
Alzheimer Disease description and Early Signs PPT

– You are encouraged to pick a topic that is unique and/or previously unknown to most members of the audience. Use  CQ Researcher Links to an external site. at library databases for researching and locating topics.  It is mandatory that you use at least three different sources cited in the outline, vocally cited in your speech, and listed on works cited page at the end of your outline on separate page. – Works cited page must include three (3) credible sources such as academic databases and E-books from Cuyamaca College library 1st assignment: Speech outline 2nd assignment: Make a powerpoint – – Create your PowerPoint presentation with two slides. At the end, include a slide with Works cited page for where you obtained the images or other sources used for the visual aids Informative Speech Outline Title: Specific Purpose Central Idea Introduction I. Attention Getter: II. Reveal the Topic/Ethos: III. Preview: Body I. A. B. II. A. B. III. A. B. Conclusion I. Review II. Final remarks Works Cited Sample Informative Speech Title Lyme Disease Specific Purpose After listening to my […]

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Surveillance Sousveillance and Coveillance Discussion Paper

Please read, download this document and use this format to compile your notes of each assigned reading. This exercise is intended to build scholarly reading comprehension. Answer each question in your own words.  * For tips on using this worksheet efficiently, schedule time with the professor during office hours. Background Context 1)Title of Text: 2)Date of Publication: 3)Author’s Name: 4)Disciplinary Background of Author (Google the author. Explain the author’s scholarly specialization & qualifications to be considered an expert on this topic.): Content Questions 5)Quote the main thesis of the text (The main argument will be a one or two sentence passage stating the main argument of the reading): 6)Explain the main thesis in your own words (be comprehensive, but brief): 7)Briefly explain 3 major arguments, ideas, concepts, or theories that are used to build up to the main thesis: 8)Briefly explain 2 of the most significant areas of study, scholars, authors, intellectuals, contemporary or historical events, etc, that the author relies on to build the thesis: 9)Define the 3 most important KEY TERMS and explain what the author means by them: 10) Quote a passage from the text that is significant to you – explain how it connects to the thesis and why it stands out to you: Chapter 27 ~ G~T~: ~ o.-ot. f’r..L ~\(‘e/L!.1.W\ E d j~~ Judith Butler SUBVERSIVE BODILY ACTS EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION I N THIS SELECTION from her important book Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Judith Butler makes a strong case for refusing […]

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COMM 2000 University of South Florida The Competent Communicator Discussion

Complete “The Competent Communicator” quiz on page 516 and find a story about health in the media. Share a hyperlink to the story or embed a screenshot. Reflect on your results, using what you have read about health messages in the media and other key terms from the text to deepen your analysis. Be sure […]

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San Jose State University Communications Essay

Literature Review: What is a literature review? A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. A literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new interpretation of old material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant. But how is a literature review different from an academic research paper? The main focus of an academic research paper is to develop a new argument, and a research paper is likely to contain a literature review as one of its parts. In a research paper, you use the literature as a foundation and as support for a new insight that you contribute. The focus of a literature review, however, is to summarize and synthesize the arguments and ideas of others without adding new contributions. Instructions: Evaluate the research that has already been done on this genre of films. This step assumes that you are starting to conduct your own study. Your research does not need to match your findings. This will allow you to see the far reaching comprehensive understanding of what other scholars are saying. Find 4-6 peer reviewed scholarly journal articles. For each article briefly summarize the important findings of the study.  (Start with the library databases Academic Search Premiere and Omnifile) Annotate and discuss the importance. Are you finding different things as you approach your own study? Is the research confirming some of the ideas you are finding? Why is the research important? Examine where there are still areas of this genre left unexplored? If you were to continue your study where would you do with your analysis and research? Include a Works Cited of all your sources The literature review should be about 3 pages double spaced. After you complete your Literature Review add an “addendum” section: In this section please take a paragraph or two to explain how your research and study will be different than the scholarly research that already exists. How will you be original? Please also include any changes to your research question and/or any changes to artifacts, guiding questions or theories. Your literature will be assessed on: – Ability to find 4-6 scholarly journal sources – Ability to summarize important information from the sources – Ability to evaluate and add discussion to the sources – Ability to compare source findings to your own study – Ability to offer critical evaluation and new thoughts to the genre Comm 145I Case Study Topic Choice Worksheet Step 1: Write question here: How does representation of Native Americans differ in mainstream white- produced Hollywood movies as compared to Native American-produced films of the 1990s? […]

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A1 Business and Technical College Montreal Protocol Discussion

ENV4001: Environmental Systems EngineeringDr. Katherine Alfredo, Fall 2022 Global Citizens Assignment—PEER REVIEW Preliminary Due date: Nov 14 uploaded to Canvas (see assignment on Canvas for exact day/time) The sixth part of the Global Citizens Assignment is a peer review of another group’s paper. Here are the parameters. Please read the instructions carefully. • Each student […]

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MEDC 6000 Webster Social Media Do More Damage to Celebrities Platform than Good Outline

create a thesis outline for my proposed thesis. JaVanté Jackson MEDC 6000 Professor Ford October 20, 2022 Thesis Topic and Premise Statement Does Social media do more damage to Celebrities platform than good? Social media has substantially grown over the years and has brought about a number of changes. The way we interact with one another, the way we stay updated with […]

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New York University Audience and Analysis Discussion

Predictive Analytics uses data gathered with and without your consent (whether you realize it or not), and it is as easy as the swipe of a membership card at the register. Participants have volunteered (or been paid) for having their retina’s tracked or even worn brain scan monitors. The data gathered is used to influence, persuade, and manipulate others (who have not volunteered) to purchase products &/or services, or respond to advertising/PR messages. Be sure to read ALL the articles before participating in this discussion, and then reference them to support your posts. Please respond to the following questions in your post:  Is this too much invasion? Have marketers gone too far? Or is all fair in love and war? How could you use this information and technology in your business today? Politics Online Data Helping Campaigns Customize Ads By TANZINA VEGA Published: February 20, 2012 Political campaigns, which have borrowed tricks from Madison Avenue for decades, are now fully engaged on the latest technological frontier in advertising: aiming specific ads at potential supporters based on where they live, the Web sites they […]

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Nassau Community College Dear Freedom Writer Paper

FINAL PAPER(Worth 40% of your Grade) Read Select Stories from Dear Freedom Writer and Connect to what you have learned in this class! OVERVIEW This course has focused on the Communication Process – What makes it work, what causes it to break down and how we can fix it. You have successfully identified concepts & […]

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CMNS 1140 UNSDG Final Project Submission

WHY ARE WETo raise awareness about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) DOING THIS ASSIGNMENT?  To demonstrate the findings from your research this past semester To incorporate visual design principles to enhance the delivery of your message To apply and demonstrate the knowledge/skills from this course in creating audience centric, persuasive, communication that […]

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BSCOM/250T: Communication Technology// Week 5 Discussion – Analytics, User Behavior, and Preparing for the Future

Topic 10 Introduction TranscriptDownload Material One of the biggest factors of improvement and success in almost any field lies in feedback loops and the ability to measure effectiveness and then make improvements based on that feedback. A feedback loop is a system or mechanism for measuring performance after the fact based on previous actions taken. […]

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