
Business Computer Languages IT401

College of Computing and InformaticsProject Deadline: Sunday 15/5/2024 @ 23:59 [Total Mark is 14] Student Details: CRN: Name: Name: Name: Name: ID: ID: ID: ID: Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be […]

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Library Database

Your project is to design an access control schema for a fictitious library and to implement a simple web-based system to perform primary user enrollment, authentication, and authorization functions for the library. You may use Python, Java, C, or GoLang. If you want to use another programming language, the professor must give you prior approval. […]

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computer network and security

Ethernetor WiFi). Recall from the discussion from section1.5in the text (Figure 1.241)Read your first lab‘s intro and instructions here. Download here.Please be sure you complete all lab steps. This will require you to download and install Wireshark, a packet-sniffing utility we will use. READ BELOW WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT HERE FOR THIS LAB: […]

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Programming Question

Using MySQL SELECT commands answer the questions listed below using the Tiny Videoschema used in your previous assignment. Submit via the D2L drop box the final SQL script for each problem. 1. Write a query to display the columns listed below. The query should list each customer once, whether they have rented a movie or […]

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Build Information Security Program for a Company

ICS 230 Final Project**Project Title: **Build Information Security Program for a Company **Group work: **3 students each (random groups) Scenario: You’ve been appointed as a security professional to head a team responsible for evaluating the current security measures of a chosen company. Your objective is to recommend enhancements and create a thorough information security program […]

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Financial Modelling using Jupyter Notebook PYTHON

Performing Portfolio Optimisation and Evaluating Value-at-Risk. You are given a list of securities and you are required to produce a jupyter notebook that downloads data about these securities from either Bloomberg, or yfinance or WRDS and explains: How the data was downloaded How to choose the weights of the securities from that list should be […]

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aba research

Overview The Capella Compassion Code offers guidance on important areas of compassionate care when working in the field of ABA. For this assignment, you will examine the first section of the code more closely. Instructions Review the Capella Compassion Code [PDF]  Download Capella Compassion Code [PDF]. Looking specifically at the first section “Compassion in Interacting […]

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CSMC 451 Homework 4

Consider the following directed graph for each of the problems:1. Perform a breadth-first search on the graph assuming that the vertices and adjacency lists are listed in alphabetical order. Show the breadth-first search tree that is generated. 2. Perform a depth-first search on the graph assuming that the vertices and adjacency lists are listed in […]

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Data Structures and Algorithms

COMP254Rubrics Correct implementation of the requirements 40 % Successful testing of the solution 40% You must have a fully working implementation of the requirements for this section to be reviewed and marked. Otherwise this section will default to Zero Video with clear explanation of the solution & testing 20% Total 100% If any of the […]

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Algorithm Visualization Tool – use any programming language you may see fit for the project

Testing is Required, I would like the test results in pictures please. Algorithm Visualization Tool Objective:The Algorithm Visualization Tool aims to provide an educational platform where users can visualize and understand various algorithms through interactive animations and step-by-step explanations. This tool can be integrated into an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code or […]

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