
Number theory

Need help please do you know how to do number theory? Please let me know as soon.. Group A: (Please answer five questions only.) (10 points each: 50 total] 1. Prove that if gcd(a, b) = 1 and ged(a, c) = 1, then god(a, bc) = 1. (You may use only the material from chapters […]

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5th Grade alg

I posted the powepoint that I have to work from, please help. I really couldn’t explain the instructions. Math then Explore Week 6 Dividing with decimals 5.3G Watch the videos below Objective- solve for quotients of decimals to the hundredths, up to four-digit dividends and two-digit whole number divisors, using strategies and algorithms, including the […]

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CMP 4422 Idaho State University Conflict Management Discussion

This is a communication writing assignment that emphasizing the importance of managing conflict between a plethora of situations. I have decided to pick the topic of managing conflict within marriage as that seemed to be an easy topic to research and find 10 academic, peer-reviewed sources. Please, throughout the writing it is imperative to highlight specific tactics of managing conflict in marriage. Research Paper Topic You will develop a research paper that examines the academic research in a particular area of conflict, negotiation, bargaining, or any other topic relevant to interpersonal or international conflict. The paper topic should avoid areas of public policy conflict between political parties, lobbying groups, or other stranger relationships. These types of […]

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Santa Monica College Communications Paper

SAMPLE #2Annotated Bibliography Fulda, J. (2009). Perfectly Marked, Fair Tests with Unfair Marks. The Mathematical Gazette, 93 (527), 256–260. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org.libproxy.csun.edu/stable/40378728 Fulda begins by setting the standard of what a fair test is. The two main requirements are that the questions be a representative sample of the material covered and its level of difficulty. […]

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CMP 4422 ISU Communications Conflict Management Research Paper

Research PaperTopic You will develop a research paper that examines the academic research in a particular area of conflict, negotiation, bargaining, or any other topic relevant to interpersonal or international conflict. The paper topic should avoid areas of public policy conflict between political parties, lobbying groups, or other stranger relationships. These types of “conflicts” are […]

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University of North Dakota Communications Questions

Each “stamp or activity” should be one page (or more) in a Word document describing the activity and what you learned and how you can connect the course material.Discuss the cultural significance of the experience. For example, if you choose to eat a new-to-you dish, what are the ingredients and why are those used in the region where the recipe originated? This will require some research. If you choose to attend a dance performance, what are the performers communicating with their movements and apparel? Discuss how the course material ties into the activity you chose. Reflect on what connections you can make between what you have learned in class and what you are experiencing with the activity. Did something interest you or surprise you? Did you learn something new about yourself or others? Discuss any differences and/or similarities to activities to which you are accustomed. Is this activity allowing you to step outside your comfort zone? How?If you choose online experiences, you should include the link to the site and screenshots. Examples of activities: Eat at a restaurant (or order take-out) that features food you have never tried before. MUSEUM VISITS (in person or online) There are museums across the world with online visiting options, videos, etc. LECTURES, PUBLIC SPEAKING EVENTS, CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (in person or online) MUSICAL, DANCE, OR STAGE PERFORMANCES (in person or online) HISTORICAL SITES FESTIVALS, CELEBRATIONS, PARTIES, HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES (beyond what you typically participate) RELIGIOUS SERVICES OR MEETINGS (OUTSIDE YOUR OWN RELIGION OR DENOMINATION) Enhance your intercultural communication learning experience! Also available from the esteemed author team… Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 14th Edition Samovar/Porter/McDaniel/Roy ©2015 | ISBN-13: 978-1-285-07739-0 Intercultural Communication: A Reader, explores how communi­ cation values and styles can vary across cultures and communities, providing a thorough introduction to […]

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BUS X220 Interview Prep Internship Worksheet

BUS-X220 Interview Prep Internship DescriptionWe’re ALDI, one of America’s favorite grocers. We’ve grown a lot in the past few years, expanding our reach and customer base all around the country. Whether it’s in customer service or our exceptional products, we owe our success to the efficiencies we create in every corner of our company and […]

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COM 362 GCU Institution Affiliation Reading Exercise

Reading Exercise Complete the exercises in the attached document, “Reading Exercises.” These exercises are in the textbook, refer to your text should you have questions or need further examples. Topic 7 Reading Exercises from: Copi, Irving M. Introduction to Logic, 14th Edition. Routledge. 7.2 INSTRUCTIONS Translate the following syllogistic arguments into standard form, and test […]

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New York University Perfomance Worksheet

http://www.xandraibarra.com/la-corrida/ WATCH THE 2 MINUTE VIDEO AND ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW AND DESCRIBE THE VIDEO IN DETAIL. Skip question 9. Answer the following questions as thoughtfully as you can and in your own words. Title of performance: Form of the performance (What kind of performance was it – dance, play, film, music video, music, sketch, speech, […]

