have read about the case and completed your research, post to the discussion as outlined below.

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  1. Provide
    a brief summary of the case you read in preparation for this
    discussion. Be sure to include a link to your source in your post.
  2. Based on the case you read about, should the consumer bear more responsibility for product injuries, or should manufacturers bear more responsibility?
  3. How does product liability impact business operations and decisions?

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