
Function Questions

In your own words, what is a function? If f is a function, what is the notation that gives the output of f when the input is 4? Describe how you would find the domain and range of a function if you were given the equation defining the function? Were you able to accomplish everything […]

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Rational Exponents

Simplify each expression using the rules of exponents and examine the steps you are taking. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing. Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing the thought behind your math work.Principal rootProduct […]

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Article Discussion Comparison

Week 3: Linked Representations in Algebra: Developing Symbolic Meaning (Lapp, Ermete, Brackett, & Powell, 2013)In the article, “Linked Representations in Algebra: Developing Symbolic Meaning (Lapp, Ermete, Brackett, & Powell, 2013),” the authors present the solutions to a quadratic equation of two students, Aaron and Jon. 1-How do your students’ solutions to similar problems compare to […]

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Section 7.3B What does rate of change really tell us about 200-meter run records?

Section 7.3BWhat does rate of change really tell us about 200-meter run records? World record times for the 200-meter run are listed in the following table for various years. 1. Which gender’s record times are decreasing most on average per year over the entire time frame? Use calculations and words to explain. 2. Using the […]

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Mathematical problem

Problem 1We shall work entirely in a vector space V over the rational number. For r ∈ Q, we define +r : V 2 −→ V by +r (a, b) = a + rb. We add the definition +∞(a, b) = b. We continue to use − as +−1. We use the notation SD(r1, . […]

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Algebra Question

1/30/24, 8:24 PMPre-Class Assignment Week 4 Pre-Class Assignment Week 4 Due Wednesday by 11:30am Points 50 Submitting an external tool Pre-Class Assignment Week 4 You’re encouraged to work on this in the lab. See the Home Page (https://fiu.instructure.com/courses/186802/pages/welcome-to-college-algebraa-hybrid-learning-course) for specific lab hours. Be sure to ask for help if you need it! https://fiu.instructure.com/courses/186802/assignments/2631986?module_item_id=8356555 1/8 1/30/24, […]

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A System of Linear Equations is when we have two or more linear equations involved

Instruction A System of Linear Equations is when we have two or more linear equations involved in the same problem. Create a Voiceover Presentation where you— Your instructor will provide you with a system of equation. Please reach out on Monday of Week 4 if you did not receive the system you are supposed use […]

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Week 4: Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution

Week 4: Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution From week 4: Graphing and Linear equations The second assignment (Feb 4, 10 points) The first assignment I couldn’t do it (1%), it needs to be done too I was able to get only 66% , so please if you can help me get 100% So […]

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Please help me solve these exercisesWhat is the Domain of the following logarithmic functions? 1) f(x) = log(3x – 21) 2) f(x) = log(2x + 16) 3) f(x) = log2 (x – 2) Perform the operations: 4) log2 4 + log4 2 = 5) log 1000 + ln e5 = Solve the equat

What is the Domain of the following logarithmic functions? 1) f(x) = log(3x – 21) 2) f(x) = log(2x + 16) 3) f(x) = log2 (x – 2) Perform the operations: 4) log2 4 + log4 2 = 5) log 1000 + ln e5 = Solve the equation: 6) x2 = log 100 + 90 […]

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algebra study guide 1

please see attachment and complete the assignment with work shown and correct answers in the designated answer areas No Work ⇔ No Points Use Pencil Only ⇔ Be Neat & Organized 1. Consider a line segment AB with endpoints A(−3, 2) and B(3, −6). (a) (2 points) Find the distance between the two points. (a) […]

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