
Case 10.2: Barney’s New York: A Case of “Shop and Frisk.”

Please respond in writing to the issues presented in this case by preparing two documents: a communication strategy memo and a professional business letter. In preparing these documents, you may assume one of two roles: you may identify yourself as a Barney’s New York senior manager who has been asked to provide advice to CEO Mark Lee regarding the issues he and his company are facing. Or, you may identify yourself as an external management consultant who has been asked by the company to provide advice to Mr. Lee. Either way, you must prepare a strategy memo addressed to Mark Lee, Chief Executive Officer of the company, that summarizes the details of the case, identifies critical issues, discusses their implications (what they mean and why matter), offers specific recommendations for action (assigning ownership and suspense dates for each) and shows how to communicate the solution to all who are affected by the recommendations.You must also prepare a professional business letter for Mr. Lee’s signature. That document should be addressed to all Barney’s employees, explaining the actions the company is taking. If you have questions about either of these documents, Case 10.2: Barneys New York A Case of “Shop and Frisk” We are not going to live in a town where our money is considered suspect and everyone else’s money is respected. Reverend Al Sharpton, political activist, founder of the National Action Network Introduction As the 2013 holiday season approached, Barneys New […]

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CST110 Option #5

OPTION #5:You can also “critique a speech” provided below. SPEECH 1: Here is the link for the 2019 Original Oratory NSDA National Final Round Speaker Video Haris Hosseini – NSDA 2019 Original Oratory National Champion – “Simply Put” – YouTube   *SPEECH 2: Here is the link for the 1999 Original Oratory NFL National Final Round Speaker Video NFL ’99 – OO Champion Josh Gad – YouTube Once you have watched the recording the student will write a 2 page analysis (a 1/2page of summary is okay) of the speech/event and evaluate the speaker’s public speaking skills by applying it to 3 “Content” concepts from your textbook learned in class. Please use Ch.13, 14, & 15 to select content/vocabulary. Please define the concept, then includes specific “word-for word” example(s) from the speech or a detailed description of the speakers actions that you think best illustrates that concept, and justify why the speakers implementation of that concept was effective /why or why not. Developed as a part of Instructor Materials for Valenzano III, J. M., Broeckelman-Post, M. A., & Sahlstein Parcell, E. M. (2016). Communication Pathways. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead. Presenting in Public • Formal presentations are often part of life • Various occasions, formal/informal, planned/unplanned, that call for a presentation • […]

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Communications Question

COM 102Argumentative Research Essay (25 points, 2500 words) Topic There is a debate over the return on investment, given the exorbitant cost of the undergraduate degree. Objective Building off the skills developed in the first three essay assignments, the writer presents a position statement on an arguable topic and incorporates high quality research. The writer […]

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Persuasive Campaign (fifth question) Read article and answer questions

Q1:Review the module lecture, which shows how the company Digital Living used a pilot as a communication effort to encourage employees to adopt a new annual performance review evaluation system.  Then identify one (and only one) tactic that is related to consistency theories and cognitive dissonance and used by the example.  Finally, discuss whether you would use the same tactic and why. Q2: Can you think of an instance when you agreed with a group despite your own reservations about the decision?  If you cannot recall an instance where this happened, provide an example (real or hypothetical) where you might see the power of group influence in action.  How do the factors of uncertainty, unanimity, and similarity play a role in your example? U.S. Copyright Law (title 17 of U.S. code) governs the reproduction and redistribution of copyrighted material. Downloading this document for the purpose of redistribution is prohibited. Eleventh Edition The Social Animal Elliot Aronson University of California, Santa Cruz with Joshua Aronson New York University WORTH PUBLISHERS To Vera, of course The Social Animal, […]

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Communications Question

Persuading University Students to Start a Saving Account 1. Assume the role of a banker, create a message that targets university students and persuades them to start a retirement account. (2 Marks) 2. Which psychological tools of influence (consistency, reciprocation, social proof, authority, liking, scarcity) did you use? Why? (1 Mark) 3. Which kind of appeals did you use in this message? Would you consider this message to be catering more to emotion or logic? Explain. (1 Mark) Persuading Human Resources Manager for Promotion 1. Assume the role of an employee, create a message that targets the HR manger persuades him/her to promote you. (2 Marks) 2. Which psychological tools of influence (consistency, reciprocation, social proof,authority, liking, scarcity) did you use? Why? (1 Mark)3. Which kind of appeals did you use in this message? Would you consider thismessage to be catering more to emotion or logic? Explain. (1 Mark) ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬ ‫وزارة التعليم‬ ‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Assignment 2 Communication Management (MGT 421) Due Date: 12/11/2022 @ 23:59 Course Name: Communication Management Student’s Name: Course Code: MGT421 […]

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Fundamentals of speech

1.Book Speech: Choose a book you loved and that really influenced you. Tell us about it, tell us why you consider it worth reading and how it changed the way you think about things. (2 pages) 2.Pursuasive Speech: Change our mind about something or someone: politics, social issues, health issues, religious, whatever. You need to be passionate about it, with a personal connection, but not browbeat us. you need to back up any claim with statistics from a reputable source, the more the better, not all internet (3 pages) 3.Information speech Teach us about something, someone, or somewhere You’ve seen thousands of these in your academic career–they’re usually called “lectures” It can be your hometown, a place you want to visit, a person you want to know or see performing, anything you want (4 pages) Persuasive vs. Informative Speeches Differences between an Informative and Persuasive Speech You’ve already read this information in your textbook – but I’m going to reiterate. There is a difference between an Informative and a Persuasive speech. (Since you are doing one of each and […]

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Coms 321: Identify artifact and briefly describe argument

Briefly identify the artifact that you have selected for your final paper and describe your argument about that artifact. Author’s Last Name 1 Student Name Date Minimalism as a Quasi-Religion American life focuses largely on attaining more things to bring happiness and status. Everywhere, advertisements tell us that we are not good enough with what we have, but need more. More beauty products, clothes, technology, home décor, and just about everything else, is […]

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GSU Principles of Learning for Instructional Design Question

Create  1 to 3 page Summary on the Chapter discussing  Chapter 5 Principles of Learning for Instructional Design. Be sure to highlight the way the author plans for Adult learners and the strategies necessary to help the Adult learner to achieve in literacy. THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS This PDF is available at http://nap.edu/13242 SHARE     Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Options for Practice and Research (2012) DETAILS 504 pages | 6 x 9 | PAPERBACK ISBN 978-0-309-21959-4 | DOI 10.17226/13242 CONTRIBUTORS GET THIS BOOK Alan M. Lesgold and Melissa Welch-Ross, Editors; Committee on Learning […]

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UCSD Communications Reflective Feedback of Reading Material Paper

feedback paper about the assigned readings for the selected session. Do not simply summarize the readings. The  feedback paper assignment should include your feedback and insight on the readings and at least one thought-provoking discussion question 524536 research-article2014 MCQXXX10.1177/0893318914524536Management Communication QuarterlyMen Research Note Strategic Internal Communication: Transformational Leadership, Communication Channels, and Employee Satisfaction Management Communication Quarterly 2014, Vol. 28(2) 264­–284 © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0893318914524536 mcq.sagepub.com Linjuan Rita Men1 Abstract The current study investigates how leadership influences internal public relations by building the linkage between […]

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COM 3300 AJR Crafting an Effective Claim Request Paper

COM 3300 Application of Ch. 6, 7 & 8Quiz 3 The following are 9 scenarios, three from each of the above chapters. You must pick one from each chapter. Make sure you follow the writing guidelines from each chapter. If you pick one that requires a letter, make sure you have you name, address and […]

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