
MBA 530 – Milestone One

Overview For this assignment, you will be taking a more thorough look into your leadership self-assessment results that you reflected on in Module One. This assignment will help in the creation of your personal development plan, which will be submitted in Module Six. Scenario You work as a director of leadership and learning for an […]

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DEAR NEED TO REPLAY  FOR THE TREE POST ON   THE ATTACHMENTS WITH REFERENCES,APA STYLE NOTE: THE 3RD POST WAS QUESTION ABOUT MY POST WITH YELLOW AND RED COLORS NEED TO ANSWER IT 1st post (2) As a leader, mastering the art of both serving and influencing is crucial for nurturing a positive and effective organizational […]

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Management Capstone

Please see below and i have attachede prior submissions Analyze your previous submissions, and make changes as necessary to the final paper to be prepared this week. Continue development of the project or research with an abstract and proposed implementation strategy. This is the last and final section of the Key Assignment and should bring […]

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TLMT500 D001 Winter 2024

5-7 peer-reviewed journals: https://phys.org/news/2015-09-high-tech-pipelines-.. .https://www.scmglobe.com/alexander-the-great-needed-great-supply-chains/ https://new.siemens.com/global/en/company/stories/… https://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2012/07/16/the-logistics-of-the-olympics-is-a-marathon-not-a-sprint/?sh=3594ca4163b5 http://www.amazonfresh.com/ https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_08…. Example Template for the STOP Paper: Demographic information about the     organization: industry classification; markets, locations, # of employees,      products & services, operations, suppliers, other pertinent      information How does this supply chain support the      organization’s strategic goals? How does this supply chain currently      support the United Nations’ […]

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BUSM1226 Host country analysis & MNE’s strategy

Assessment 3: Individual EssayType: Essay | Individual Length: 2500 words (+/- 10%) Assessment Brief Overview The purpose of this assessment is to ensure students have a broad understanding of the theories / concepts covered in the course, and that they meet the necessary academic requirements in terms of conducting effective research, application of theories and […]

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Data analysis APA style

https://stu.instructure.com/courses/39626/files/2723365/download?verifier=HjPdaEFxDSqvKKD5Y3JXgpVdFuJ1OxdRNCH0meXE&wrap=1 Analytics Individual Case Analysis Consulting Report Drout Advertising research Project Attention: Ms. JamieDrout Daniel Castillo St. Thomas University BUS -777-167 Prof. Rocha 05/25/24 2 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Scope of Consulting Work and Report 3. Introduction 4. Analysis and Findings • 5.1 Assignment(s) 1 – Review the questionnaire and classify the […]

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in the file everything you need

Lesson 3 Overview• This week we address the issue of Consumer Protection in our reading of Chapter 24 of The Legal Environment of Business (10th Ed.). The federal agencies discussed in Chapter 24 “Consumer Protection: are the Federal Trade Commission, The Food and Drug Administration, and the Consumer Product safety Commission. There are significant sanctions […]

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CocaCola CSR Issues

Write the introduction for a paper. It should be one page. DO NOT USE AI. Briefly describe the company, its industry, and its products/services. Describe the current CSR issues for the industry and the company. CSR Issues: 1. Overconsumption of water 2. Single-use plastic 3. Marketing of unhealthy products The attached documents have info about […]

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Multiple writing questions

The word document is a rough outline of what’s needed, please fill up as mentioned into sections because I will paste it into the online book website. The excel sheet is the one attached for this assignment so please do the visualizations and writings based on that What is the importance of data analysis? How […]

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Business Question

Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment Instructions Overview The Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment is a formal, graduate-level paper of at least 8 pages on a training topic of the student’s choice. Instructions The student must begin by reviewing the reading on Assessing HRD Needs from the textbook. After selecting a training topic, the […]

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