
Watch the videos and respond to the questions using 500 words total

Discussion #9: Intercultural Transitions Answer the following question before you watch the preceding videos. Be reflective and honest with your response (500 word min. for all responses combined).(1) What is your opinion of the immigration policy in America? Why do you feel this way? Now watch the following videos and respond to the questions below […]

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After you finish the assigned reading for the week, submit a written response here. A basic response will earn 2 points per week. You can increase your participation grade, however, by adding extra depth to your weekly response. This earns an additional point. Basic response: this kind of response demonstrates comprehension of the text by […]

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Communications Question

Read the Ethics and the Administrative Professional. What Would You Do? Links to an external site. Write a paper with your responses to the five cases presented at the end of the article. Clearly identify each case and provide an explanation of how you would respond or react in each case using communication techniques used […]

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discussion mgt421

Describe how credibility forms a basis for persuasion. Because learning changes everything.® Chapter 10 Persuasive Messages © 2021 McGraw Hill. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill. Learning Objectives 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 © McGraw Hill 1 […]

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Direct Message

Your company, Software.com, wants to hold its next company-wide meeting in a resort location. The CEO has asked you, as marketing manager, to find a conference location for your 85 engineers, product managers, and marketing staff. He wants the company to host a four-day combination sales conference/vacation/retreat at some spectacular spot. He suggests that you […]

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Communications Question

Heterosexism is the existence of advantages and rewards on heterosexuals solely as a result of their sexual orientation. Many of the things that heterosexuals take for granted may be unavailable to gay or bisexual people. Make a list of the advantages a heterosexual “straight” has. If you are “straight,” what advantages do you enjoy that […]

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Reflections and Critical Thinking questions discussion

1. Why is self-disclosure so important in a relationship and what are the advantages of self-disclosure? 2.  What effects will loneliness have upon an individual? How can a person overcome the effects of loneliness? 3. How would you explain self-esteem? Why would you want to build it up? What about lose it?

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Communications Question

PJM 6210 Communication Skills for Project Managers:Ethics Research & Presentation – Part 1 Overview and Rationale For this assignment, you will utilize a minimum of two peer reviewed articles in addition to PMI’s Code of Ethics to write an essay demonstrating your understanding of the key roles ethics plays in the process of planning, managing, […]

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Communications Question

My research question Proposal: Weaknesses Existing in Amazon’s Crisis Response Management and How They Can Be Strengthened (I have included my previous paper which has the background and previous case) The pilot study will serve as a first attempt at what will become the “analysis” and “recommendations” sections of your capstone paper.  Use your planned […]

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Strayer Univeristy Organizational Leadership Institutional Affiliation Presentation

Instructions Effective leaders use several communication methods and an understanding of team dynamics to create effective teams. In today’s globalized workplace, team members may be culturally diverse, working together virtually via remote locations, and possibly from multiple generations. Along with creating an effective team, leaders must assist the team in having productive meetings in order […]

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