
Hospitality management assignment

BAT 313 HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT FINAL ASSIGNMENT Task brief & rubrics Task · This is an individual task. · The task focuses on areas studied to date, requiring you to show knowledge and application in the parts stated. · You should upload a single, correctly formatted document which may also include any relevant tables and diagrams […]

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Industrial Marketing Assignment

Strictly follow the guidelines. Any company from B2B (preferably car parts company). P&L analysis and sales forecast need to be done but can be made up as well. COURSE CODE BCO316 COURSE NAME Industrial Marketing Task brief & rubrics Task II • Individual task • You must choose a product or a service within the […]

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week 2 d 581

Given the four basic organizational design challenges we have been introduced to this week, choose one and look for a quote from a management or leadership guru -preferably one you have been introduced to through your readings and class content (such as Drucker, Deming, or Senge)- that you believe sums up the conflict implicit to […]

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week 8 d 581

The great management thinker, W. Edward Deming, once said, “Any manager can do well in an expanding market.” This point is absolutely still appropriate. The first impulse most managers have when faced with a challenge is to spend more money to address what they believe to be the problem. This may mean a new training […]

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week 7 d 581

During the last few weeks, this course has explored issues in culture, creativity, innovation, and conflict. Please consider at least one theory and one related tool and consider the application of these into your professional environment or into a professional environment in which you aspire to join. Finally, conclude your post with a question that […]

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week 6 d 581

Please find at least one quote on creativity and one on innovation that resonates with you. Present each of these quotes and attribute them to their authors. Then, in your own words explore what each one means. Connect each of these quotes with ideas you have considered during this course on organizational culture’s influence and […]

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week 5 d 581

Please watch the video “ William Ury: Getting to Yes ” on YouTube. After working through this video, please provide a short analysis of this idea William Ury proposes of the “negotiation revolution,” especially as to how it works in concert with our week’s challenge in understanding what is healthy conflict and how to maintain […]

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week 4 d 581

Write a memo to your supervisor that provides some analysis as to how the culture in your unit/department differs from and creates friction with another unit/department. In your memo, please communicate these differences respectfully and show that, in considering the cultural differences between your unit(s)/departments, you recognize how these differences might provide opportunities for the […]

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week 3 d 581

This week, for your discussion board post, please compose a professional memo to your boss that makes a claim for how you as a future nurse leader would change the organizational structure and/or would help the organization’s strategic position to make a change in the healthcare industry. Support it within the word limit of the […]

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  Review the Learning Resources on psychological development. Review Dani’s case in the Social Work Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources. Consider Dani’s case, focusing on any high-risk behaviors she may be exhibiting. BY DAY 3 Post a brief explanation of the high-risk behaviors that Dani is exhibiting. Describe the theoretical approaches and […]

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