
part of a project

I’m working on a communications project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.  Add 3 slides with more information concerning the project. It can be something related to creative, account, or technical issues. Group Presentation – An Automatic Drink Drive-Thru (ADDT) By Christopher Cronin, Nicholas Feretic, and Andreas Younes Ideas For Group Presentations – Original Idea An automatic drink drive through with customizable drinks. (ADDT). ● it will be done within 30 seconds by a robot machine ● you can create any drink you want ranging […]

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FIU Communications Discussion

After reviewing and reading this case study, find a social movement or political image to discuss. It can be an image or symbol that attempts to persuade. Write a 2-3 paragraph reflection analyzing: the image, what it represents, and how it follows the principles of visual rhetoric and communication. 6 Copyright © 2015. Utah State University Press. All rights reserved. OBAMA HOPE, PRESIDENTIAL I C O N O G R A P H Y, A N D THE 2008 ELECTION The rhetorical life of Obama Hope is a complicated story with a humble beginning. As identified in the book’s introduction, […]

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New York University Communications Discussion

Guidelines Introduction: Describe the problem that your communication campaign is trying to help solve; explain the importance of your campaign topic; identifies and describes the mission of a possible sponsor; identifies a potential target audience; identifies what outcome the campaign seeks and how the outcome advances the mission of the sponsor. Include a roadmap (thesis) that previews the rest of the paper. Target audience: Identify no more than 1 target audience. Analyze and describes the characteristics, demographics, psychographics, as well as, commonalities, diversities, equities, inequities, and any inclusionary information of the target audience. Justify decisions with theory or research. Attitudes and behavior: Identify no more than 1 target audience. Analyze and describes the characteristics, demographics, psychographics, etc. as well as, commonalities, diversities, equities, inequities, and any inclusionary information of the target audience. Justify decisions with theory or research. Setting and Channels: Specify no more than 2 different settings/contexts and defines channels to be used in the execution of your campaign and categorize these channels as interpersonal, group, or mass communication channels.? Consider inclusionary and access aspects of the campaign Design features: Identify at least 5 persuasive design features, justifying the decisions with theory or research, and present an argument for how these design features will work together, ethically, to create an impactful campaign; provide campaign features work together to create content that reflects the integration of diversity and inclusion in a way that is organic for the campaign sponsor Next steps: Present your recommendations regarding the next steps for your campaign. Present a cohesive plan for how these design features will work together to create a more impactful campaign, and what the campaign will look like. You might include steps you would take to bring this campaign to fruition successfully. Style and reference: The reference list should identify at least 8 pieces of literature, which can be primary research, secondary research, or theoretical readings assigned by the course or found on your own.?Follow APA style.? Your paper should be no more than 15 pages double-spaced (not including the title page, and reference list). COMMENTS: Background: – background section is to be a bulleted and reduced to the key points, only. Why? Because it helps you refer back and forth to the background in examining the design features. It’s also helpful if you were to ever create a presentation for this […]

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IGlobal University communication strategy Memorandum

Please respond in writing to the issues presented in this case by preparing two documents: a communication strategy memo and a professional business letter. In preparing these documents, you may assume one of two roles: you may identify yourself as a senior communications manager for Yahoo who has been asked to provide advice to the […]

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ASU Communications Discussion

In this activity, you will describe how well your educational context aligns with the research on this topic. You have a lot of flexibility here, but here are some questions that might guide your efforts along the way: Do the main findings on this topic in the research seem to align with what you see in your context? Are there areas that you think educational practices should change, given what you found in the research? What are 3-4 barriers that would get in the way of implementing a research-backed strategy in your context for this topic? What are 2-3 things you learned about this topic from the research that you think are important to know in your educational context? What are 1-2 things you see in your educational context that aren’t discussed in the research on this topic? To answer these questions, you will, of course, need a thorough understanding of how your educational context relates to the topic area of your literature review. It is expected that as you read articles and build your literature review you will look around your educational context and take notes about how the research relates to what you see in your context; these notes will be the foundation for this activity. Your answers should culminate in a 2-3 page paper that you will submit. Literature Review 1 Attitudes and anxiety examination by secondary school students on geography, motivation on student and efficacy of teachers on science education and how learning in the real world is supported by the brain: A systematic review of literature review of literature Introduction In conducting the review, […]

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Nonprofit Organization Paper

Speaker 1 (00:08):Hmm. Speaker 2 (00:15): Hi Mr. Nice to you. Speaker 3 (00:18): You doing? Hi guys, how are you? Speaker 4 (00:19): Good, how are you? Speaker 3 (00:20): Doing well. Speaker 4 (00:25): All right, so we won’t take up too much of your time today. I was informed, you already know […]

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University of British Columbia Birth Control Essay

Part 1: InfographicTask 1: Create a one-page infographic that informs the viewer about the central message and supporting evidence from either Tristan Harris’s TedTalk OR Sherry Turkle’s TedTalk. Task 2: Include a short, one paragraph reflection (5-7 sentences) with your infographic (see details below). Assignment Description: Tristan Harris and Sherry Turkle are coming to Seneca […]

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Middle Tennessee State University Tribute Speech Essay

You may pay tribute to a significant person from your life OR You may write your own eulogy “Ida B. Wells” ManuscriptFrederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King. All three were champions of civil rights and racial justice. But there’s another name that should ring just as loudly as these famous figures; another name that should roll off the tongue of every student in this country: Ida B. Wells. […]

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CMN 140 Recognizing Immediate Effects Worksheet

EXERCISE 3.2RECOGNIZING IMMEDIATE EFFECTS Think about the differences among cognitive, belief, attitudinal, physiological, emotional, and behavioral effects. Then think about what has happened to you in your life after particular media exposures. On a blank sheet of paper, divide the page into six rows, labeling them cognitive, belief, attitudinal, physiological, emotional, and behavioral effects. For […]

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BSCOM/310T Interpersonal Communication

2.1Listening Listening Transcript Download Material LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the basic principles of effective listening and how they apply within an organization. 2. Understand the value of effective listening when working one-on-one and in small and large groups. 3. Know and understand the various types of listening skills and how their thoughtful execution can affect […]

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