DISCUSSION 2 he S-TLC system for responding to conflict teaches us to stop, think, listen, and communicate. For this discussion, read the scenario below. Put yourself in the role of Maria and apply the S-TLC system to help her respond to the conflict appropriately. Be sure to thoroughly analyze the conflict and identify what Maria’s […]
I’ll admit that I’m not the most knowledgeable about issues surrounding gender & media (although we have some faculty in our department who specialize in that topic), although thinking about how gender is represented in media, gender issues in the workplaces that make up the media industry, and how gender relates to people’s experience online […]
This is a response paper, and I will give you an example and instructions on what you should do with the paper. You will be doing part one and I will finish part two. I appreciated it. (part one could be around 400- 450 words) the video is here, and this will be the resource […]
BCOM Writing AssignmentIntroduction to Professionalism and Communication in Business Email Response Your goals: • To implement your business communication knowledge • To practice giving feedback • To apply your email composition skills Scenario: You are an intern at a sales office. Your supervisor has asked you for feedback on an email he wants to send. […]
In this discussion, address: how does Dr. Neff’s view of self-compassion compare to or contrast with what you have learned/been taught about the three components self-compassion from one of the micro-cultures to which you belong. (choose only one) Write at least a ten-sentence response.In your topic sentence (your first sentence) clearly identify which micro-culture you […]
Assignment: Integrate Instructional Software into a Specific Learning Environment Instructions Your administration purchased some instructional software that it would like instructors in your area to incorporate into their instruction. You’ve been asked to provide a rationale for this software to other instructors. First, in a brief paper, clarify the process of integrating instructional software into […]
You will complete a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation that explains what are considered professional and unprofessional attire and behaviors for your chosen career. The presentation will also include information regarding best practices for other factors related to physical appearance and behaviors (hairstyles, tattoos, accessories, jewelry, piercings, communication, attitude, etc.). The presentation will demonstrate the […]
This week’s readings focus on the interactions of government and various marginalized peoples.From the Black Live Matter to the Occupy Wall Street movements in recent years, we have seenhow governmental outsiders—often underprivileged or marginalized groups—have taken actionto try to change certain aspects of the government. The above-noted movements were lessfocused on land issues than they […]
Assignment Content This assignment will help you to better understand the communication process and how companies use different components of the promotional mix to effectively promote their products.Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine marketing communications produced by an organization.Select one of the following organizations to use for this assignment: Google, Facebook, […]
CO 101: The World of Communication, Fall 2022FTV – Assignment 6 When pitching a new TV series or film, you need to be able to describe your idea in a brief way that the producers or industry executives will understand. As we’ve discussed in class, two commonly used elements of a pitch are the log […]