Discussion 6200 2

Separating fact from fiction is imperative when learning how to recognize and respond appropriately, and effectively, to victim/survivors, and bystanders/witnesses, of sexual violence. Although a large majority of sexual assaults do not happen in public settings, in some cases, they do. This is when it is important to understand the experience of the bystander. Bystander intervention can help to explain how, when, and where these kinds of assaults take place; at times, it may even prevent the assault from happening. For this week’s Discussion, watch the video case study of Talia. Locate research on bystander intervention by Victoria L. Banyard and/or Sarah McMahon.

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Post your application of the theory of bystander intervention to the behavior of those exhibited in the video. Then, describe a scenario in which a bystander could have influenced this scenario in a different way. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer

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