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For each Discussion Board Forum assignment, you will interact in a free-flowing discussion of the biblical and constitutional parameters for the particular policy focus of the assigned module/week. These posts should be short and succinct (3-5 sentences at most per post) and should encourage greater interaction with your classmates. Thus, you are to post according to the following guidelines:

· Biblical: One separate post (3-5 sentences) discussing Biblical principles such as natural law, inalienable rights, sphere sovereignty/covenant, the Sin/Crime distinction and the institutional separation of Church and State

· Constitutional: one separate post (3-5 sentences) referencing the enumerated powers, Articles and Amendments from the Constitution which are relevant to the assigned policy area

· There must be two separate posts. Both posts must focus on the general policy area for the assigned Module/Week. For instance, when the course module focuses on criminal justice, the Biblical post must focus on what the Bible says about what government may or may not do in fighting crime. Likewise, the Constitutional post must focus on what the Constitution says about what government may or may not do in fighting crime. Specific examples should be used and cited. 

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· Feel free to interact with your classmates, but for grading purposes, you will only need the two posts mentioned above.

You must use the following sources:

1. the Bible,

2. relevant presentations and articles from Modules/Weeks 1–2 which focus on biblical and constitutional ideas, including the “Biblical Principles of Government” article, 

3. the required reading from the assigned module/week, and

4. any additional relevant sources that you would like to use.

For each Discussion Board Forum assignment, you will interact in a free-flowing discussion of the biblical and constitutional parameters for the particular policy focus of the assigned module/week. These posts should be short and succinct (3-5 sentences at most per post) and should encourage greater interaction with your classmates. Thus, you are to post according to the following guidelines:
· Biblical: One separate post (3-5 sentences) discussing Biblical principles such as natural law, inalienable rights, sphere sovereignty/covenant, the Sin/Crime distinction and the institutional separation of Church and State
· Constitutional: one separate post (3-5 sentences) referencing the enumerated powers, Articles and Amendments from the Constitution which are relevant to the assigned policy area
· There must be two separate posts. Both posts must focus on the general policy area for the assigned Module/Week. For instance, when the course module focuses on criminal justice, the Biblical post must focus on what the Bible says about what government may or may not do in fighting crime. Likewise, the Constitutional post must focus on what the Constitution says about what government may or may not do in fighting crime. Specific examples should be used and cited. 
· Feel free to interact with your classmates, but for grading purposes, you will only need the two posts mentioned above.
You must use the following sources:
1. the Bible,
2. relevant presentations and articles from Modules/Weeks 1–2 which focus on biblical and constitutional ideas, including the “Biblical Principles of Government” article, 
3. the required reading from the assigned module/week, and
4. any additional relevant sources that you would like to use.

Module/Week 1 – Worldview and Policy Analysis


In a very simplistic way, Dr. Shawn Akers defined public policy as anything the government chooses to do or not do (Liberty University, 2011). Consequently, these decisions are influenced by others with ideas of their own. Issues often arise when those who influence the government have self-serving ideas with negative overarching implications.


So, what influences our ideas? Most of our ideas are influenced by our worldviews. This week we explored the three major worldviews which have influenced American government and society. The worldviews explored were Biblical Christianity, Modernism, and Postmodernism. As depicted in the activities this week, we learned that our founding fathers were largely influenced by a Christian Worldview. Consequently, that has changed because now we have other worldviews which compete against Christian worldviews.


What exactly causes the worldviews to conflict?


When we define worldview as an intellectual, emotional and spiritual framework by which we: (1) interpret reality, (2) make sense of life, and (3) assign values to circumstances, events, and relationships in our own worlds, we find ourselves in opposition to those who may not operate within the same framework (Liberty University, 2013). We all have our worldviews beliefs, which will govern the way we act, behave, and the decisions we make.


The presentation on Worldview implications for Policy Analysis did a great job in making sense of how we as Christians should make our worldview beliefs work together for our good. The greater good being the May-Can-Should perspectives and how they influence our ideas, and how those ideas influence others.


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