BUSM1226 Host country analysis & MNE’s strategy

Assessment 3: Individual EssayType: Essay | Individual
Length: 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Assessment Brief
The purpose of this assessment is to ensure students have a broad
understanding of the theories / concepts covered in the course, and that
they meet the necessary academic requirements in terms of conducting
effective research, application of theories and concepts, problem solving
skills and academic writing.
Marking Criteria
The criteria on which the assessment will be graded are:

identification of key issues in the case;
understanding of key theories / concepts covered in the course;
quality of analysis;
quality, relevance and sufficiency of research; and
writing technique including appropriate structure, referencing,
format and presentation.
Assessment Details
For this assignment, you need to choose one multinational
enterprise (MNE) from the 2023 Fortune Global 500 listLinks to an
external site. operating in one of the following industries*.

Computers, Office Equipment
Household and Personal Products
Internet Services and Retailing
You must use the 2023 Fortune Global
500 list at https://fortune.com/global500/2023/search/Links to an
external site. and also use the “INDUSTRY” filter (not sectors) to choose
your MNE. You may also download the 2023-Fortune Global
500.pdfDownload 2023-Fortune Global 500 List.pdf
N.B. You are encouraged to conduct preliminary data search about the
potential MNE to ensure that you can obtain relevant and recent
information enabling you to conduct well-supported analysis.
Based on the choice of your MNE, answer the following questions. Please
note that you need to demonstrate understanding of the theories and
concepts covered in the course. You are also expected to meet the
necessary academic requirements in terms of conducting effective
research, application of theories and concepts, problem solving skills and
academic writing. Your essay must include at least 10 academic journal
references and 10 non-scholarly references to inform your key ideas.
Part A: Introduction and your chosen MNE (approx. 600 words)
Do not choose China for Host country.
Q 1. Write the introduction to you essay. You should include the purpose,
main findings, and the scope and the structure of your essay in the
introduction. (You should write your introduction after you know the key
findings and the structure of your paper. It is strongly recommended that you
write the introduction when you have completed the main body).
Q 2. Provide a brief profile of your MNE. Information such as its country of
origin, company history, its main products/services, countries of operation
etc., should be included.
Part B: Host country analysis & MNE’s strategy (approx. 1,650 words)
For this part, you need to select one foreign market (the host country) your
chosen MNE is operating in. You may not choose the country your group
selected for the Group Report Assessment (Assessment Task 2) of this
course. My Group Report Assignment (Assessment Task 2) chosen
China. So do not choose China for Host country.
Q 3. Based on your understanding of the course topics Institutions and
Global Business and Political Economy of Global Business and Responsible
Management, analyse the business environment of the host country for
your MNE. Discuss opportunities and/or challenges the business
environment creates for your chosen MNE’s operation in the country.
Q 4. Based on your understanding of the course topics, Strategy and
Structure of MNEs and Entering Global Markets, analyse strategy and entry
mode choices your MNE adopted as it entered and operates in the host
country. Evaluate the benefits and pitfalls of the company’s decisions. If
you were given the responsibility of managing your chosen MNE’s
operations in your selected host country, what additional or alternative
actions would you undertake? Provide justifications for your answer.
Part C: Conclusion (approx. 250 words)
Q 5. Write the conclusion to your whole paper. Your conclusion should
include a summary of key findings and an evaluation of the importance of
your case.

Make sure that you meet all of the assessment requirements.
Failure to meet the requirements may result in:
loss of marks
re-marking, excluding the section of work which does not
meet the requirement.
resubmitting all or part of the work.
This is an academic writing assignment. You need to demonstrate
your ability to investigate IB issues from real world situations, and
present your analysis and arguments based on evidence. For this, it
is important that relevant theories and concepts, and examples
from the case, are integrated in your analysis.
You are expected to consult newspapers and popular press,
and grey literature, such as trade/industry/government
reports and periodicals.
You also need to use academic journals as sources for your
Your essay must include at least 10 academic journal
references and 10 non-scholarly references to inform your
key ideas.
Your essay must be formatted as per the requirements below:
Cover sheet (available for download in the course Canvas
Use 12pt font
5 line or double-spacing
Leave a line between each paragraph.
Use Harvard method for referencing.
Clearly indicate the question numbers. Use headings and
subheadings where appropriate, but do not include the full
questions in your essay as it will distort the word count.
The title page and the reference list are excluded from the
word count.
Your final submission must be in MS Words “.docx” or “.doc”
format. If you use Mac, make sure that you convert the
“.pages” file into one of the above formats before
Assessment cover sheet
Checklist (Must be completed before submission)
• Number of words:
(excluding cover sheet, reference list, tables
________ words
and figures)
• Your chosen MNE and its industry in the Fortune
Global 500 list
You need to choose one MNE from the 2023 Fortune Global 500
list-operating in one of the industries provided in the assessment
guide using the industry filter.
• The host country (foreign market) you selected for Part
2 of this assessment
• Country your group selected for AssessmentTask 2
(Group Report Assessment)*
* You may not choose the country you selected
for Assessment Task 2as the host country (foreign country) for this

Have you included at least 10 academic journal
Yes ☐
articles and 10 non-scholarly sources?
No ☐

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