xW Opinic X > rubric x Sign In X My Dri x Essent X Select X Join C X R ced/297625-4b44cf0a-960b-43bf-80b6-16f2e5714372/rubrics/rubric_wk2_socialmedia.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=K… 1/2 | – 100% + חח 80 B Rubric: Week Two – Social Media Paper A-to A 90-100% B-to B 80-89% Learner thoroughly researched and analyzed the incident involving a misuse of social media […]
Part II – Short AnswerFA 2022 Instructor: Lindsay Wood Value: 15% of final grade GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS • You may not refer to any materials that are outside of our CMNS 1140 Moodle course. • You may not interact with, share answers, or seek advice from peers, tutors, family members, friends, websites that post answers, etc. […]
You will be writing a response but this week you get to choose between the 2 Ted Talks. After watching: Write a two paragraph response. Please use complete, grammatical sentences. Each paragraph should be 4-6 sentences long.In the first paragraph, summarize the key points of the article. You do not need to repeat all the […]
BSCOM/250T: Communication TechnologyWeek 2 Discussion – Modern Media and Technique Materials Gray, P. & Rackham, S. (2021). Communication technology (1st ed.). MyEducator, LLC. This week, your textbook covered modern-day media and writing for social media platforms. The way professionals write for social media is, and should be, different than writing for other media. Additionally, each […]
Choose a comic and analyze. Applying principles of McCloud’s Understanding Comics tographic novel/extended plot comic of your choosing• 1500-2000 words approximately, double-spaced, visualexamples mandatory (can be as appendix or in text)Less about plot or character development – summarize plot tostart but focus on visual techniques used to advance it• Choice of analytical tools from McCloud […]
Choose an image or other text that you think could work as one primary source for presentation. Post it to this Discussion, along with a brief explanation of why you chose this image or text. What do you think is interesting or noteworthy about this image or text? How does it relate to your topic […]
Persuasive Speech Self-Evaluation (Complete on First Draft) Please provide sentence examples that illustrate the points of your outline that you have included. Forinstance, if the question asks if your attention getter is strong, answer the question and copy paste or writedown the attention getter! *DO NOT JUST ANSWER YES OR NO, PROVIDE CONTEXT ANDEXAMPLES!Name:Specific Purpose […]
1a. What challenges do you personally face when trying to write a research or term paper? What do you feel you can do to meet these challenges? 1b.What challenges and opportunities have you personally faced in the field of professional communications? Based on what you learned, what can you do to overcome the challenges and […]
you have the task of writing both good and bad news. When writing good news, remember to use the direct approach; however, when writing the bad news, use indirect approach. A single upload is fine, as long as each memo starts on a new page Remember to adhere to formatting guidelines, including margins and spacing […]
Help Angela Work Through Her Stress look at the questions below and address them thoroughly in a few paragraphs. At the college level, we expect that you will write full paragraphs that include supporting details and plenty of examples. In your original post, answer the following: • • • • • What problems does Angela […]