CVS Skills Portfolio

For this assignment, you will identify corporate social responsibilities for CVS Health. CVS Health released its Prescription for a Better World report where it describes its efforts with CSR.

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This report identifies ways CVS is currently meeting its CSR objectives and offers insight into future goals. With hopes of expanding its CSR activities, imagine that CVS has asked for your input on its CSR program. Refer to p. 64 in your textbook for more details, then address the following:

Provide three reasons why CSR is important for a retailer like CVS Health.

List three CSR activities CVS Health could engage in with regard to marketing.

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List three CSR activities CVS Health could institute with regard to the employees of the company.

  1. List three CSR activities CVS Health could put into effect with regard to their suppliers.

MBA 7023: Leading and Managing Organizations
Fall 2024
Reasons Why CSR is Important for Retailer Like CVS Health
1. Brand Reputation and Trust.
CSR initiatives improve public perception enhancing CVS Health’s reputation as a socially
responsible company. Customers most likely to support this business which demonstrate
concern for societal well-being, leading to increase loyalty.
2. Employee Engagement and Retention.
When a company has a meaningful CSR activity, employees are most likely to feel proud of
their workplace, which always helps with morale and aids in retaining talent, and attract
new talented people to the company.
3. Long Term Sustainability.
CSR initiatives help businesses address key social, environmental, and ethical issues. By
investing in community health, sustainability and ethical practices, CVS ensures future growth
and resilience.
Three CSR Activities CVS Health Could Engage in with Regards to Marketing
1. Promote Healthier Product Lines.
CVS can use marketing campaigns to promote healthier food and beverage option in its stores like
Whole Foods. CVS and its beverages option combined with healthier food can be presented to
consumers as upgraded business that demonstrates concerns for societal well-being (or educating
consumers about the benefits of better nutrition and promoting a healthier lifestyle).
2. Campaigns for Prescription Drug Safety.
CVS could collaborate with local government, schools or universities to have workshop, webinars
to educate communities about the risk of prescription drug misuse.
3. Sustainability Messaging.
CVS promoting their marketing to tell customers about movement to protect the environment. For
example, highlight efforts to reduce packaging waste by using plastic in the counters or offer
more reusable bags.
Three CSR Activities CVS Health Could Institute with Regards to Employees
1. Health and Wellness Programs.
CVS can improve benefits for their employee by offering programs that help employees stay
healthy. Provide opportunities to get reward for workers to stay fit, services to prevent illness and
of course to have a healthy environment at work.
2. Career Development and Education.
Providing training programs to both new and existing employees to educate them on the products
and values of CVS, in order to provide them with the knowledge and perspective needed to interact
with customers. It advances employees’ careers and enhances the brand image of CVS.
3. Building a Fair and Inclusive Workplace.
CVS can offer diversity training, hire fairly and create groups, workshops where employees can
connect and support each other. This will demonstrate and guarantee that each person feels valued
and respected at work.
Three CSR Activities CVS Health Could Put into Effect with Regards to Their Suppliers.
1. Supplier Ethical Compliance Program.
CVS should adopt a code of conduct for regularly reviewing its suppliers to make sure they keep
moral principles on labor laws, child labor, forced labor, safe working conditions, and treating
employees with respect. If the supplier violates this rule, their employment may be terminated, or
training or support programs may be implemented to help the supplier improve.
2. Support Diverse Suppliers.
CVS could focus on diverse suppliers, looking for partnership with small businesses owned by
women, minorities, veterans, or people with disabilities. This can give these businesses
opportunities to grow by becoming part of CVS (Similar to Walmart’s Program).
3. Implementation Sustainability Standards.
Key components that can be very affective is Green Sourcing Policies. CVS could require all
suppliers use eco-friendly products and procedures, for example: packaging, cutting carbon, and
using energy-saving techniques. Suppliers responsible to submit environmental impact report with
these sustainability standarts











































































































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