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Communications Question

Option 1: Pirate Radio, Radio Caroline For this option you must discuss the idea of pirate radio with specific focus on Radio Caroline. Radio is such an integral and often overlooked broadcast medium. Its been integral to some of the world’s biggest events, it’s an important element of a functioning public sphere, and its been the site for a lot of contentious action. In this case study, focus on Radio Caroline and discuss how it best illustrates the theory and ideas we’ve explored in class. This topic is intentionally wide open, it’s up to you to decide what parts of this you want to focus on and how it connects throughout the course material. Academically, how can you make sense of Radio Caroline as an alternative infrastructure? Have some fun with it, use your course material and have an opinion on this, be thoughtful and engage with your critical thinking. Your entry should be a minimum of 4-5 paragraphs (350-450 words) in length. I am NOT grading for the length; I’m looking for quality over quantity. I want you to think of the depth of your answer, the consideration you’ve given to the prompts, and your understanding and use of course material. Just throwing some things on the page won’t count for much. Take time to think through the ideas, course material, and what you’ve found on your own. Your entry MUST include at least one additional reference/source (anything but Wikipedia) that you used to help with the case study. https://learn-ca-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com/5eac5bdd7f7c4/9547979?X-Blackboard-Expiration=1669345200000&X-Blackboard-Signature=7SFHsXN4xB1Nj9XUg8U%2BIm9hRw%2BQbyHHXiqTWEwMmCQ%3D&X-Blackboard-Client-Id=309022&response-cache-control=private%2C%20max-age%3D21600&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27Week%252012%2520-%2520Alternative%2520Infrastructure.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjENX%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaDGNhLWNlbnRyYWwtMSJGMEQCIAYL3TPD%2BpQ%2F%2FSOkecvJatkWq9y%2Fv4zo4yVpx6BZk3eQAiBhyPM1aD25EKGktGyLEXHcGcg1eXjsU6tE3hnyqOTm2yrfBAjf%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8BEAIaDDYzNTU2NzkyNDE4MyIMtsqSCtlsoE7JWlO%2BKrMEepCWO3wIkhSgikPl%2FlQQAMic2hleoEaEdKclTMiSDyLBC9UZIYxtn6pt2TFwqmzPS0lXWYGmeaCtXZXpeIACoKk97YMBulxFe0Dpxt%2FNw5g%2BCpsZhcYkTKTcvyOzJumdbA3iUG7kcDCiFNcbwtdoc6JRCJdTGdbiaXXsrsGy3i3K3vSkpAFh2ia5osJEmZ2p5088fXr6zOHON1pB4VwPSp8Qxp37knA3Rb1zRXTe%2B8cFCV45gFcequ74gfTuGk7Fw59c3Nt8hVMcFu%2FBI4oadrukmsZHAhVMHsCOXS0pkv7i5qA4Mrr7ZqAerb0tnl6zzExAdp1ljRjaVUuEhmBuXOia0kFCd%2F8j28nsv8fsmMQulolb6yZza7%2FwSWQ3md7uQPjxKM8z0bJbXja1PnmWTvtA6%2FcquDApgXd2Cy8ZUfwK1AuXg2uzQPthizSSalXFAsWPh%2Bi6kFGPzJXtl22RzILMel8nd8EOozSEtFlIyOPJI436Pkt6CeE6gQcwZlYsDFhIKAzwLe6Y0KHeXUGt%2FpuDkerDf9Cvn85kjsKNIB5Xgkv8wEgG3BBDkU%2BthYKE1MxyAswz5FgPl7lO1EvGko24EW0BrFlVw6%2BJlA%2BU1mTu8OrLOI2%2BS89Rgtob2Xp37KmzvSxCGviJbftwnyU6MdZ4J8m0UButXuGiOb4lQZ%2F0aNXG5YYg2JDEyguF5nyr9X%2Bj2awOAvWo%2FvzTx18sqw%2BXgodGuGrBPbODEsRU6Z8vK24w%2B8X%2FmwY6qgHrhCPTfDEMfuhQ6IzmPso3wRDx%2F1DARBkhbrgSPQCpR4NKG4tCpnzF1mOHEGzS43gJ4hQacuqZB1Hqq8Omk7qYqHOe%2B2owYcNE%2FmDI1EUVR%2Fjw1ugjRzbdPyvIfK7ssErrUlkfTHv4rC36GHvUo0rDKEMLNfDtRPi6HVA5q76tfjdBySg8RcRTjE%2BFSkfZODRBMLESDnMFmAus3N7RzIQAwQe4qjZoRmoybg%3D%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20221124T210000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAZH6WM4PLZMTKDFFZ%2F20221124%2Fca-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=865944c41ca370ef5152d8dd27061dbd538815c94e17e07bca6b91c756dea270   25 “STUFF YOU CAN KICK”: TOWARD A THEORY OF MEDIA INFRASTRUCTURES Lisa Parks The word “infrastructure” emerged in the early twentieth century as “a collective term for the subordinate parts of an undertaking; substructure, foundation,” and first became associated with permanent military installations (OED). Since then the term’s meanings have […]

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